Paper title, small letters (9 pt Italic)


Author's name[1], co-author's[2]

Abstract:This electronic document is a “live” template. The various components of your paper [title, text, heads, etc.] are already defined on the style sheet, as illustrated by the portions given in this document. Abstract should be limited to no more than 15 lines of text. The length of the paper is 4,6 or 8 DIN B5 pages.Corresponding author identifier (CA) should be put after the affiliation of corresponding author. This information is compulsory for the submission process.

Key words: Up to 5 keywords arranged in alphabetical order (e.g. Application, Education, Experiment, Improvement, Team work)

1.INTRODUCTION (10 PT BOLD, UPPERCASE,Spacing Before 18 pt, After 6 pt)

All camera-ready papers should be submitted to the organizing committee by email () inMicrosoft Word format. All items in this document are defined as styles (see Font). It should be straightforward to format the document using those styles.

2.FORMATTING GUIDELINES (10 PT BOLD, UPPERCASE, Spacing Before 18 pt, After 6 pt)

Sections and subsections should be numbered 1,2,3, … and 1.1, 1.2, … etc respectively. Titles of sections should be in capitals and subsections should be in small letters except from the initial letter of every word. The following formatting guidelines also apply.

2.1Text (10 PT BOLD, Sentence case, Spacing Before 12 pt, After 6 pt)

All text written in paragraphs should be in Arial 10 Pt Regular, with indentation in first line of 12 mm and fully justified (left and right). If you need to put some emphasis in words, key terms etc. please use italics, for example this is an emphasised text. Do not use boldor other typeface.

2.1.1Bullets (10 PT BOLD, Sentence case, Spacing Before 12 pt, After 6 pt)

If you need to use a bullet list then this should be as follows:

  • The text style should be 10 pt Regular,
  • Indentation Left 7 mm,
  • Special - Hanging 5 mm.
  • Figures(10 PT BOLD, Sentence case, Spacing Before 12 pt, After 6 pt)

Figures and images must be centred too. They should be placed after their first mention in the text.Make sure that the figure caption is included after the figure. They should be numbered 1,2,3, … etc., as for example Figure 1. Figure lettering should be large enough to be readily legible when the drawing is reduced. Axes titles on graphs must be labelled with words rather than symbols. Units should be put in parentheses.

If figure has a two or more parts, authors should put the labels “(a)”,“(b)”… as its part. Images should still be understandable in black and white printings.

Figure 1.Figure format in COMETa(10 Pt Italic, Figure Spacing Before 12 Pt, After 6 Pt, Text Figure Spacing Before 6 Pt, After 12 Pt)

2.3 Tables(10 PT BOLD, Sentence case, Spacing Before 12 pt, After 6 pt)

Each table needs a short descriptive title above it. Column headings should clearly define the data presented. If necessary, suitably identified footnotes should be included below. Take care to include all the units of measurement. The table needs to be cited in the text before its appearance. Tables should be numbered 1,2,3, … etc. for example Table 1.

Table 1.Table format in COMETa(Style: 10 pt Italic, Text Table Spacing Before 12 pt, After 6 pt)

Tables must be centred and filled out using Style:paper text10 pt Regular,(text after Table Spacing Before 12 pt).

2.4Equations and expressions(10 PT BOLD, Sentence case, Spacing Before 12 pt, After 6 pt)

Important equations appear on their own line and should preferably be entered using equation editing (EE) software by the following steps:

  • Insert the Equation Object and create the equation,
  • Insert comma if equation is considered to be part of a sentence, or period if equation ends the sentence,
  • Apply the “PS Equation” style,
  • Insert “tab” after punctuate mark,
  • Equationsshould bemarkedbyincreasing order(1, 2,...) with Arabic numbers in parentheses, as in (1).


A recommended order of closures for parenthesis, brackets and braces is shown in (2).


2.5Abbreviations(10 PT BOLD, Sentence case, Spacing Before 12 pt, After 6 pt)

As far as possible, please avoid the use of initials, except for terms in common use. This terms should be written entirely(with the abbreviations in brackets) the first time they are mentioned in the text.

2.6Citations(10 PT BOLD, Sentence case, Spacing Before 12 pt, After 6 pt)

References should be listed and numbered in the order in which they appear in the text. In the text, enclose reference numbers in square brackets, e.g. [1], or [1,3,8], or[2-5], or [2-5,7,10], etc. That means that references should not be listed in alphabetical order.

References to Internet materials should be treated as other references in the text. In the reference list, they should be dated and sufficiently identified for readers to be able to find the material unambiguously.

3.CONCLUSION (10 PT BOLD, UPPERCASE, Spacing Before 18 pt, After 6 pt)

Thank you very much for trying to format your paper in the way that this document describes. We are looking forward to seeing you in the Conference.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT(10 PT BOLD, UPPERCASE, Spacing Before 18 pt, After 6 pt)

Any acknowledgments authors want to make should be included in a separate section at the end of the main text and before the appendix (if any), nomenclature and references section.

APPENDIX(10 PT BOLD, UPPERCASE, Spacing Before 18 pt, After 6 pt)

Technical details that it is necessary to include, but that interrupts the exposure in the paper, may be put into an appendix. Appendices are marked with upper-case Latin letters in alphabetic order (A, B, C...).

NOMENCLATURE (10 PT BOLD, UPPERCASE, Spacing Before 18 pt, After 6 pt)

Paper must have a separate Nomenclature section, in the case ofextensiveuse ofthe symbols.This section should contain all the symbols used in the text and their meanings. All Letter symbols (dimensional and dimensionless) must be listed in an alphabetic order. Letter symbols are followed by Greek symbols, subscripts and superscripts.


aacceleration, m/s2

hheat transfer coefficient, W/(m2 K)

ttemperature, °C

vvelocity, m/s

Greek symbols


ωangular velocity,rad/s

Subscripts and superscripts



REFERENCES(10 PT BOLD, UPPERCASE, Spacing Before 18 pt, After 6 pt)

[1]Zeljković,M., Gatalo, R. (1999).Experimental and computer aided analysis of high-speed spindle assembly behavior, CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology,48/1, p. 325–328.

[2]Zadnik, Ž., Karakašič, M., Kljajin, M., Duhovnik, J. (2009). Function and Functionality in the Conceptual Design Process. Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering, vol. 55, no. 7-8, p. 455-471.

[3]Real-Time Control Systems Library – Software and Documentation, accessed 17.4.2011.

[4]Zeljković, M. (1996).System for automated design and behavior prediction of machine tool main spindle assembly, Doctoral dissertation, Faculty of technical sciences, Novi Sad.

[5]Timoshenko,S., Young,D.H., Weaver, W. (1974). Vibration problems in engineering, John Wiley&Sons, New York.

[6]OMRON, Technical Library, Multilanguage edition, 2005.


[1] author’s degree, name, place of residence, institution, (CA) (e-mail address) (8 Pt normal)

[2] co-author’s degree, name, place of residence, institution, (e-mail address) (8 Pt normal)