- Discuss Robert Mitchell’s “Iron Law of Oligarchy” and its relevance to trade union democracy.
- A contract of employment is a way of controlling the labour process. Discuss with reference to Zimbabwe’s statutory and common law provisions on the employment contract.
- “An unceasing power struggle is therefore the central feature of industrial relations…..”.Hyman (1975). Discuss
- Discuss the contention that “there is nothing so unequal as the equal treatment of unequals” with respect to the State’s intervention in industrial relations.
- Does the definition of Industrial relations as job regulation represent a narrow framework for the study of the subject? Discuss
- Conflict is always inherent in Industrial Relations. Discuss this argument with reference to the three Industrial Relations perspectives.
- The issues of power and control are central to the study of industrial relations. Discuss
- Discuss the various elements that are fundamental in developing a legally binding employment contract as discussed in class.
- Analyse the factors that have led to the growth and decline of trade unions in Zimbabwe since 1900 to date.
- Discuss the role of the State in industrial Relations.
- Discuss the extent to which the State has contributed towards the rise and fall of trade unions in the pre and post-independent Zimbabwe.
- Discuss the impact of globalization on Industrial Relations in Zimbabwe. In your answer, take note of how flexibility issues have shaped the employment contract.
- a) “…the issues of power and control are central to the study of industrial relations…”.Outline the various types and sources of managerial power in Industrial Relations.
b) Discuss the strategies employed by management in order to gain full control of the labour process.
- a) Discuss the contention that conflict is always inherent in Industrial Relations.
b) Analyse the nature and causes of industrial conflict and the various ways that are used to contain it.
15.a) Analyse the critical elements that should be considered by negotiators for effective negotiations to take place.
b) Discuss the factors that are likely to affect the nature and scope of collective bargaining in Zimbabwe today.
16.a) Discuss the reasons why employees join trade unions as well as the factors that discourage others to obtain membership in such organizations.
b) Critically analyse trade union democracy and the factors that are likely to impinge on trade union democracy in the contemporary business world.
17.Discuss the role played by Social Dialogue in addressing issues of Social and Economic Policy in Zimbabwe since 1998. To what extent has it added value to all parties to the Social Contract?
18.Analyse the impacts of the new H.R Agenda on the management of Employment Relations today.