Jennifer Wiese, ATC/LAT
Sports Medicine
Course Description:
This course provides an opportunity for the study andapplication of the components of sports medicine including but not limited to: sports medicine related careers, organizational and administrative considerations, prevention of athletic injuries, recognition, evaluation, and immediate care of athletic injuries, rehabilitation and management skills, taping and wrapping techniques, first aid/CPR/AED, emergency procedures, nutrition, sports psychology, human anatomy and physiology, therapeutic modalities, and therapeutic exercise.
1 Binder1 package of dividers Pens, Pencils, and Paper
Extra Supply Assigned to class: ______
Class Expectations:
*Be respectful to all students, staff and school property
*Use appropriate language and follow all school rules; use cell phones appropriately
* Turn in homework on time and have fun!!
Late Work: Do not make excuses for turning in your work late. Make sure you plan your time accordingly and do your best to get YOUR work in on the assigned due date.
- Late Work Policy is adopted by the EMS-ISD school board:
- An assignment may be turned in under the following guidelines:
- 1 school day late – maximum score is 85
- A 100 would record as an 85 (100 x .85)
- An 80 would record as a 68 (80 x .85)
- 2 school days late – maximum score is 70
- A 100 would record as a 70 (100 x .70)
- An 80 would record as a 56 (80 x .70)
- 3 school days late – maximum score of 60
- A 100 would record as an 60 (100 x .60)
- An 80 would record as a 48 (80 x .60)
- No late work accepted after 3 school business days and a zero is recorded in the grade book.
Attendance/Make-up Work:
Sports Medicine is a cumulative course and any work missed will need to be made up in a timely manner. Students will be allowed one day for each day absent to complete make-up work. Students will be entirely responsible for getting all work missed and completing it on time. Any work due on the day you were absent will be due the day you return. It is YOUR responsibility to turn in YOUR assignments!!! You must may arrangements to make-up any labs, tests, or quizzes. You have 1 week to make-up an exam. If you do not make-up the exam in a timely manner a zero will be given.
Students have the opportunity to retest any failed test within a given time period (1 week) after the test is returned. The maximum grade a student may earn on a retest is a 70%
Grading Policy:
Major Grades (tests, projects presentations, labsetc)= 60%
Minor Grades (daily homework, journals, quizzesetc,)= 40%
Semester Exams= 20% of overall cumulative average of major and minor grades combined
**The final exam is cumulative
Projects: There will be several projects throughout the two semesters. There will be power point or publisher projects on various topics that pertain to sports medicine.
Field trips: YES! We will be taking several during the fall and spring semester…so get ready!
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns at
Also follow on twitter @HCTCWieseATC
“Not all of us will do great things. But we can all do small things with great LOVE!”
Mother Teresa