2010 is flying away, I honestly had every intention of getting this newsletter out around the first of January and here it is almost the first of March.

We have lots of excitement in Colorado NAIW this year and many ways we can help to light the way for others.

We have a new association in downtown Denver. The name of this new association is Insurance Professionals of Downtown Denver.

Officers are:

Kay Ward, President

Sheri Jackson, Vice President

Shelley Johnson, Secretary

Stacy Reber, Treasurer

Nora Collier, Board Member

Laura Maes, Board Member

Their next meeting will be March 3 and they should be getting their Charter very soon. Starting this association is not an attempt to take members from other associations but giving more options for members or potential members of NAIW that do not find another association convenient to attend. At the present IPDD is meeting at different offices in the downtown area on the first Wednesday night of each month. If you know someone that may be interested please have them get in touch with Kay Ward at

As a reminder L. Jane Densch is running for International Secretary of NAIW and I encourage each of you to support Jane in her endeavor. Please plan on attending the NAIW International Convention in Washington, DC, June 9-12, 2010 to help show our support for Jane. The more delegates we have from our associations the more votes we will have to support Jane. Please encourage a delegate from each association to attend to show our support.

Speaking of conferences remember our Region VII Conference is just around the corner and will be held here in Denver, CO March 19 & 20. Registration is only $120 if postmarked by March 1. IWD has planned a great event with lots of educational opportunities, a great speaker, lots of networking and fun for everyone. If you are new to NAIW please contact Margie Brown at I am sure she can find a place for you on one of her committees. Being on a committee is the best way to learn about NAIW and how it all works.

It is not to early to start planning to attend the Colorado Council meeting September 10-11 in Colorado Springs. I still need committee members so please let me know if you are interested in working on a committee in September.

We have several new members in our state since September 2009, they are:

Susan Plvan - Four Corners Insurance Association

Megan Gillespie- Insurance Professionals of North Metro Denver

Terri Hauk - Insurance Professionals of North Metro Denver

Clare Schachter - Insurance Professionals of North Metro Denver

Judith Graham - Insurance Professionals of North Metro Denver

Pamela Hunter - Insurance Professionals of Weld County

Julie Ann Herron - Insurance Professionals of Weld County

Marcia Benshoof - Insurance Women of Denver

Rebecca Moreland -Insurance Women of Denver

Debra Sutton - Insurance Women of Denver

Annmarie Johnson - Insurance Women of Denver

Mindy O’Brien - Insurance Women of Denver

Charla Collins - Professional Insurance Women of Colorado Springs

Kelee Guillory - Professional Insurance Women of Colorado Springs

Gina Lunsford - Professional Insurance Women of Colorado Springs

Angela Whitlock - Western Slope Insurance Women

We have added a total of 24 new members since July 1, 2009 and this is not counting all of our new members of IPDD.

Job Openings – If you know of any job openings in the industry please let me know, with contact information. We have so many people that are out of work that I would like to help each of them in any way possible. My plan so far has been to send to all the Presidents and Members at Large the information I receive on openings and then request they forward on to their members or anyone they know that is looking for a new position. If you have any other ideas please let me know.

Colorado website - A suggestion has been made to do away with the Colorado website and use the NAIW International website only. I have a request for each of you to go to the website use this website to find information, to send emails to other members and then visit our Colorado website and see what if you think we could to away with the Colorado website. I would like your opinion, if you agree or disagree and we will need to discuss this at our Colorado Council meeting in September to decide if we want to continue with the website or not.

On a sad note – Western Slope Insurance Women has decided to dissolve their association. I encourage these members to become Members at Large.

A reminder that each association needs to be thinking about hosting a Colorado Council. At this time we do not have anyone scheduled past 2010. Please talk with your members and let me know if you have dates your association is interested in so we can get back on schedule.

On the same note, we also need someone to run for Colorado Council Director Elect. If you are interested or if you know someone you would like to see in this position please let me know. I will contact this person and let them know the experience I have had as Council Director Elect and Council Director, which has been a great experience.

I would like to hear from each of you on new ideas or how to make old ones work better. Please email me at or call me at 303-280-2914 anytime.

Only a few more weeks until SPRING. YEAH!!!!

I am really looking forward to seeing you all at Regional, National and Colorado Council meetings.

Vicie F. Reales CISR, CIC, CRM, CPIW, DAE

Colorado Council Director