Attachment B

Public competition for the recruitment of one Full Professor, under art. 18, par. 1 of the Law 240/2010, academic field 01/A3 Mathematical analysis, Probability and Statistics– academic discipline MAT/06 Probability and statistics.

Submissions of qualifications and scientific publications

1.  EU-citizens

a)  Qualifications

EU-citizens may attest the possessed qualifications that they intend to submit for the present evaluation in their curriculum vitae, drawn up according to the dispositions of art.3, par. 8, letter a) of the Italian announcement. The curriculum must be enclosed with the application form, based on “Attachment A” and available on the website of the Scuola Normale.

Alternatively, it is possible to submit the qualifications in the original language, or in authenticated copy, or by means of a substitute declaration of certification and/or notary act according to the articles n. 46 and n. 47 of D.P.R. n.445/2000 (based on the attached model B1). Otherwise, the qualifications can be submitted in photocopies accompanied by a substitute declaration of notary act which attests the conformity to the original, according to the art. 47 of D.P.R. n.445/2000 (based on the attached model B2).

b)  Scientific production and publications

Among the publications declared in the curriculum vitae, the candidate can submit a maximum of 15 publications, which must be indicated also in the list requested by art. 3, par. 8 lett. c) of the Italian announcement.

The publications must be presented exclusively on computer device (cd, USB flash drive etc.), accompanied by a substitute declaration of notary act which attests the conformity to the original, according to the art. 47 of D.P.R. n.445/2000 (based on the attached model B2). It is sufficient to use a single declaration for all the publications submitted.

The publications produced abroad must contain the date and the place of the publication or, alternatively, the ISBN code or an equivalent code.

The publications produced totally or even partially in Italy must be conformed to the dispositions provided for by the current legislation.

For the works that have not been printed yet, it is possible to submit the typescript accompanied by a declaration of the publisher, or by a substitute declaration of notary act (based on the attached model B1) which attests that the typescript has been accepted for the printing.

2.  Non-EU citizens

Non EU-citizens, legally residing in Italy, can use the substitute declarations only to attest conditions, facts and personal qualities certified by Italian public bodies, excluding the particular dispositions contained in the law and regulations which concerns the immigration and foreign citizens policy, as requested by the art. 3 of D.P.R. n.445/2000.

Non EU-citizens can also use the substitute declarations if there are international conventions between Italy and the candidate’s country of origin.

Excluded the above-mentioned cases, conditions, facts and personal qualities are documented by means of production of the original qualifications or through certifications issued by the competent authority of the foreign country, accompanied by an authenticated Italian translation issued by the consular Italian authority which attests the conformity to the original.

3.  Documentation in foreign languages

If the qualifications or publications that the candidate intends to submit are in English, French, German or Spanish, they can be presented in the original; otherwise, they must be accompanied by a translation in one of the above languages. The translation must be authenticated and must conform to the original text, according to the law in force.

The Scuola Normale will verify conditions, facts and personal qualities indicated by the candidates in the substitute declarations, even on random sampling.

4.  Specific declarations for the evaluation of qualifications to indicate in the application form (art. 3, par. 7 of the Italian announcement):

For the purposes of the evaluation and check of the minimum requirements under art. 5 of the Italian announcement, the candidate must specify the following information, in the appropriate place of the application form as well as in the “List of the scientific works for the check of the minimum requirements”:

-  with regard to the requested average standards for the scientific production as indicated in the art. 5, par. 1, lett. A of the call, the list of his/her scientific works with the characteristics specified in the same article;

-  with regards to the necessary requirements to be appointed as members of the Committees for the national scientific qualification in the academic field of the selection as provided for in the art. 5, par. 1, let. B of the call, the data related to the three indicators with the characteristics and the reference periods specified in the same article;

-  the funding for research acquired by successfully participating in competitive calls as local/national/international unit coordinator.

Any reference to documents or publications already submitted to Scuola Normale or to other Administrations is not allowed.

Attachment B1



(Article 46 and article 47, D.P.R. 28/12/2000, n.445)

The undersigned ______

born in ______on ______

and resident in ______

Country of residence: ______

Under my own responsibility, fully aware of the penal sanctions in case of false or mendacious statements according to art. 76, D.P.R. n. 445, dated 28/12/2000



The undersigned attaches the photocopy (non-authenticated) of a valid identification document.

Place and date ______

Full legible signature


Attachment B2


(Art.47, D.P.R. 28/12/2000, n.445)

The undersigned ______

born in ______on ______

and resident in ______

Country of residence: ______

Under my own responsibility, fully aware of the penal sanctions in case of false or mendacious statements according to art. 76, D.P.R. n. 445, dated 28/12/2000


that all the following qualifications and scientific publications, presented on CD or USB flash drive, for the recruitment of n. 1 Full Professor at Classe di Scienze Matematiche e Naturali of the Scuola – academic discipline MAT/06 Probability and statistics - conform to the originals:

- ______

- ______

- ______

- ______

Place and date ______

Full legible signature


The undersigned attaches the photocopy (non-authenticated) of a valid identification document.