Additional published information
The information in this document further demonstrates the Department of Justice and
Attorney-General’s organisational effectiveness. This document covers:
§ consultancies
§ overseas travel
§ Queensland Multicultural Policy – (Queensland Multicultural Action Plan: 2011-14).
The Department incurred consultancies cost of $214 490 including the cost incurred in respect of the statutory review of the Crime and Misconduct Act 2001.
Major consultancies for 2012-13 included:
§ review of the Office of Public Prosecutions
Consultancy category / Expenditure ($)Professional and Technical / 214 490
Financial and Accounting / 0
Administration / 0
Human resource management / 0
Communication / 0
§ review of the Crime and Misconduct Act 2001.
This section provides a summary of overseas travel by judicial and departmental officers on official business. These are actual costs to the Department during 2012-13 including, in some cases, costs carried over for periods of travel occurring before 1 July 2012. These travel expenses exclude judicial entitlements that are available on the courts website,
Name / Position / Institution/ Division / Date/ month / Destination/ Country / Reason for travel / Agency costs($) / Contribution from other agencies or sources ($) / Notes /
Colin Liddell / Senior Equipment Safety Advisor / Electrical Safety Office / 28-30 March 2012 / Auckland, New Zealand / Attend Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) / 70 / Nil / 1
The Hon Paul de Jersey AC (accompanied by Mrs de Jersey) / Chief Justice of Queensland / Supreme Court of Queensland / 22 Sept to 7 Oct 2012 / London, Great Britain and Dublin, Republic of Ireland / Attend International Bar Association (IBA) annual conference in Dublin and court-related engagements in London / 33 411 / Nil / 2
The Hon Paul de Jersey AC (accompanied by Mrs de Jersey) / Chief Justice of Queensland / Supreme Court of Queensland / 25 June-5 July 2013 / Singapore, London, Great Britain and Bologna combined with
Rome, Italy / Court-related meetings in Singapore and London, attend Australian Bar Association (ABA) conferences in Bologna and Rome / 25 692 / Nil / 2
Julie Steel / Executive Director / Supreme District and Land Courts Service / 7-9 March 2013 / New Zealand / Attend Australasian Institute of Judicial Administration (AIJA) / 139 / Paid by officer other than incidentals / n/a
Paul Ramage,
Nathan Bench,
Micheal Reeves,
Peter Brandon / A/Regional Director Sunshine Coast and West Queensland (SCWQ) Region
Manager, Courts Service Centre
Business Improvement Coordinator
Deputy Senior Registrar / Regional Operations-Queensland Court Services
Information and Court Technology
Court Policy Procedure and Legal
Southport Magistrates and District Courts / 3-9 February 2013 / Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea / Conduct review of the administration of the Criminal Justice System of Papua New Guinea as per MOU agreement between both Supreme Court Chief Justices. / 980 / Paid by PNG Supreme Court other than incidentals / 4
Brian Richardson / Director - Equipment Safety / Electrical Safety Office / 19-24 February 2012 / Wellington, New Zealand / Electrical Regulatory Authorities Council (ERAC) Equipment working group committee meeting and Standards Australia Committee meeting / 53 / Nil / 1
Terry Ryan / Deputy Director-General, Justice Services / Justice Services / 7-9 March 2013 / Wellington, New Zealand / Attend Australasian Courts Administrators Group (ACAG) / 933 / Nil / n/a
Chief Judge Patricia M Wolfe / Chief Judge / District Court of Queensland / 18-19 Nov 2012 / New Zealand / Attend meeting of Council of Chief Judges of Australia and New Zealand / 3 779 / Nil / n/a
The Honourable Justice Margaret McMurdo and spouse, The Honourable Justice Philip D McMurdo / President, Court of Appeal / Supreme Court of Queensland / 20-22 May 2013
2-8 June 2013 / Washington, DC, USA combined with Cape Sounion, Greece / Attend Annual American Law Institute meeting and 14th Greek/Australian International Legal and Medical Conference / 45 900 / Nil / 3
The Honourable Justice Margaret McMurdo and spouse, The Honourable Justice Philip D McMurdo / President, Court of Appeal / Supreme Court of Queensland / 2-5 May 2012 / London, Great Britain / Attend International Association of Women Judges Conference (IAWJ) / 7 014 / Nil / 1, 3
1. Previous year’s travel (2011-12)
2. This trip is in accordance with the Chief Justice Entitlement Booklet paragraph 1.1 Schedule A
3. This trip is in accordance with the President, Court of Appeal Entitlement Booklet paragraph 1.1 Schedule A
4. The figure originally placed in this document was incorrect as monies received from the PNG Supreme Court were not correctly coded against the cost centre and not accurately reflected. Full payment of all costs other than overseas incidental allowance of $245 per person for the week was paid for by the PNG Supreme Court. The overseas incidental allowance was the only claimable amount under the award that was required to be paid for by the Qld Courts.
Performance indicators / Measure / Notes /
Number of staff that have participated in cultural competence training annually / 101 / n/a
Amount spent annually on interpreters engaged by department and government funded non-government organisations ($) / 439 796 / 1
Number of interpreters engaged annually by the department and government funded non-government organisations / 1 095 / 2
Number of key information publications translated into languages other than English, annually / 2 / n/a
Number of languages in which publications are available / 23 / 3
Number of information sessions or workshops held for people from CALD backgrounds / 33 / n/a
Number of CALD groups, peak bodies and other stakeholders consulted or engaged annually on the development or implementation of department projects, services, policies and programs / 7 / n/a
Number of staff indicating they are from a non-English speaking background / 475 / 4
Number of complaints about racial discrimination within the department / nil / n/a
1. Total includes all DJAG business areas, including $327 972 spent by Queensland Courts Service (QCS) for interpreters.
2. This figure does not include all the Department's business areas, as not all areas have the capacity to capture the number of interpreters used.
3. Languages for various services.
4. This figure is calculated on the Employee Equal Opportunity data and may not align with fortnightly headcount figures.
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Additional published information