/ Courses and Curricula Committee Meeting
September 16, 2014
Official Minutes

I.Roll Call

/ X / Allemand, Kristina / X / Eiermann, Jason / X / Smith-Martin, Arrianna / (Non-Voting Members)
Boudreaux, Natalie / X / LeBlanc, Becky / X / Theriot, Les (SGA) / X / Andrews, Robin
X / Bourgeois, Claire / X / Lefort, Tiffany (SGA) / X / Thibodeaux, Bill / Mauldin, Shawn
X / Breaux, Kevin / Plaisance, DesLey / Rodrigue, Kelly
X / Davis, Earl / Scott, Brigett / X / Tonn, Anke
Meeting called to order at 2:45p.m. with quorum.
  1. Approval of Minutes
/ None
  1. Old Business
/ None
  1. New Business

Committee Charge
Kimberly Reynolds, Faculty Senate Vice President, charged the Committee:
Purpose of the Committee
  • Make recommendations on policies and procedures regarding the undergraduate curriculum and academic programs
  • Serve as a review board for proposed courses and curricula changes, and make recommendations for accepted changes
  • Report to the VPAA through the Faculty Senate (this includes Minutes being updated once a semester to Faculty Senate)

Membership consists of
  • One faculty member from each academic college elected through the Faculty Senate Committee on Committees
  • One faculty member from each academic college appointed by the VPAA from nominations submitted by the Committee on Committees
  • The Acquisitions Librarian, non-voting
  • The Director of Continuing Education, non-voting
  • One representative of the Deans’ Council appointed by the VPAA, non-voting
  • One representative of Records and Registration appointed by the VPAA, non-voting
  • One representative of Enrollment Services appointed by the VP for Student Affairs and Enrollment Services, non-voting
  • Two students appointed by SGA
Duties and Procedures
  • Convene by the Chair once a semester and otherwise as needed
  • Review, coordinate, and encourage cooperation within the academic units of the University
  • Call for Catalog changes and submissions from all departments
  • Review all undergraduate courses and curricula changes prior to making recommendations for acceptance or rejection of each
  • Coordinate with university staff responsible for preparation of the undergraduate/graduate Catalog
  • Submit recommendations to Faculty Senate for action
Each Committee shall keep minutes of the meeting and disseminate those minutes within 5 working days but not to exceed 10 working days.
Kristina Allemand was nominated as Chair of the Committee for the fall and spring semester.
Nomination by: K. Breaux. Seconded: B. Thibodeaux. Vote: unanimous approval.

V.Other Business

/ The Committee’s next meeting will be on September 30th. Reminder: The meetings are open--anyone can attend.
  1. Adjournment
/ Meeting adjourned at 2:51 p.m.

APPROVED xx/xx/14______

Kristina Allemand, Chair, University Courses & Curricula Committee