Monday, October 19, 2015 Teleconference

9 AM PST / 10 AM MST / 11 AM CST / 1200 EST / 1300 ATL / 1350 NL

PRESENT: Dave Henderson (Chair), Monica Branigan, Bernard Lapointe, Bruno Gagnon, Stephanie Connidis, Ted St. Godard, Leonie Herx, Kim Taylor, Anne Boyle, Michelle Veer (Recorder).

REGRETS: Stephen Singh, Susan MacDonald.

1.0  Call to order at 0903 h

·  Additions to agenda: Question from Vetting Committee regarding surveys.

2.0  Minutes Approval – David

·  September 13 – 14 Face-to-Face Minutes

o  Motion by Monica Branigan, seconded by Bruno Gagnon to pass minutes from September 13 – 14 Face-to-Face. Carried.

3.0  Education

·  Palliative Care Competencies for Surgeons – Kim, for Susan

o  Put on the resources section of Members Area

o  Members to contact Srini Chary if any comments.

·  FYI: Stephanie Connidis to represent CSPCP on the CFPC Palliative Care Committee

o  Meeting two weeks ago.

o  Requested copy of letter we sent to CFPC regarding configuration of the CAC

o  Kim forwarded the letter to the committee.

4.0  Advocacy & Partnerships

·  Physician Hastened Death

Finalize submission to Federal panel – David, Monica

§  Received one week extension before submitting this document.

§  Key Messages are appreciated by Members and others

§  DECISION: Add disclaimer to indicate that it’s intended to represent the majority of our members. Agreed by all.

§  Monica updated that consensus is difficult to come to (e.g., recommendation #7).

§  Concern expressed regarding ability to defend recommendation #11 regarding ability of surrogate decision makers. Physician Hastened Death Working Group felt strongly to keep this in. Board agreed.

§  Monica circulated a potential alternate layout for the document

§  Board discussed specifics regarding submission. Agreed to:

§  Agreed to change the wording of “accept” to “recognize”.

§  Suggested to change wording from “recognize” to “acknowledge”. Agreed.

§  Recommendation #7 reviewed.

§  MOTION to reword as follows:

·  If the Parliament of Canada is considering legislation to allow for Physician-Hastened Death, the Canadian Society of Palliative Care Physicians recommends caution by commencing only with physician assisted suicide for eligible persons with a limited prognosis.

·  For: Leonie, Bernard, Bruno, Dave, Stephanie, Ted . Against Monica, Anne


§  Request to clarify Recommendation #6. It means that the team takes responsibility for meeting patient’s request, not an individual. This allows individuals on the team to have their own rights protected. No change required to text.

§  Question regarding flow: Do people like the new order that Monica circulated this morning (assuming the same text); or the previous order?

§  If going with previous order: suggest pointing out the # of key points and recommendations. Considering letters for the recommendations instead of numbers.

§  ACTION: Vote by Survey Monkey. Monica to issue the poll.

Letter to Colleges - Deferred

Idea: Slide Deck - Deferred

·  ACP Study - Deferred

·  Approve Media contact list – Deferred

5.0  Member Engagement & Communication

·  Membership challenge - Michelle

o  Latest total: 406 members.

·  Representatives on committees - Kim

o  Choosing Wisely Canada: Teneille Gofton (London) will co-rep with Mary-Jane O’Leary

§  ACTION: Kim to meet with both Teneille and Mary-Jane.

o  Wait Time Alliance: vacant

§  Meets by telecon once or twice a year, any Board members interested?

§  Helps bring attention to our profession

§  Will check with Leonie, Susan & Stephen before putting call out to membership for a representative.

o  Bernard is representing CSPCP on CPAC – Nov 4 Meeting and a weekend meeting the following weekend.

o  Stephanie (Nov 5 – 6) going to Physician Resource Summit for Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons. This may link well with the wait time alliance. Resources are being linked to wait times.

o  Template for reporting on meetings - attached

§  Reviewed new meeting report template that was suggested at F2F

§  Will test out form at the upcoming meetings.

6.0  Infrastructure and operations

·  Approve Work Plan - attached

o  Board members have sent their comments

o  Reviewed remaining questions

o  Should Media Strategy be moved from the Advocacy & Partnerships section to Communications? - Yes

o  Should we develop national standards for palliative care consultants? – Yes. Put it in the Human Resources section.

§  Suggested that CSPCP should take formal role to encourage physicians to apply to have a consultation fee code requirement.

§  Leonie added that Calgary has looked at standardizing criteria to be a PC consultant.

§  Everyone agreeing that this be looked at by PC physicians in each province.

§  ACTION: Kim add these items to work plan.

§  No HR Committee to tackle national standards for palliative care consultants; should we form a working group?

§  Suggested to Identify champion in each province to drive provincially and then move from there. May require one or two teleconferences to move forward. David Henderson offers to chair.

§  ACTION: Kim to get this coordinated about how to start.

·  Approve ED report – attachment - Deferred

ADJOURN: Meeting adjourned at 1030 h. PST

NEXT MEETING: T-CON November 9, 2015