English IV Shakespeare Unit Major Paper: The Researched Analysis

From the TEKS: Student presentsresearched information in an analytical essay based around a research topic. Student synthesizes the research into an extended written paper thatprovides an analysis that supports and develops personal opinions, as opposed to simply restating existing information, uses a variety of formats and rhetorical strategies to argue for the thesis, and develops an argument that incorporates the complexities of and discrepancies in information from multiple sources. Student uses MLA guidelines to document sources and format written materials.


This essay will

  • Create and sustain an analysis based on research.
  • Produce a topic that introduces an abstract idea and breaks it down with appropriate evidence drawn from secondary sources, cogent explanations, and clear transitions.
  • Forge relationships with ideas by synthesizing sources.
  • Establish an argumentative approach to a clearly posed research question.
  • Demonstrate understanding of the conventions of citing secondary source material.
  • Move effectively through the stages of the writing process, with careful attention to inquiry and research, drafting, revising, editing, and review.
  • Evaluate and incorporate reference documents into a researched essay.


You will select a research topic pertaining to the history, impact, and cultural relevance of William Shakespeare. Your analysis should not only address a topic, but articulate a research question for which you develop an explanation throughout the course of your analysis. For instance, if you are researching the history of Elizabethan performance, then you would want to discuss how (and if) Elizabethan style of performance has influence on present-day theater productions. Ultimately, your paper will be suggesting some kind of argument or conclusion about your research question.


Your final paper must be between 1500-2000 words in length (approximately 6-8 pages, 12-point font, double spaced), excluding Works Cited.


You must have at least five sources for your evidence. More than likely, they will all be secondary sources (history articles, encyclopedia entries, magazine pieces, documentary films, etc.). Your paper must clearly articulate a research question in the introductory paragraph that is answered and addressed thoroughly throughout the paper with adequate supporting research.

Process Due Dates:

9 November – Essay topics due.

16 November – Sources due.

20 November – Thesis outline due.

30 November – Pages 1-3 due.* (via email)

7 December – Final papers due.* (via Turnitin.com)

*Denotes assignment weighted as a major paper grade.

Possible Essay Topics:

English IV Shakespeare Unit Major Paper: The Researched Analysis

  • Globe Theater, elements of staging (historically and present day)
  • Historical influences of Shakespearean tragedies
  • Elizabethan theater costumes, acting history, set design, etc.
  • Playhouses of Shakespearean shows
  • Authorship debates (Did Shakespeare really write everything attributed to him?)
  • Common themes in tragedies
  • Character archetypes and analysis
  • Influence of Shakespeare on contemporary theater
  • Influence of Shakespeare in contemporary cinema
  • Women in Elizabethan theater
  • Female roles in Shakespearean plays
  • Shakespeare’s portrayals of human psychology
  • Audiences of Shakespeare’s London
  • Comparative analysis of a Shakespearean play and film adaptation

English IV Shakespeare Unit Major Paper: The Researched Analysis

Rubric for Final Essay:

Performance Criteria (Weighted at 25% each) / Effective / Adequate / Inadequate
Establishment of Research Question & Claim / Students clearly establishes research question in intro paragraph. Essay fully develops an argumentative claim in response to the question. / Students mentions research question in intro paragraph. Essay develops aclaim in response to the question. / Students mentions research question in intro paragraph. Essay does not successfully develop a claim in response to the question.
Detail and Use of Sources / Student employs specific, sufficient evidence and reasoning in their analysis. Works Cited page addresses all sources. / Student employs evidence and reasoning in their analysis.Works Cited page addresses all sources. / Student does not employ sufficient evidence and/or reasoning in their analysis. Works Cited is incomplete or missing.
Effective Organization / Student uses effective paragraphing, overall synthesis of sources, clear transitions between paragraphs and subjects, and clear connections are made between the evidence (sources) and the research question. / Student uses paragraphing, synthesis of sources, transitions between paragraphs and subjects, and connections are made between the evidence (sources) and the research question. / Student does not successfully use paragraphing, synthesis of sources, transitions between paragraphs, and/orfew connections are made between the evidence (sources) and the research question.
Grammar, MLA, & Written Conventions / Essay is typed and double-spaced, formatted appropriately according to MLA guidelines, including parenthetical citations within the text. Spelling, grammar, and punctuation are flawless. / Essay is typed and double-spaced, formatted appropriately according to MLA guidelines, including parenthetical citations within the text. Spelling, grammar, and punctuation show signs of proofreading and attention. / Essay is typed and not double-spaced, or not formatted appropriately according to MLA guidelines, and may or may not include parenthetical citations within the text. Spelling, grammar, and punctuation do not show signs of proofreading or attention.