Third Printing 2002


Curriculum, Teaching, Learning

Students’ Association



Approved at the

CTLSA General Membership Meeting

March 1, 2000


Section 1: Definitions

1. The organization will be known as “The OISE/UT Curriculum, Teaching and Learning

Students’ Association,” hereinafter referred to as “CTLSA.”

2. A General Membership Meeting (GMM) is a meeting of the entire student membership

of the Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Department.

3. A Student Representative Meeting is a meeting of the members of the Students’

Representatives Committee.

4. An Executive Meeting is a meeting of the elected officials of the CTLSA, as defined in

Article 4.

5. CTL refers to the Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Department of OISE/UT,

hereinafter referred to as “CTL.”

Section 2: Statement of Philosophy

1. The CTLSA is committed to initiating, sponsoring and promoting the academic and

cultural life of its members, the students of CTL.

2. The primary purpose is to ensure the active participation of all its members in the

decision-making processes on all issues which affect members on an individual,

area, foci and departmental level. This process is intended to enhance and

maximize the academic experience of all students, part-time and full-time.

Section 3: Objectives

1. The objectives of the CTLSA shall be:

(a) To promote and maintain communication between the students of CTL and the

administration of CTL.

(b) To represent any and all students of CTL on all matters which representation

may be of interest to those students.

(c) To initiate, sponsor, coordinate and promote academic as well as cultural and

social events in which the students of CTL may be interested, and in general

to promote the welfare and interest of individuals registered as full-time, part-

time and special students in CTL.


Section 1: Amendments to the Constitution

1. Amendment to the Constitution of the CTLSA requires a two third majority (present at

a GMM) of CTLSA.

2. Written notices of any proposed amendments must be prepared and copies distributed

to all CTLSA members one month before the GMM at which a vote to amend the

Constitution will occur, and such notices shall be posted on email for the same

period for all members of the CTLSA.

Section 2: Publication of the Constitution

1. It is the responsibility of the Executive Committee to ensure that all CTLSA members

are made aware of the contents of the Constitution of the CTLSA on an annual

basis. To this end, the Executive in the beginning of each academic year shall

provide a copy of the Constitution to all its members, post a copy of the Constitution

in each of the CTL foci or areas, and ensure that the Constitution is posted on the

CTLSA Newsgroup. All CTLSA members attending the first GMM of the academic

year shall also receive a copy.


1. The membership of the CTLSA will consist of all students registered in CTL.

2. All members are entitled to attend meetings of the CTLSA.

3. All members have the right to discuss and vote upon all business that comes before the

CTLSA at General Membership Meetings.


1. The Executive Committee of the CTLSA will consist of a President, Vice-President,

Secretary, and Treasurer.

2. The qualification and duties of the Executive will be as follows:

(1). The President

(a) The President will preside, or delegate a chairperson, at the meetings of the

Executive Committee.

(b) The President or her/his delegate is ex-officio a member of every committee of

the CTLSA, and may vote as such a member unless she/he is the chair; in

which case, she/he will exercise the right to vote only when a deciding vote is

necessary to resolve a tie vote.

(c) The President or her/his designate will act as the official liaison officer

between the governing bodies of OISE/UT, the Graduate Students Association

(GSA) of OISE/UT, and any other student associations; the President will sign

all official documents on behalf of the CTLSA, and shall be called upon to act

as the spokesperson and representative of the CTLSA.

(d) The President will set all Executive and Membership meetings.

(e) The President will chair all meetings of the Executive and Membership.

(f) The President will liaison with the CTLSA Treasurer on issues relating to

finance and budget.

(g) The President together with the CTLSA Treasurer will co-sign all cheques.

(h) The President will liaison with the Secretary on issues relating to CTLSA

correspondence to members and on other media related issues.

(i) The President will be responsible for all communication that goes out from the


(j) The President shall adjourn a meeting when it is impossible to maintain or

restore order.

(2). Vice-President

(a) In the absence of the President, the Vice-President will act in her/his place, and

chair Executive and Membership meetings set by the President.

(b) In the absence of the President, the Vice-President or her/his designate will

preside at meetings.

(c) In the event of a vacancy for the office of President, the Vice-President will

assume the duties of the President during an interim period (of 30 days) when a

by-election will be held to choose a replacement.

(3). Treasurer

(a) The Treasurer will be responsible for all banking transactions.

(b) The Treasurer will prepare financial reports for all Executive and General

Membership meetings.

(c) The Treasurer will prepare and propose next year’s budget.

(d) The Treasurer will allocate all moneys in the budget.

(e) The Treasurer will sign all cheques and prepare all cheques ready for

co-signing and distribution.

(f) The Treasurer will inform students of the status of their Conference or Thesis

Funding claims.

(4). Secretary

(a) The Secretary will conduct the official correspondence of the CTLSA and

report any correspondence to the Executive at the first meeting following


(b) The Secretary will issue notices calling meetings of the Executive and


(c) The Secretary will be responsible for media and communication.

(d) The Secretary will keep Minutes at the Executive and General Membership


(5). All Executive

(a) The Executive may redistribute the above areas of responsibilities among

themselves if they so desire.

(b) All members of the Executive shall attend Executive Meetings, General

Membership Meetings, and Students’ Representatives Meetings.

(c) The Executive members will elected or appointed to their respective offices for

a period of one calendar year, beginning May 1 and ending April 30.

(d) Each Executive Officer must prepare a written year-end statement to be

presented to the General Membership at the year-end, April GMM.

(e) Executive Officers will, both individually and as a group, provide a

comprehensive orientation to the incoming Executive.

(f) Executive members holding office may run for elected position for the next

year, and may hold Executive positions for two years if elected or appointed.


1. Students’ Representatives are members of the CTLSA who are responsible to liaison

with the CTLSA Executive Committee on matters that affect the academic

development of the wider student body, as well as to sit on CTL Departmental

committees. They are representative of each focus or area in the Curriculum,

Teaching and Learning Department.

2. The role and responsibilities of a Students’ Representative are to liaison with the

CTLSA Executive on issues or matters that affect the student body of the

Representative’s respective CTL focus or area.

3. Students’ Representatives must be appointed and recognized by the CTLSA.

4. Students’ Representatives will hold office for one year beginning October first.

The official term of office is one year; however, since CTL has a history of having

low student participation and involvement, in the case where there is a student or

students showing interest, that individual or individuals should not be discouraged

from continuing as Students’ Representative.

5. Opportunity to sit on various CTL Committees is available for (some) Students’

Representatives (depending upon the number of committee positions available).

6. Students’ Representatives are expected to serve on CTL Committees. The

Committees may include the Awards, Program and Comprehensive Examination.

7. Students’ Representatives must provide the CTLSA Executive with an update of matters

discussed in the various committees in which they sit.

8. Students’ Representatives are expected to attend Students’ Representatives meetings,

which will be held at least two times per year.


1. The business year of the CTLSA will commence May first and run from that date until

the following April 30.

2. The CTLSA will meet a minimum of four times during a business year.

3. A GMM may be called upon a decision by the CTLSA.

(a) An emergency GMM of the CTLSA must be summoned at any time upon

receipt of a petition signed by at least four members of the General Membership.

(b) All GMM are open to all CTLSA members.

4. All students of CTL are CTLSA members and may attend all GMM.

5. A quorum at a GMM (is dependent upon students’ participation and involvement).

6. Invited guests to a GMM shall be informed prior to the meeting of their place on the

agenda and the duration of their attendance at the meeting. Non-members of the

CTLSA shall not attend entire meetings of the CTLSA unless they are invited to do

so by unanimous vote of the CTLSA and their attendance is not objected to by any

member of the CTLSA present at the meting.


1. The CTL Students’ Association shall nominate a full slate of representatives from the

CTLSA to central committees at OISE/UT . It is the responsibility of the CTLSA

Executive to inform all members of the CTLSA of upcoming deadlines for

nominations and applications to representative positions as required on all

committees in CTL and OISE/UT.

2. All student members on external committees (CTL, OISE/UT, or others) are expected

to act as representatives of the CTLSA. They are responsible for maintaining a file

of the minutes and recorded notes from the meetings, reporting to the CTLSA, as

requested, on the activities of these committees, and representing the interests and

direction of the CTLSA. In return, they have the right to call emergency meetings

of the CTLSA for information and consultative purposes.

3. If any student members of [external] committees are deemed by the CTLSA not to be

fulfilling their responsibilities as representatives of the CTLSA, the CTLSA

reserves the right to notify the Chairs of these committees and the Institute

Administration that these students are not recognized by the CTLSA as their


4. Special [internal] committees may be formed by the CTLSA from the membership as

may be required.


1. The CTLSA recognizes the Measurement and Evaluation and Computer Applications

Students' Association (MECASA) as a student representative group for their long

standing in representing its students' body.

2. To qualify for the Head Grant, the Executive Committee of MECASA should:

(a) Present to CTLSA, by September 30 at the latest, a financial report of

expenditures in the previous year (including original receipts), a proposed budget

for the following year, the financial institution affiliated to, and the names of

their Executive Committee

(b) Send at least one representative (or a designated substitute) to every CTLSA

General Membership Meeting

(c) Be responsible for the organization and running of their foci/area orientation as

well as the election of a new student association executive for their foci/area by

no later than October 1 of each year

(d) Conduct their foci/area affairs in a spirit compatible with the objectives and

philosophy of the CTLSA

3. A central commitment of MECASA shall be to distribute funds received from CTLSA in

order to support students' academic, as well as political, cultural, and social life. The

Executive is responsible for reimbursing all members, to the maximum possible, for

their furthering of their academic careers through conferences.

4. Any other [CTL] student caucus would not be accepted by CTLSA as an official

students’ association.


1. The Association is responsible for the distribution of the Head Grant Funding received

from the Graduate Students’ Association of OISE/UT (GSA) Council as a result of

student ancillary fees.

2. To qualify for the Head Grant, the Executive Committee of CTLSA should:

(a) Consist of at least 2 elected members: a President and a Treasurer.

(b) Present to the GSA Council by September 30 at the latest, financial reports of

expenditures in the previous year (including original receipts) and a proposed

budget for the following year

(c) Send at least one representative (or a designated substitute) to every GSA

Council Meeting

(d) Be responsible for the organization and running of a CTL orientation as well as

the election of a new CTLSA Executive by no later than October 1 of each year.

(e) Conduct their CTLSA affairs in a spirit compatible with the objectives and

philosophy of the GSA.

3. A central commitment of the CTLSA shall be to distribute funds received from the GSA

in order to support students’ academic as well as political, cultural, and social life.

The Executive shall be responsible for reimbursing all members, to the maximum

possible, for their furthering of their academic careers through conferences.

Conference funding shall be disbursed in three periods per year. Students may

receive one subsidy per period, to a maximum of three per year.


Section 1: Responsibilities of the CTLSA

1. The CTLSA shall be responsible to search for a Returning Officer, and if necessary a

Deputy Returning Officer, by the December meeting.

2. The CTLSA shall be responsible for appointing a Returning Officer, to supervise the

mechanics of voting, no later than the February meeting.

3. The position of Returning Officer must be advertised to the CTL Community by the

CTLSA Executive.

4. Standardized questions will be established for the position interviews.