Patient’s Reference Group Dr Patel’s surgery
Minutes of the meeting held 31/05/2013
1. Those attending
Dr Jyotsna Patel – ();()
Ravilal Gorcia – Practice Manager) ()
Adrian Murray Bradley – chairman – patient -() (M:07774907493)
Sarah Murray Bradley – secretary – patient - ()
Anne O’Sullivan – Patient – 4 Leigh Gdns NW105HP,07956657770
Samuel Johnson Paul – Patient – 126 Kempe Rd, NW66SL, 02089697672
Jitendar (Jay) Kachela – pharmacist – Greenfield Pharmacy. ()
Kirubai Kohout ; 4 Wrentham Ave, NW6 (): 07767203861
Catherine Egbe Osemwenkhere – vice chair: 4A Chevening Rd. NW6 (
Georgina Sarpong – patient – (7 Westfield Court NW110 3NW)
Pauline Hunter – patient - 02089690823 ()
Marianne Berry – Health Care Assistant (
Magdalene Bailey – 07761974522 ()
Malcolm Nash – ()
Mrs Jennifer Lane-Liburd -02073288462- ()
Varsha Patel – receptionist ()
Mrs Noraini A G Sherzeman ()
Mrs Hemson – 02089689081
Mrs Lilayan Mod – 02089684952
Monika Novella – ()
Mr Ali Shahraz-02089601803 – ()
Mr Ali Imdad Shah – 02089640042 – ()
Mrs Maristela Brambilla – ()
2 Composition of Meeting – agreement for minutes for the last meeting.
Members of the meeting represent a reasonable cross section of the patient population The group age ranges from 40+ – 86 and represents 6 different nationalities. A married couple attends; also parents, grandparents and single people. There is a good mixture of professions and some members of the group are retired.
The minutes of the last meeting were agreed with minor amendments and have been passed for distribution where necessary.
3 Matters arising from the minutes
3a: Dr Patel and Mr. Gorsia reported on the progress towards hubs for emergency services for the surgery. There are now 4 rather than 5 localities each of which will have an emergency hub, Willesden and kingsbury having merged. Agreement has been reached locally, although there is some delay from higher up the chain of command for putting this service into practice. It is hoped that this will be resolved soon. The number of emergency appointments in the last two months has been monitored and exceeds the amount that can be catered for within the practices. The establishment of hubs has become even more important as A&E services have recently been withdrawn from Central Middlesex Hospital.
3b: The second line at the surgery has not entirely solved the problem of long waits on the phone. Staff are going to use mobiles to phone out leaving the land-line free for patients to phone in. This solution will also be monitored. The electronic check-in online is not yet being used very much. This should be encouraged as it will reduce the necessity for phoning for an appointment. Information on this will be repeated in the next newsletter and it was suggested that reception should encourage patients to log in to the EMIS system so that they can make appointments electronically.
Agenda items
4 Report from Dr Patel and Mr Gorsia on progress of NHS changes in the practice.
Dr Patel and Ravilal Gorsia gave the group an overview of the arrangements now in place. There is now an operating CCG which commissions care for the area. There was some worry expressed that the pressure for private care packages might make the situation of ordinary GPs difficult, since they may not have the resources for administration, monitoring and tendering for care packages open to large companies such as Tesco and Sainsburyes who are lobbying to have GP practices within their stores. Dr Patel was worried about continuity of care for patients if this did occur.
The new web-based EMIS system, although much more powerful than that used previously, is causing some problems; since it takes time for staff to get used to a completely new software package. Once up and running well it will offer an integrated care platform with access for doctors, social workers, district nurses, hospital care and the results of investigations. This will enable the GPs to follow patient pathways easily and ensure continuity across the differing areas of health care.
5 Health Care Assistant.
Marianne Berry has other commitments and is no longer able to work sufficient hours to satisfy the demands of the practice. A new Health Care Assistant will start work shortly who will provide the same services previously given so well be Marianne. Currently Dr Patel is providing travel vaccinations, cytology, vaccinations and other nursing services on a pro tem basis. The new cardiology service will start shortly after the staffs have been trained by the manufacturer in the operation of the new defibrillator; 24 hour blood pressure monitoring is already offered. The practice is fully up to date with their vaccination and immunization schedule and quotas.
6 Matters arising that may need action.
The surgery telephone situation will be monitored. Once the emergency hub in the Kilburn locality is established, emergency appointments will be easier to fill quickly.
Mr Gorsia and Dr Patel will monitor the use of the on line bookings. Once a pin number is obtained from reception both appointments and up to date information from the web page of the surgery can be accessed along with the documents from this PR group, minutes, newsletters and reports.
7 Report on progress towards aims identified in the last meeting arising from the Survey.
There is still no concrete progress to solve the issue of greater privacy for patients at the reception area. The booth idea has been found to be untenable. The current solution involves lowering the reception window and erecting a baffle between the window and the waiting area.
8 Newsletter and its distribution.
Patient took, read and appeared to enjoy the Newsletters which were distributed in the surgery. Jay told us that patients took and read the Newsletter that he had on the counter in Greenfield pharmacy, it was also available in Dolmeads pharmacy on Kensal Rise. It is displayed on the practice web page. There have been no comments from patients about it and perhaps this is something that can be elicited via this year’s survey questions.
9 Any other Business
Jay Kachela told us that the EPS system (electronic pharmacy service) is now in operation and already being used by one of the local GP practices. Chamberlayne Road surgery will use this service as soon as they become more familiar with the EMIS web based software.
Dr Patel confirmed that the vaccination against shingles will be offered this year to patients over 70 years. The vaccination and immunization schedule is due to be published in the next few weeks.
12 Time and date of next meeting.
The next meeting will be held in the second week in September and the time and date will be announced well in advance.