8:30 a.m.CALL TO ORDER AND WELCOMECheryl Thingvold
- Attendance
Cheryl Thingvold, Pan Benton, Oniel Martin, Lisa Podbilski, Frank Kruger-Robbins, Mayra Merced-O’Neill, David Gurney, Susan McDonald, Linda Villadoniga, Nancy Decker, Grisell Santiago, Sheila Mansier, George Cornelius, Annamarie Tijerino, Jacquelyn Cinotti-Dirmann, Alysse Rasmussen, Deanna Scheffer, Yukari Nakamura, Carol Wise, Betty Green, Gudrun Martyny, Lauren Doyle-McCombs, Alice Hill
- Notes/reminders from Carol Wise, Parliamentarian, regarding procedures.
Need to post minutes on FFLA website
- Approval of minutes from meeting 1/21/12Website.
Annamarie Tijerino moved to approve; Betty Green seconded. Motion passed.
- Overview of today’s agenda by Cheryl Thingvold. Cheryl introduced guest Melanie Bolt, Grant Coordinator for Duval County Schools (details of report included later in minutes)
- Change in Board: FAATSP president is now Gale Jones
Student Award Winners and proceduresLisa Podbilski
- Elementary School:Sydney Garrison,RB Hunt Elementary: Teacher:Donna Guzzo
- Middle School: Carly Cisson, Oceanway MS: Teacher: Jacki Cinotti-Dirmann
- High School: Danielle Krusemark, Creekside HS: Teacher: Linda Villadoniga;
TW Baker, Berkeley Preparatory School; Teacher:Lihua Li.
Lisa reported there were an excellent variety of reports. There were 2 high school awards, one Spanish and one Chinese. All winners received medals and high school winners received a $500 scholarship.
Pictures of winners were sent to Jackie for publication in the FLAN
The Board was reminded that all applications are on the Website and that any suggestions to improve the applications are welcomed.
Jacki Cinotti-Dirmann mentioned all levels on one application.
Gudrun suggested that college professors create an application for college students. Suggestions included that a winning application would include free attendance to the conference with hotel expenses paid. Qualifications mentioned included that a winning application at the college level must be a student in his/her senior year;bea languagemajor; and be a full time student. In addition the applicant would be recommended by an FFLA member.
Discussion included consideration of students majoring in ASL. Alysse Rasmussen informed the Boardof requirements for ASL degree and agreed to write a descriptor for an ASL candidate.
Gudrun reminded the Board that we had previously voted to award a college scholarship but it has not been implemented yet.
Dr. Cornelius agreed to head a committee that will take all the suggestions into account and create a description of such a scholarship and report back to the Board.
9:00 a.m.-REPORTS: Executive DirectorGudrun Martyny
10:00 a.m.Gudrun presented the budget for the 2011 conference. (see attachment).
She presented and explained the FFLA tax report for year 2011 (included in attachment) explaining the continuing requirements for qualification as a tax exempt organization.
She passed out a copy of the “Cash flow” for 1/1/2011 through 12/31/2011, listing all income and expenses. All 2011 Conference expenses are included on report.
Additional items for explanation and discussion:
- Oneil Martin, the student web designer, is no longer classified as a scholarship winner but rather as a tech assistant
- Various conference speakers were sponsored and paid by organizations and publishers. Keynote speaker Emily Spinelli was sponsored by FAATSP; Peggy Boyles sponsored by Stevens Learning
- FLAME is now an independent organization and is no longer on FFLA books.
- Domain expenses paid are included in report on cash flow.
- ASL expenses are included in Conference expenses.
Final comments on 2011 conference. Motion to accept report made by Betty Green. Seconded by Jacki Cinotti-Dirmann. Motion passed.
SCOLT ReportPam Benton
Pam Benton and Cheryl Thingvold attended and both reported it was an excellent conference with many worthwhile workshops and presentations.
Highlights mentioned:
- Excellent presentation on New Standards by Marty Abbott. Cheryl suggested we invite her to do a future presentation at FFLA
- Additional discussion on New Standards. Annamarie commented that World Language standards encompass the other core subject area standards and that we have implemented these already in World Language courses.
Annamarie also emphasized that advocacy will be helped out because of common language used.
- Cheryl and Pam mentioned that many speakers addressed the concerns for World Language curriculum and performance evaluations.
- Frank Kruger-Robbins presented as “Best of Florida”
- A Pinellas county teacher applied and won a scholarship to study in Spain
- Sara Kolhoff won SCOLT “Teacher of Promise”
- Deadline for SCOLT presenters will be May 31th, 2012
- Florida needs more representation on SCOLT Board, which requires a small “voting right” fee.
- John Valentine. DOE from Georgia, suggested as possible future speaker for FFLA
JNCL ReportLinda Markley
Since Linda was currently attending the conference, report will be included in the next meeting minutes and on the Website.
Project Proficere Grant Report:
Cheryl introduced Director Melanie Bolt, Grant Coordinator for Duval County Schools, who is responsible for developing the specifications for World Language assessments in languages other than Spanish that match the NGSSS.
Highlights of remarks:
- Ms. Bolt reported that teachers will participate in writing specific assessment items.
- She requested that the Board suggest teachers to design test items to be assessed for feedback.
- Test items must be teacher friendly.
- The design process needs to be addressed in teacher workshops by experienced test writers. SCOLT/ACTFL mentioned.
- The partnering with other organizations important. Possibilities mentioned were local universities. Experience in writing rubric documents essential.
- Time frame is 3-4 years for developing test bank items.
- There will items available for counties to use to develop their EOC’s.
- All counties must have assessment process in place by time frame or can opt to use own assessments if can prove theirs complies with state standards.
- Important to make test item collaborative
Additional discussion/comments:
Annamarie mentioned developing rubrics for assessing student production and the possibility of teacher scoring.
NAPE also mentioned as having a current Spanish assessment.
Webmaster's Report Oniel Martin
Oniel and Gudrun updated the Boardon the problems experienced because of electronic
“hacking”, and the decision to move the web-hosting services to a more reliable company.
Gudrun informed us that Oniel has spent many hours cleaning up the damaged code and re-writing the script and deserves a vote of thanks from the Board.
Website currently available for members to log in with e-mail and update user information.
Conference registration available and members can pay on line.
There has been a 73% increase in website traffic in the past few months.
The new standards are now available on the website.
NOTE: President Cheryl’s new emails President@ffla.u.s.
Regional Directors ReportsTabled for today. Send electronically to Gudrun, Cheryl, Jacki, Pam Benton
Associated League Reports: Postponed until next meeting
Board Appointees Reports
FFLAN:Jacki Cinotti-Dirman
There are continual problems with deadlines and submissions. New method: FFLAN still published monthly, but will be pasted on website.A blast will be sent out monthly with link to website. Summer issue will include all conference and preconference registration information. Deadline for summer publication will be July 15th.
FFLJ / HistorianBetty Green
Betty mentioned various ways to revitalize the Journal. There are too few articles sent for publication. Mentioned book reviews and student text reviews could be included; also student essays written for awards or special student projects.
Betty reminded us that being published in the Journal is an excellent resume item.
Jacki mentioned that SCOLT publishesthe articlesof presenters in Journal and suggested this same method could be suggested to FFLA presenters.
Betty questioned if she can call publishers to donate moneyfor Journal.
Gudrun pointed out that FFLA exhibitors pay $550 for booth and to get an ad in the conference program and might include Journal article.
EmeritusDavid Gurney
David encouraged all members to participate in helping identify missing children. Google David Gurney’s home page for more information. He informed us that the FBI reports 2000 missing children daily and about 15% of these children are never accounted for.
IALLT/SEALLTFrank Kruger-Robbins
Frank described the advantages of connections to IAALT, and described the organization’s many benefits.
IALLT is hosting a Leadership Conference this summer at Pine Crest School. It is limited to 24 people. Hotel is $99 with a hot breakfast provided. Register on IALLT website. Registration: $50. Membership in IALLT $35.There will be a complimentary lunch provided by the hotel and a free cocktail reception during the conference.
The IALLT International Convention in 2013 in San Diego will be June 11-15. Check IALLT website for more information.
FASA Conference
Dates: Tampa, June 13-16th
Cheryl informed us that there is currently no FASA representative on the FFLA Board and askedif any Board member is interested in attending the conference.
FASA has indicated they are interested in partnering with FFLA.
After further discussion of the importance of having a voice in FASA, Dr. Vivian Bosque volunteered to represent the Board.
10:00-10:15 BREAK
10:15-12:002012 CONFERENCE UPDATE
Revised Proposed Budget (see attachment)Gudrun & Cheryl
- Please use the FFLA Credit Card as much as possible (see Gudrun). FFLA gets points with each purchase
- When making purchases on behalf of FFLA, use the Tax Exempt Certificate
and save receipts to give to Gudrun.
Cheryl will email donator form for any size donation.
- Get as much as possible donated and give the donors a letter using the FFLA Logo Letterhead for their records
- Cheryl will send the letterhead via e-mail or get it from herat meeting today
- Also please let Cheryl know in writing the source of any donated items so she can thank the donors in the conference program. E-mail is best so she can add it to her folder.
Exhibitors Gudrun
Grants & BasketsPan Benton
Contact Pam if anyone has additional items to contribute.
Associated leagues are responsible for baskets. Let regional directors know. Check in baskets at registration. Put card/label in basket with donator’s name. Donate items for any basket. Pam will identify any untaken baskets.
Registration Deadlines and Fees
- Board members meal not covered
- Presenters deadline for registration: Aug. 1…$110
- Early Bird Registration: 9/1…$120
- Regular Registration9/15…$130
- Late: Oct. 1st:.. $150
- On-site Registration…$175
- Registration forms need to be on the website by June 15th
- Presenters $10 off…8/1 to register
- Rooms need to be filled by 9/15, the deadline for hotel room block to be filled.
- Room rate is $139 through 9/15.
- That date is the required 30 days out. The date for attrition is 9/15. We can then reduce rooms by 25%. After 9/15 hotel room rate, rate changes to $189. 300 rooms have been blocked for the Conference.
Deanna Scheffer moved to accept registration prices/room prices/ and deadlines. Seconded by Betty Green. Motion passed.
Conference MealsGudrunMartynu
- Associated League Luncheons are $25
- Reception Thursday night will provide light refreshments
- Hot breakfast buffet each morning included
- Gala is a sit down dinner/London broil served
- Hall of Fame Breakfast: Previous Hall of Famers can attend. Price for them tentatively $15
- Pan Benton indicated that FAATSP will donate $500 for Hall of Fame breakfast and she encouraged other organizations to contribute.
Local Committee Report:Jacki Cinotti-Dirmann
(See attachment)
- Conference Schedulepresented/discussed
- Associated leagues requested to pay for awards for teachers/$40
- Ribbons: buy vertical ones with tape
- Theme: changed to “Get Connected to FL History”
- Posters: refer to previous minutes for specific requirements. Members must re-register for poster contest
- Need door prizes for Exhibitors Hall
Hall of Fame: Gale Jones/Alice Hill
Will be a Saturday morning breakfast. Plans TBA later.
General Session:
Will be Saturday morning at 8:30.
As an incentive for Exhibitors to stay until after General Session, there will be a drawing for one exhibitor to win halfof the exhibitor booth price for next year.
Door prizes will continue in Exhibitor Hall.
Regional directors must be present to present award.
Board ResponsibilitiesCheryl
- Board members required to stay at Conference Hotel and attend the Board Meeting/Dinner Wednesday evening. Dinner at 6:30 at hotel. Meeting at 7:30.
- Cheryl mentioned that she is willing to send form letter to schools to verify teacher absences to attend the conference
- Discussion: Suggested Board meeting on Thursday instead of Wednesday. Pointed out Host Committee could use help. Advise Gudrun if not attending.
- Hotel expense is covered for Wednesday if Board members have a roommate. The additional night(s) hotel expenses are the responsibilityof Board member.
- Sign up to help at Registration Desk (Lauren Doyle-McCombs) Registration desk needs copy of worker volunteers
- Sign up to help check in-posters for contest & put them on the walls
(Carol Wise)
- Sign up to announce door prizes and sell raffle tickets for the baskets in the Exhibitor Hall (Jacki Cinotti-Dirmann) A Board member must be present to collect money. An accounting of tickets is used.
- Sign up to help at the General Sessions toset up dais with name plates
(Linda Villadoniga)
- Help decorate tables for Gala (Carol Wise & Local Committee) Door prizes will be live plants.
- Sign up to help with raffle baskets Friday evening: move them to the tables in the Gala and do the raffle, make sure everyone gets their basket (Pam Benton)
- Sign up to help with decorations and gifts for Hall of Fame breakfast (Alice Hill, Gale Jones)
- Regional Directors must be at the General Session Saturday morning to present
the Teacher of Promise awards for their region and also need encourage teachers to nominate teachers
- Associated League Presidents must be at the General Session Friday morning to
present the Teacher of the Year award for your organization
- Technology: all presenters to bring their own. Gudrun suggested FFLA purchase their own LCD projector to use at General Assembly, not exceed $1000.
Motion to purchase LCD projector by Jacki Cinotti-Dirmann. Seconded Carol Wise. Motion passed. (
- Will use same AV helper as late year.
- Suggested need for language specific room.
- Tech Corner: A successful “hook” for teachers Michelle Olaf will again be in charge of corner. She will make list of helpers.
- Need small door prizes for sessions
12:00 –1:00LUNCH
- All presenters know they must provide their own equipment except for screens
- We will need extension cords – should probably purchase some
- We need someone to be in charge of the FFLA "Technology Corner" and for volunteers to help out. (See above information)
- "Passports" were popular last year – can we use them again?
Grand Prize & Door Prizes
- Ask EF and David McGuffin to donate a trip for the Grand Prize
- Need other prizes donated for door prizes in the Exhibitors' Hall
- Can we use free ACTFL registration as a big prize?
- Other ideas?
Teacher Of Year/Hall Of Fame/MvtAlice Hill
- Needs to be web page for Hall of Fame teachers
- Deadlines discussed: Posted on web page. Date for nominations: Sept. 1st
- Need to check past lists to make sure we don't miss people for
Hall of Fame induction
- Someone needs to take the nominations for MVT
- Sponsors & Donorsneeded to help defray costs – think outside the box!
- Cheryl is working on a Florida Humanities Council grant to cover cost of the
play and related expenses Thursday evening, and possibly the cost of transportation for the day-long pre-conference trip to Ft. Caroline and St. Augustine.
- We have over 75 proposals, and will let presenters know by June 1st if they are accepted.
- Opening Session Thursday will begin with Scott Isert's one-man play: "Matanzas: A Survivor's Story" which he does in French, Spanish and English, with reception to follow. This will be open to the public.
- There is one all-day pre-conference workshop planned: to Ft. Caroline and St. Augustine, with retired U.S. National Park Service historian Paul Ghiotto, and lunchincluded at the Columbia restaurant. (arranged in advance)…price TBA
- There are several half-day pre-conference workshops planned: a morning visit to the Port of Jacksonville, with Robert Peekof the Port Authority; a coordinated business language workshop in the afternoon; technology workshops in the morning and the afternoon; and various others including workshops on advanced level themes and methods.
- We are inviting Robert Peek, Director of Marketing Development of the Jacksonville Port Authority and current President of JacksonvilleSister Cities organization to speak again this year, either Friday or Saturday morning
- J.C. Morales will be presenting 2 one-hour workshops, on General AP World Language and Culture Exams, and AP Spanish curriculum/exam.
- Regional directors: Several Board members suggested a restructuring of the current Board positions was both appropriate and necessary at this time. It was pointed out that the original function of the regional directors was to disseminate information and bring more teachers into the FFLA organization. The FFLA website now provides that information and updates for all registered members. Pam Benton also mentioned the difficulty in finding volunteers for the regional director spots.
- Increased representation: Pam Benton suggested consideration of future representation on the Board of members from other organizations such as FL Virtual School should be investigated. Since it is now a law that all students graduating from a FL public school beginning this current year are required to complete one on-line course, input from FL Virtual is important. It was mentioned that FFLA could be the representative organization for additional organizations with the same objective of providing advocacy for World Languages.
- Susan McDonald made a motion to form a committee to investigate ways to restructure the Board and to review the resulting changes in the current constitution.
Motion seconded by Betty Green. Motion carried.