ERWC Senior Project Topics-Current Events
- Syria
- Should the U.S. Send arms to the rebels?
- Scotland
- Should Scotland gain independence from the U.K.?
- Should the rest of the UK be allowed to vote?
- Parent Separation
- Should couple have to attend marriage counseling before being granted a divorce?
- Vietnam to Iraq
- What lessons can the US learn from the Vietnam War, so we do not repeat the same mistakes in the Middle East?
- The Sex Trade
- How can the UN, the US and NGO’s limit the international sex trade?
- I-Phone 6
- Should APPLE have the ability to access all users’ phones?(U2 download)
- Are APPLE’s terms and agreement polices fair to users?
- Horseshoe Crab
- Blood can potentially cure diseases
- Should medical research continue even if the crab population is significantly decreased?
- Trying War Criminals-93 year old tried for being a potential Nazi
- What should be the statute of limitations?
- Texas Executions-Criminals who killed children are being killed at a faster rate
- What about executions for other crimes?
- The role of DNA in convictions-cases up for review
- Student Loans
- Should the U.S. Government provide more grants and scholarships for both undergraduate and graduate students?
- Should there be a longer forgiveness period for college graduates before they are required to start making payments?
- Sea World
- Should orca whales be held in captivity?
- Bilingual Brain
- Brain development is arguably better for those who are bilingual.
- Immersion programs-should they be implemented in American schools?
- Should second language courses be implemented in American elementary schools?
- Wisdom of Babies
- Are babies capable of making judgments?
- Bernie Sanders
- Should he, an independent, run for president? He can potentially take democratic votes.
- Chicago Schools
- Should high school be six years? Programs in Chicago offer six year H.S. with built in AA degrees that are free of cost.
- Renewable Energy
- Wind and solar power is a better source as opposed to fossil fuels
- Baby Deficit
- Should Germany, Russia, Guatemala, etc. stop children from being adopted by American families?
- The Millennials
- How social media and technology are helping to advance American society
- LAUSD & Ipads
- Should school districts, using tax payers’ funds, purchase Ipads for all students?
- Ebola
- Survivors blood as potential serum. Sale of blood in the black market.