Laura Woodward PTO Meeting

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Attendees: Abby Berlin, Linda McNaughton, Rebecca Lay, Ryan Malany, Tara Drennen, Michele Brockett, Elizabeth Kelly, Jody Everett, Kathy Shelton, Jessie Glass, Michelle King, Kristen Shoeff, Holly Shuter

  1. Introductions
  2. Guest Speaker, Patrick Higgins, from Boy Scouts of America.
  3. Woodward is one of only three schools in DCS without BSoA Den.
  4. Terra Nova Church has agreed to be Woodward charter sponsor. They are willing to host meetings and have agreed to fill 2 out of the 6 required leader positions.
  5. Woodward will be hosting an information meeting on Tuesday, October 25th at Woodward Library at 6:00 p.m.
  6. If traditional program isn't possible, Scout Reach Program is an option. More of an after-school based program.
  7. Pack meetings (organized by grade 1-4) are 1x per month.
  8. All 1st graders are required to have an adult present at events.
  9. Den meetings (den is comprised of the packs) are 1x per month.
  10. Pack leaders meet 1x per month.
  11. Leaders are required to complete an online course and a background check. 2 deep leadership requirement applies.
  12. Fees are $2/month per member. Uniform requirement varies by den. As a beginning den, many just order a customer t-shirt. Otherwise a uniform shirt is $30.
  13. Pack calendar typically runs on the school year calendar. During the summer, packs typically coordinate 1 activity per month.
  14. Bobcat Program provides an initial list of requirements that typically allows for members to receive a badge after the first meeting.
  15. Spring recruiting is an option to recruit Kindergarteners.
  16. Approval of prior meeting minutes (Michelle Brockett, Rebecca Lay)
  17. Review Treasurer Report
  18. Review Principal and Staff Report
  19. Behavior Communication
  20. No longer doing clip charts.
  21. Harlem Wizards
  22. Game scheduled against Pacer All Stars for Thursday, October 27th. Tickets can be purchased in advance through the school.
  23. A short 30 minute assembly will be held the day of the game for 1st through 4th graders in the afternoon at Woodward.
  24. Parent Teacher Conferences
  25. PD Day and Two-Hour Delay
  26. Partnerships with OWU
  27. Literacy classes with 2nd graders.
  28. Construction Update
  29. Review President's Report
  30. Thank you to all that helped with Breakfast with a Buddy.
  31. Grant requests
  32. Approved pre-school fall field trip.
  33. Box Tops
  34. Earned $200+ for September.
  35. Fall Fundraiser
  36. Little Caesars Pizza totaled more than $8,800 in sales. Woodward profit TBD.
  37. Winter Fundraiser
  38. Foertmeyer & Sons Holiday Plant sale to begin 10/21.
  39. Holiday Open House
  40. Information to be sent out soon for volunteer opportunities.
  41. Next PTO meeting scheduled for 11/15 and will have Officer John Hartman to discuss stranger danger.
  42. Adjourment