Table of Contents
1. Conclusion of the Council of Higher Education on the implementation of the academic Bachelor and Master’s study programmes “Theology” ...... 2
2. Decision on submitting documentation for obtaining licence and re-accreditation: Extract from the Senate meeting N 4, April 2, 2003……………………………………………………...... 4
3. Academic Master’s study programme “Theology”: Self-appraisal report....6
4. Supplements ...... 23
21 Meistaru street, Riga, LV 1050, Phone 7223392, Fax 7220423
February 12, 2004
To the Minister of Education and Science of Republic of Latvia
Kārlis Šadurskis
To the Rector of Latvian Christian Academy
Skaidrīte Gūtmane
Regarding the implementation of the academic Bachelor and Master’s study programme “Theology” at Latvian Christian Academy, based on the decision No. 12 by the Council of Higher Education from May 10, 2001, “Criteria for Conclusions of the Council of Higher Education on Academic Study Programmes with less than 250 Full-time Students”
State of Affairs
· Programmes
The accreditation of the academic Bachelor and Master’s study programme, implemented at Latvian Christian Academy, has expired on December 31, 2003. The programmes are submitted for re-accreditation. Both study programmes have been implemented at Latvian Christian Academy since 1997. The implementation of the programmes is directed towards innovations, towards concepts, which can provide for competitive development of theology in the European Union.
· Students
Presently a total of 72 students are involved in both programmes, 54 of them in the Bachelor’s and 18 of them in the Master’s programme.
· Academic staff
In the implementation of the mandatory and mandatory-optional parts of the programmes 4 professors and 2 associate professors are involved on a contract basis. It is also intended to involve 4 guest professors – scientific and research consultants in the programmes.
Compliance with the decision No. 12 by the Council of Higher Education from May 10, 2001, “Criteria for Conclusions of the Council of Higher Education on Academic Study Programmes with less than 250 full-time Students”
1. A sufficient number of professors and associate professors are involved in the implementation of the programmes.
2. The programmes are significant to the development of both the state and region.
3. Similar study programme is implemented at University of Latvia, which emphasizes religious studies. Latvian Christian Academy focuses on interdisciplinarity of theology and social sciences.
4. Integration of the programme “Theology” into similar programmes at Latvian Christian Academy is not possible due to lack of such programmes.
5. There is a demand for theology experts in Latvia.
6. Tuition fee is LVL 550 per academic year in the Bachelor’s programme, and LVL 650 per academic year in the Master’s programme.
Conclusion: Council of Higher Education doe not object to the continual implementation of the academic Bachelor and Master’s study programme at Latvian Christian Academy.
Board Chairman /signed/ B. Rivža
Bulduru prospekts 21Bulduri, LV-2010
Jūrmala, Latvija / Ttālrunis: 7753360
Fakss: 7751919
From the Senate meeting No.4, on April 28, 2003
8. Approval of the study programmes and decision on submitting documentation for obtaining licence and re-accreditation
2. The following documentation has to be prepared for re-accreditation:
2.1. Academic Bachelor’s study programme “Theology”;
2.2. Academic Master’s study programme “Theology”;
2.3. Professional Bachelor’s study programme “Social charity worker – deacon”.
Quality estimation of the programmes has been finished. It is necessary to focus on students’ praxis. The tasks to attend to are to summarize the self-appraisal reports, the results of students’ praxis conferences and sociological surveys. The study programme should be prepared for re-accreditation. The Senate has to approve of the licensing and re-accreditation documentation.
The Senate members vote. The results of voting are as follows:
For / Against / Refrain10 / 0 / 0
Decision No.8
2. Submit for re-accreditation:
2.1. The documentation of the academic Bachelor’s study programme “Theology” to the Accreditation Committee, Department of Education and Science, the Ministry of Education and Science of Republic of Latvia;
2.2. The documentation of the academic Master’s study programme “Theology” to the Accreditation Committee at Department of Education and Science, the Ministry of Education and Science of Republic of Latvia;
2.3. The documentation of the professional Bachelor’s study programme “Social charity worker – deacon” to the Accreditation Committee, Department of Education and Science, the Ministry of Education and Science of Republic of Latvia.
Rector of Latvian Christian Academy /signed/ S. Gutmane
Jurmala, January 10, 2004
Approved by the Senate
August 29, 2003, prot. No. 6
Academic Master’s study programme
Self-appraisal report
Table of Contents
1. The study programme and study plans ...... 8
1.1. Goals and tasks of the study programme.…...... 8
1.2. Contents of the study programme...... 8
1.3. Study courses, credit points, their distribution in semesters...... 9
1.4. Master’s thesis ………...... 9
1.5. Description of the study courses...... 9
1.6. Changes in the number of credits and contents of the study programme.....10
1.7. Changes in the implementation of the study programme ...... 10
2. The comparison of the study programme with:
2.1. A study programme of the same level in Latvia ...... 11
2.2. Two analogical study programmes at the EU universities ……...... 11
3. Forecasted evaluation of the study programme...... 12
3.1. Compliance of the study programme with the standard of academic education...... ……………………………………………………………..12
3.2. Forecasted evaluation of the study programme from the perspective of interests of Latvia …...... 12
4. Development plan of the study programme …...... 13
5. Study provision and management...... 13
5.1. Materio-technical and methodological provision for the study programme………………………………………………………………….13
5.2. Development plan of the materio-technical and information base for the implementation of the study programme ………...... ………...14
5.3. Management of the study programme ...... 15
6. Practical implementation of the study programme....…...... 17
6.1. Teaching methods …...... 17
6.2. Resources for implementation of the study programme...... …...... 17
6.3. Student involvement in research……...... …….....17
6.4. Cooperation with other universities and international cooperation...... 17
7. Evaluation system...... 17
8. Academic staff ………...... 17
8.1. Distribution of academic qualifications…...... 17
8.2. Raising quality of the academic staff……….…...... 19
8.3. Policy of staff selection, renewal, training and development……...... 19
9. Creative work and research…………………...... 20
9.1. Dissertations…...... …...... 20
9.2. Participation in international research projects...... 20
10. Quality estimation system…………...... 21
11. Conclusion (strengths and weaknesses of the study programme implementation)....22
1. The study programme and study plans
1.1. Goals and tasks of the study programme
Goals of the study programme:
· To provide students with in-depth fundamental knowledge in theology;
· To grow in ability to analyse texts and resources;
· To develop the capacity to think critically;
· To provide qualification corresponding to the modern-day European level in the field;
· To strengthen research and communication skills;
· To equip students to conduct a research for further independent research and advanced degree work.
Tasks of the study programme:
· To foster the application of theoretical knowledge and research skills to solving of a specific theological problem;
· To prepare qualified research experts in the area of theology.
The goals and tasks of the study programme have not been changed since its accreditation in 1997. They have been formulated in “The Collective Assessment of the Evaluation Committee on Latvian Christian Academy” – coherence of theological study courses with the humanities (psychology, sociology, philosophy, history, et al.) courses.
The Committee concluded that the academic study programme is conscientiously developed, based on the respective European study programmes and adopted to the specific needs of Latvia.
1.2. Contents of the study programme
The study programme consists of 80 credit points, of which 10 credit points are awarded for the examination in speciality and 25 credit points – for Master’s thesis.
The contents of the study programme is as follows:
Theoretical courses in theology / Courses aimed at approbation of theoretical knowledge in the context of contemporary problemsMethod of Integrative Theology -
4 credit points / Legislation Pertaining to Human Rights, Religion and Church - 2 credit points
Christology - 2 credit points / Social Legislation in Latvia - 2 credit points
Actual topics in the New Testament research - 3 credit points / Christian Ethics – 4 credit points
Hamartology - 2 credit points / Sociology of Education and Social Pedagogy – 2 credit points
Eschatology - 1 credit points / General Psychology. Christian Psychology – 3 credit points
Methods of Exegesis - 4 credit points / Biblical Anthropology - 2 credit points
The Problem of Religion in Modern Philosophy - 10 credit points
Biblical Hebrew – 2 credit points
New Testament Greek – 2 credit points
Total: 30 credit points / Total: 15 credit points
1.3. Study courses, credit points, their distribution in semesters
No. / Study course / SemesterTotal / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
1. / Christology / 2 / 2
2. / Actual topics in the New Testament research / 3 / 3
3. / Social Legislation in Latvia / 2 / 2
4. / Biblical Anthropology / 2 / 2
5. / The Problem of Religion in Modern Philosophy / 10 / 2 / 4 / 3 / 1
6. / Hamartology / 2 / 2
7. / Eschatology / 1 / 1
8. / Legislation Pertaining to Human Rights, Religion and Church / 2 / 2
9. / Method of Integrative Theology / 4 / 2 / 2
10. / General Psychology. Christian Psychology / 3 / 1 / 2
11. / Methods of Exegesis / 4 / 2 / 2
12. / Christian Ethics / 4 / 2 / 2
13 / Biblical Hebrew / 2 / 2
14. / New Testament Greek / 2 / 2
13. / Sociology of Education and Social Pedagogy / 2 / 2
Examination / 10 / 10
Thesis and its defence / 25 / 25
Total: / 80
1.4. Master’s thesis
Master’s thesis in theology is a research with original contribution to the selected field. The thesis should be prepared in compliance with the standards of research publications. It is 100 pages long in computer-type. It includes a summary in a foreign language, a review of the sources used and their list.
The examination in speciality is aimed at testing knowledge outside students’ chosen field, for example, the examination for a student majoring in the History of theology includes issues of Anthropology, Apologetics, and Christian ethics.
1.5. Description of the study courses. Supplement No.1 (p. 24)
1.6. Changes in the number of credits and contents of the study programme
Minor corrections have been applied to the amount of credit points awarded for several courses, to bring the study programme in compliance with the requirements of the “Regulations on State Standard of Academic Education”, passed by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia in 2002.
The Master’s programme of Latvian Christian Academy was brought into compliance with the above “Regulations” by increasing the amount of credit points awarded for several courses.
Credit points for mandatory theoretical courses in the programme accredited in 1997 / Adjusting of the amount of credit points for mandatory theoretical courses to the “Regulations” of the Cabinet of Ministers30 credit points / 30 credit points
Courses aimed at approbation of theoretical knowledge in the context of contemporary problems
10 credit points / According to the Regulations, the number of credits is increased to
15 credit points
1.7. Changes in the implementation of the study programme
The changes in the implementation of the study programme result from the changes in the study programme and study plan. Now courses include independent research and analysis assignments, with their themes corresponding to those of Master’s thesis. Thus they foster acquisition of the course material, development of creative abilities and mastering of research methodology. For example, students have conducted independent theological analytical research on the theme “Conflict – the Central Event of Modern Civilization”. Master’s examination has been retained as a part of the study programme and requirements for obtaining this degree.
2. The comparison of the study programme with:
2.1. A study programme of the same level in Latvia: The Faculty of Theology, University of Latvia
The study programme has been compared with the study programme at the Faculty of Theology, University of Latvia. The document, attesting to the comparison, is accessible in the Rector’s Office at Latvian Christian Academy and from the Dean of the Faculty of Theology, University of Latvia, Dr. Juris Cālītis. The programmes are similar, but they vary in their research focus. Research conducted at Latvian Christian Academy is aimed at the contemporary social issues of Latvia, while the Faculty of Theology focuses mainly on religious studies.
For this reason the study programme at Latvian Christian Academy includes such courses as Legislation Pertaining to Human Rights, Religion and Church, and Christian Ethics. The programme of Latvian Christian Academy has a stronger emphasis on courses of approbation of theological knowledge.
2.2. Two analogous study programmes at the EU universities
The study programme has been compared to the study programme of the Faculty of Theology, University of Freiburg (Germany) and the Theology programme at the University of Århus (Danmark).
The study programme has been compared to the Master of Theology study programme of the Faculty of Theology, University of Tartu.
Documents attesting to this comparison procedure: Supplement No. 2 and 3 (pp.29-30)
3. Forecasted evaluation of the study programme
3.1. Compliance of the study programme with the standard of academic education
The study programme complies with the Nr 2 “Regulations on State Standard of Academic Education”, passed by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia in 2002.
Requirements of CM / Credit points / Master’s programmeat LChrA / Credit points
Total credit points of the programme / 80 / Total credit points of the programme / 80
Mandatory contents:
· Theoretical foundational courses of the speciality
· Relevant approbation of theoretical knowledge within a sector or a sub-sector of a science / No less than 30
No less than 15 / Mandatory contents:
· Theoretical foundational courses of the speciality
· Relevant approbation of theoretical knowledge within a sector or a sub-sector of a science / No less than 30
No less than 15
Master’s thesis / No less than 20 / Master’s thesis / 25
Examination in speciality / 10
TOTAL / 80 credit points / TOTAL / 80 credit points
3.2. Forecasted evaluation of the study programme from the perspective of interests of Latvia