(49 U.S.C. SECTION 5311 (f))
Calendar Year 2010 (CY2010)
The CY2010 Ohio Rural Intercity Bus Program Proposals for Project Administration, including any supporting documentation is due to ODOT Office of Transit by December 11, 2009 (must be postmarked no later than 5:00 p.m.).
E-mail the completed proposal package and Exhibit documents (if possible) to the following address: (), mail all remaining Exhibit documents and documents with original signatures to the address below.
Brett Harris, Rural Transit Program Coordinator
Ohio Department of Transportation, Office of Transit
1980 West Broad Street, 2nd Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43223
Telephone (614) 466-7440; Fax (614) 466-0822
The proposal package must include the following.
§ 2010 Intercity Bus Admin. Proposal.doc (Word format)
§ 2010 Certs&Assurances.doc (Word format)
Original Certification signature pages MUST be mailed to ODOT.
Submission of Documents to the Office of Transit:
Files must be saved in the following format (use the county where your transit system is located, NOT the transit system’s name):
Example: The City of Wilmington’s documents would be saved as:
Clinton 2010 Intercity Bus Admin Proposal.doc
Clinton 2010 Intercity Bus Certs&Assurances.doc
The subject line of the email must be identified in the following manner (use the county where your transit system is located, NOT the transit system’s name):
Example: The subject line for The City of Chillicothe’s email would be:
Ross 2010 Intercity Bus Admin Proposal
Additional documents may be attached to the submittal, sent as separate emails, or mailed to ODOT at the email and mailing address given above.
Proposals submitted without proper identification in the subject line as listed above (COUNTY/NAME 2010 Intercity Bus PROPOSAL) will be reviewed and evaluated last. In addition, contracts will not be issued until ODOT receives a complete proposal.
Any questions concerning these instructions should be directed to the contact listed above.
1. Agency Name:2. Federal Tax ID number:
3. Contract Contact Person
(Person authorized to sign contracts)
4. Address for Contract Contact
5. Application Contact Person
6. Application Contact Address
7. City, State Zip
8. County
9. E-Mail
10. Phone Number
11. Fax Number
12. Operating Assistance: Project Administration * Yes No / ** $
13. Capital Assistance: Planning and Marketing Studies* (1) Yes No / $
10. Total Project Cost / $
11. Federal Share (80%) / $
* Eligibility is restricted to public and non-profit agencies interested in entering into third-party service agreements with successful private carriers to administer the provision of the four (4) target intercity bus services. See Program Guidelines for more information.
** Total amount is the total project cost from the project administration cost page; and the planning and marketing studies page.
(1) Public Hearing Requirements for Capital Assistance Projects: An application is not complete until the public hearing or hearing opportunity period is completed and all required documents are submitted. Therefore, applicants should consider the application due date when scheduling the public hearing to allow adequate time to meet this requirement. See Program Guidelines for more information.
Issue Date: October 13, 2009
Available in alternate formats on request.
1. Indicate which target intercity bus service you are interested in administering. Check (x) all that apply.
RouteAthens to Cincinnati via State Route 32
Wooster to Columbus
Mt Vernon to Columbus
Athens to Columbus
2. Indicate if you are also applying for capital assistance for planning and marketing studies.
Yes / No1. Does your agency currently provide transportation services?
2. If yes, how long has your agency been providing transportation services?
3. Describe your management structure. Include an organization chart, functional relationship(s) of the team that will be responsible for this project(s). Identify responsible personnel for the day-to-day operations.
4. Describe your organization’s experience in managing contracts, particularly grants from ODOT or FTA, and/or planning and implementing a successful business plan.
5. Provide a plan of action and milestones that show specific project goals and objectives, possible constraints (i.e., scope, quality, time and budget) to bring about the successful completion of this proposed project.
6. Indicate other relevant experience providing evidence of your organization’s qualifications for the performance of the potential contract.
7. A copy of your agency’s most recent audit must be included with the application.
1. Describe efforts to notify agencies of the proposed project and to determine the possible coordination and purchase of service agreements. Provide copies of pertinent correspondence.
2. Describe involvement with community and civic groups and steps you have taken to involve the community in your transit activities. Provide copies of pertinent correspondence.
3. Describe efforts made to provide transportation to the elderly and disabled community, and to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Provide copies of pertinent correspondence.
4. Discuss any attempts that have been made to coordinate resources towards the successful completion of the intercity bus project. Provide supporting documentation of this effort. This effort may address service design (i.e., identifying gaps in service, and/or addressing cross-jurisdictional boundaries) or other concerns such as sharing transportation related services (e.g., dispatching, driver maintenance and/or training programs, maps and schedules, opportunities to achieve efficiencies in service delivery, etc.).
As explained in the Program Guidelines, ODOT is unable to directly contract with a private for-profit public transportation company (private carrier). Consequently, ODOT is seeking public and non-profit agencies interested in serving as project administrators. Project administrators will work with ODOT Office of Transit to conduct competitive Request for Proposal (RFP) processes, and enter into third-party service agreements with selected private-carrier applicants.
Under this category, ODOT will enter into an agreement with the selected project administrator(s) to reimburse 80% of the audited project administrative costs. ODOT payments shall be made upon submittal of quarterly requisitions by the administrator. See Program Guidelines for more information.
1. Check (x) your willingness to meet the minimal project requirements:
Willingness to work with ODOT Office of Transit to solicit eligible rural intercity bus service providers through a competitive Request for Proposal (RFP) process.Willingness to enter into an operating and bus leasing agreement with a private carrier with all the required contract language & assurances.
Willingness to establish and manage processes that assure the private carrier is in compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and contract requirements, e.g., private carrier drug and alcohol program & employee testing.
Willingness to pay the service operator in accordance with actual monthly operating deficit.
Willingness to assure service operator maintains records and reports data in accordance with ODOT/FTA data collection, record retention and reporting requirements.
Willingness to maintain a system of accounting controls to identify, segregate, allocate, and safeguard allowable operating expenses and revenues.
Willingness to assure that the services are effectively marketed.
2. Public Outreach. Describe how the project will be marketed. Provide samples(s).
CY2010 Proposed Budget Summary
Applicant:(1) / Total DIRECT Operating Expenses (Itemize)
(3) / TOTAL INDIRECT EXPENSE (Indirect Rate: ___%) / $
(5) / Local Share (Itemized by Source Type & Amount)
(6) / FEDERAL SHARE / $ / (6)
(7) / BUDGET SUMMARY: Local Share + Federal Share = Total Project Cost
LOCAL SHARE (20%): / $ / (5)
FEDERAL SHARE (80%): / + / $ / (6)
PROJECT COST (100%): / = / $ / (7)
As explained in the Program Guidelines, eligibility for capital assistance for planning and marketing studies is restricted to selected program administrators. Consequently, this section should only be completed by applicants that are also applying for project administration.
1. Check (x) your project category(ies) below:
Planning Study (i.e., intercity transit coordination plan, ridership forecast/survey)Feasibility Study (i.e., service implementation)
Marketing Study (i.e., strategic marketing, research and/or innovation)
Other (specify):
2. Project Description (Refer to Program Guidelines)
a) Planning Studies:
§ Provide detailed discussion of need and purpose (i.e., fill service gaps, improve/or establish service connectivity, increase ridership/capacity).
§ Discuss if this project is in response to a transit plan and/or unmet need hearing within your service area. Include copies of supporting materials or documentation.
§ What is the intent of this study (e.g., seamless travel options, mobility and accessibility, inter-regional connectivity)?
o Identify the study area of the proposed project (i.e., map).
b) Marketing Studies:
§ Marketing studies may include a marketing plan to include items such as enhancement of service, coordination, ridership, or efficiency. Describe the content(s) of the marketing plan (i.e., goals, objectives, and milestones).
§ Identify the study area of the proposed project (i.e., map).
§ Identify your marketing strategy, research and/or innovation (method or approach) that directly relates to the Ohio Intercity Bus Program/Network.
3. Public Participation Requirement
An application is not complete until the public hearing or hearing opportunity period is completed and all required documents are submitted. Therefore, subrecipients must consider the application due date when scheduling the public hearing to allow adequate time to meet this requirement.
The following documentation must be included as an attachment:.
§ A copy of the public notice advertising the public meeting; and
§ A copy of the minutes of the public meeting.
If the documents are not available, please complete the following:
§ The public hearing is scheduled for
§ Documentation will be forwarded to ODOT
Acquisition and Budget
Provide budget for this project:
Item description
(20%) / Federal
Share (80%) / Net project
Cost (100%)
$ / $ / $$ / $ / $
$ / $ / $
$ / $ / $
$ / $ / $
Total / $ / $ / $
Activity / Expected DateInvitation for Bid
Bid Review
Award Contract
Begin Work
Project Completion
Agency Name:
1. List active lawsuits or complaints against the transit provider alleging discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin with respect to service or other transit benefits. (This question is only for the transit portion of the grantee.)
2. Describe all pending applications for financial assistance currently provided by other Federal agencies to the grantee. (This question is for the grantee, which includes the entire agency, county or city.)
3. Summarize all civil rights compliance reviews conducted by other local, state or federal agencies during the last three years. (This question is for the grantee, which includes the entire agency, county or city.)
4. List the date of the most recent signing of the Annual Certification and Assurances included in this application.
Title VI Compliance FormPurpose: Title VI of Civil Rights Act of 1964 declares it to be the policy of the United States that discrimination on the ground of race, color, or national origin shall not occur in connection with programs and activities receiving Federal financial assistance and authorizes and directs the appropriate Federal departments and agencies to take action to carry out this policy. The FTA requires recipients to report certain general information to determine compliance with Title VI. For more information, please review FTA’s Title VI Circular 4702.1A at:
Please complete the form using the number of transportation clients expected to serve. An individual client may be reported as both a low-income and minority client.
Transportation Estimated Clients Served / Category
Low-Income means a person whose median household income is at or below the Department of Health and Human Services’ poverty guidelines.
Minority Persons include the following:
American Indian and Alaska Native, which refers to people having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America), and who maintain tribal affiliation or community attachment.
Asian, which refers to people having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent.
Black or African American Populations, which refers to peoples having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa.
Hispanic or Latino Populations, which includes persons of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race.
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander, which refers to people having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands.
2010 Certifications and Assurances
This package includes the following:
v Sample Authorizing Resolution
v Standard Certifications and Assurances
v Certifications and Assurances Signature Page
v Affirmation of Proposer’s Attorney
Authorizing Resolution
Resolution No.
A resolution authorizing the submittal of (a) proposal(s) with the Ohio Department of Transportation for grants through the US DOT Federal Transit Administration (FTA), as authorized under Federal Transit Laws, as codified, 49 USC Section 5311 (f), financial assistance for Intercity Bus Program and executing a contract with the Ohio Department of Transportation upon grant proposal acceptance.
WHEREAS, the Director of the Ohio Department of Transportation is authorized to make grants for a public transportation program;
WHEREAS, the contract for financial assistance will impose certain obligations upon the proposer, including the provision by it of the local share of the project costs in the program; and
WHEREAS, it is required by the U.S. Department of Transportation in accordance with the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, that in connection with the filing of a proposal for assistance under 49 USC Section 5311(f) the proposer give an assurance that it will comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the U.S. Department of Transportation requirements thereunder; and