Dear Exhibitor,

On May 15, SNA held an Exhibitor Webinar regarding ANC14 Boston. We discuss information that would assist you in planning a successful tradeshow. One concern that received a lot of questions was the requirements by the Boston Health Department for our conference. We forwarded your questions to the Boston Health Department and listed below are their responses. I ask that you take a moment to review. If you need further clarity, please contact the following staff members at the Boston Health Department:

Daniel J. Prendergast

Principal Health Inspector

City of Boston/ISD Health


Gloria Vick

Temporary Food Liaison/Administrative Secretary

ISD Health Division


Thomas McAdams

Principal Health Inspector

City of Boston/ISD Health


If you haven’t done so already, PLEASE complete the attached Temporary Food Permit. ALL EXHIBITORS must complete this document and indicate if their organization plans to serve food, beverages, pre-packaged items or no samples at all within their booth at the tradeshow. Please complete the document correctly and sign the form; your signature is required. The School Nutrition Association is paying the fee for the Food Permit for those companies, planning to serve food, beverage and pre-packaged items. Once the Boston Health Dept. has inspected your booth, you will receive your permit. Please submit this Temporary Food Permit to the SNA office by Friday, June 20.

Questions from our Exhibitors:

1. Does one need a hand washing station if the company is having a sink installed within their booth? Yes…You need a designated hand sink if there is cooking, sampling or preparation of foods at the stand. One sink is needed for washing utensils and the other for washing your hands

2. Can I use an electric 25 cup coffee pot for a hand washing station for hot water? No….Generally, you would use hot water under pressure or a water jug that has a spigot with liquid hand soap and paper towels. Photo is attached that displays the proper Hand-Washing Set-up.

3. What is the required water temperature needed for the hand washing station? Warm Water will suffice for a temporary hand wash station. If it is notfixed plumbing, warm water will suffice.

4. Do I need a separate cooler for hot water and another cooler for cold water? No, you can have one container of water with a spigot and liquid hand soap with paper towels.

5. If our booth is using food for “display only”, do we need a hand washing station? No….you do not need a hand washing station if your company is using food as a “display only”.

6. We are giving away mints/candy in a sealed container; do we need a hand washing station? No….you do not need a hand washing station if your company is giving away mints/candy (pre-packaged item).

7. Is a hand washing station, gloves orhairnets required if we are sampling a pre-packaged item? No….none of the above items are needed if your company is sampling pre-packaged items.

8. Are hairnets and gloves required for sealed bottled beverage samples? No….none of the above items are needed if your company is sampling a sealed pre-packaged items.

9. Is a hand washing station, gloves orhairnets required if we plan to pour open bottle beverage samples? No gloves or hairnets will be required. However, SNA recommends that the servers have their hair in restraints (hairnets, baseball cap, hat, etc.) while pouring liquids from open containers into sample cups. One’s long hair does not need to fall within the samples.

10. Is a hand washing station, gloves or hairnets required if we are sampling an item that is housed within a self-serving machine (ice cream, smoothies, etc.)? Yes…..a hand-washing station and gloves are needed.

11. If we are going to have bottled water within our booth for staff only do we need a hand washing station? No….you do not need a hand-washing station.

12. When are sneeze guards required? Generally, not required at conventions. The foods sampled at the stands would need to be prepared by stand attendants and closely monitored. However, SNA recommends sneeze guards be used at all times, along with having attendants monitor the food.