ABSORPTIONTaking something in and not releasing it

ADAPTATION Body part or behavior that helps an animal meet its needs

AIRThe stuff we breathe but can not see, smell or taste

AIR MASSA huge body of air that has the same temperature and moisture

ALGAETiny plants that live in the water

AMPHIBIANAnimals that live in water when they are young, on land

when they grow old

AIR PRESSURE Weight of air

ANEMOMETER Instrument used to measure wind speed.

ANIMALLiving thing that must eat food, breathes oxygen and must have a male and female parent

ARTERIES Large vessels that take blood away from the heart.

ATMOSPHERE Layer of air that surrounds the earth.

AXIS Imaginary line that runs through the center of a planet as it spins

AXLERod or bar running between two wheels

BACTERIA One celled organisms important because of their chemical

activities. Needed for digestion and decomposition

BAROMETER Weather instrument used to measure the weight of air

BARRIER ISLANDThin island made of sand along a coast

BEAKERThin clear container used to measure how much space a liquid will

take up Measures volume

Words in Black need to be introduced by at least Fifth Grade.

Words in Green need to be introduced by at least Fourth Grade.

Words in Blue need to be introduced by at least Third Grade.

Words in Red need to be introduced by at least Second Grade.

Words in Violet need to be introduced by at least First Grade.

BEHAVIORSomething an animal does

BIRDAnimal with feathers

BLOODFluid that flows through the body bringing oxygen to tissue and

removing carbon dioxide.

BOILING POINTTemperature at which a liquid will rapidly change to a gas forming bubbles.

BONES Hard material in the bodies of many animals

BOUYANCYHow well one type of material will float in a gas or liquid

BRAIN Organ of an animal that controls the nervous system.

CANYONA deep valley with steep sides

CAPACITYHow much space a liquid takes up using milliliters

CAPILLARIES Tiny blood vessels, which allow gases and nutrients to pass

from blood to cells.

CARBON DIOXIDE/OXYGEN CYCLE Gas molecules passing between

animals and plants

CARBON DIOXIDE Gas breathed out by animals but used by plants to

make food

CARNIVORE Animal that eats meat for energy

CELL Smallest body structure of all living things.

CHARACTERISTICSHow to describe the body parts or behaviors common to one group.

CHEMICAL CHANGE Changing one type of matter into another by

breaking or joining particles. Irreversible

Words in Black need to be introduced by at least Fifth Grade.

Words in Green need to be introduced by at least Fourth Grade.

Words in Blue need to be introduced by at least Third Grade.

Words in Red need to be introduced by at least Second Grade.

Words in Violet need to be introduced by at least First Grade.
CHLOROPHYLL Green chemical in leaves that use the Sun’s energy to

make food

CIRCULATE Move around in a closed path.

CLASSIFICATION Grouping things by common characteristics

CLIMATE Average temperature and rainfall of an area over many years

COAL Fossil fuel formed from decayed swamp plants

COMMUNITY All living things in the same place at the same time

COMPETEAn organism will try to use a resource before some other

COMPETITION Contest among organisms for the limited resources of an


CONCLUSIONS Final thoughts on a subject based on observation and


CONDENSATION Change water vapor or other gas into a liquid

CONDUCTOR Material that electricity (heat or sound) can pass through easily

CONSUMER Organism within a community that must eat another

organism to get nutrients and energy

CONSTELLATIONA group of stars that can be seen as a pattern

CONTINENTAL DRIFT Theory of how continents move

CONTOUR PLOWINGTurning dirt over while going around the side of a hill

to prevent erosion

CORE The melted nickel and iron at the center of the Earth.

Words in Black need to be introduced by at least Fifth Grade.

Words in Green need to be introduced by at least Fourth Grade.

Words in Blue need to be introduced by at least Third Grade.

Words in Red need to be introduced by at least Second Grade.

Words in Violet need to be introduced by at least First Grade.
CRATER Large basin formed when a volcano falls in on itself or a meteor

crashes into a planet

CRUST Thin, outer layer of Earth

CYCLEPattern of events that keep repeating

DAYTIMETime of day when a place on Earth is facing the Sun

DECAYRotting or breaking down dead animals or plants.

DECOMPOSER Organism that breaks down dead organisms for food

DENSITY Property of matter that compares the mass of a certain volume

to the same volume of different matter.

DEPOSITION Process of dropping, or depositing, sediment in a new place.

DESERTA place that gets very little rain so that very few living things can

live there

DEVELOPMENTGrowing to maturity

DIGESTIONChange food into simplenutrients that can be used by cells

DISPLACEMENTCause something to move by taking its place

DISSOLVEParticles of one type of matter break apart from each

other and mix evenly with the particles of another type

EARTHQUAKEShaking of the ground caused when tectonic plates move

along a fault and suddenly release a large amount of energy

ECLIPSE Shadow created as one object passes between another object and

the source of light.

ECOSYSTEMOrganisms and environment of one place working together

to create habitats

Words in Black need to be introduced by at least Fifth Grade.

Words in Green need to be introduced by at least Fourth Grade.

Words in Blue need to be introduced by at least Third Grade.

Words in Red need to be introduced by at least Second Grade.

Words in Violet need to be introduced by at least First Grade.
EGGS Cell in a female animal that grows into a new individual after

being fertilized.

ELECTRIC CIRCUITPath along which electric particles moves

ELECTRIC CURRENTElectric particles moving

ELECTROMAGNET Temporary magnet made by passing electricity a wire

wrapped a metal bar.

ENERGYAbility to do work or change matter

ENVIRONMENTAll of the things and processes that surround an organism

EROSIONPieces of rock and soil are moved by natural forces

EVAPORATION Changing liquid into a gas (Liquids evaporate at any

temporature, not just at their boiling points)

FALLTime of year when days are getting shorter and cooler

because the Earth is no longer tilted toward the Sun.

FAULTBreak in the Earth’s crust where the crust moves up, down or

slides past another piece of crust

FERTILIZATION Joining a male reproductive cell with a female reproductive


FERTILIZER Natural or chemical material that adds nutrients to soil.

FISHAnimal with bones that can breathe under water

FLOATStay on top of another liquid or gas

FLOWERPart of the plant that makes seeds to make new plants


Words in Black need to be introduced by at least Fifth Grade.

Words in Green need to be introduced by at least Fourth Grade.

Words in Blue need to be introduced by at least Third Grade.

Words in Red need to be introduced by at least Second Grade.

Words in Violet need to be introduced by at least First Grade.
FOOD CHAIN A picture showing how living things get nutrients from other living things

FOOD WEBA diagram of various living things passing energy to each

other through a system of producers and consumers

FORCE Push or pull causing an object to stop, go or change direction

FORESTPlace where many trees grow

FOSSILS Remains or traces of life found in sedimentary rock.

FOSSIL FUELSFuel formed deep underground from the remains of

organisms that lived long ago (Oil, natural gas and coal)

FREEZING POINT Temperature at which a liquid freezes into a solid

equal to the melting point of the substance.

FRICTIONPull from a surface that makes it hard to slide things

FRONT Border between two bodies of air that have different temperatures

GASTiny invisible things that take the shape and fill up a container

because the pieces are always flying away from each other

GAS GIANTSJupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune

GERMINATEWhen a new plant breaks out of its seed

GILLSPart of a fish’s body that lets it absorb oxygen underwater

GRAVITY Force that pulls objects in space toward each other

HABITAT The place where living things can find food, water and shelter

HAILIce that falls from the sky made as rain falls through a very cold air


Words in Black need to be introduced by at least Fifth Grade.

Words in Green need to be introduced by at least Fourth Grade.

Words in Blue need to be introduced by at least Third Grade.

Words in Red need to be introduced by at least Second Grade.

Words in Violet need to be introduced by at least First Grade.
HEART The muscle that pumps blood to all parts of the body

HERBIVOREAnimal that eats plants to get the energy it needs

HIBERNATEAnimals go into a deep sleeplike state for long periods

HUMIDITYMeasure of the amount of water in the air

HUMUSSoil made of material that was once part of a living thing

HYPOTHESISSomething that has not been proven but is thought to be true

(What we think the answer is.)

INEXHAUSTABLEResource that cannot be used up (Think about
weather or planet cycles)

INCLINED PLANE Flat surface that is higher at one end

INHERITED Trait passed from parent to child at fertilization

INNER PLANETSMercury, Venus, Earth and Mars

INSECTAnimal that has six legs and three body parts (head,thorax,abdomen)

INSTINCT Behavior that an organism inherits

INSULATORMaterial that does not allow electricity, heat or sound to

flow through

JOINTSPlace where bones meet and are attached by muscles

LAKEA body of water that is surrounded by land on all sides

LANDFORMThe shape of land in one area of the Earth’s surface

LEARNEDSomething an animal does because the animal was

either taught, observed or experienced the behavior

Words in Black need to be introduced by at least Fifth Grade.

Words in Green need to be introduced by at least Fourth Grade.

Words in Blue need to be introduced by at least Third Grade.

Words in Red need to be introduced by at least Second Grade.

Words in Violet need to be introduced by at least First Grade.
LEVER Board or bar resting on turning point used to move things

LIFE CYCLE Living things grow up from baby to adult often going

through big changes in how it looks starting as a baby

and changing until it is ready to have babies of its own

LIGAMENTSOne of the connective tissues that hold the skeleton together.

LIQUID Wet thing that pours into the shape of its container because its tiny

pieces of slide past and around each other

LIVING THINGSomething that needs food and water to grow and has babies

LOAMType of topsoil with a lot of material from living things

LUNAR ECLIPSE Earth’s shadow crossing the Moon

LUNGSBody parts used by animals to breathe

MAGMA Molten rock below the Earth’s surface.

MAGNETIC FIELD Space all around a magnet where its force is observed.

MAGNETIC POLES End of a magnet.

MAGNETISM Force of attraction or repulsion between two poles of a


MANTLERigid blocks of crust and upper mantle rocks that float on the

magma of Earth’s core.

MASS The amount or weight of an object measured in grams

MASS MOVEMENT Downhill movement of rock and soil because of gravity.

MATERIALSThings that are used to do an experiment

MATTER Everything that takes up space and has weight made of tiny pieces

Words in Black need to be introduced by at least Fifth Grade.

Words in Green need to be introduced by at least Fourth Grade.

Words in Blue need to be introduced by at least Third Grade.

Words in Red need to be introduced by at least Second Grade.

Words in Violet need to be introduced by at least First Grade.
MECHANICAL ENERGYAmount of energy being used to move something

MELTChange from a solid to a liquid

MELTING POINT Temperature at which a solid melts into a liquid equal to the

freezing point of the substance.

METAMORPHOSIS Change in the shape or characteristics of an organism

during development

MINERALHard things found in nature that were never alive

MIXTURE Something that has two or more different types of matter

mixed together that can be taken apart reversible

MODELSomething that represents how a real thing may look or act

(Models may be smaller or larger than the real thing)

MOLECULEVery smallest particle of any substance

MOLTENSomething that is melted

MOON Smaller object that revolves around a planet

MODELSomething made to represent or explain how real things might look

or act

MOTIONMove somehow

MOUNTAINPlace on Earth’s surface that is much higher than the land

around it

MUSCLES Meat part of the body used for moving made of long cells

that contract and expand

NATURAL GAS The gas methane usually found with petroleum oil.

Words in Black need to be introduced by at least Fifth Grade.

Words in Green need to be introduced by at least Fourth Grade.

Words in Blue need to be introduced by at least Third Grade.

Words in Red need to be introduced by at least Second Grade.

Words in Violet need to be introduced by at least First Grade
NATURAL RESOURCE Any useful mineral or other material that people

take from the Earth

NERVES The organs that carry signals from the brain to the body and back

to the brain.

NICHE Role each population plays within a habitat.

NIGHTTime of day when a place on Earth is facing away from the Sun

NITROGEN CYCLE Pattern Nitrogen gas follows as it is used by

living things or stored in soil.

NONLIVING THINGThings that do not need food or water because they do

not grow and will not have babies

NONRENEWABLE Resource that is in limited supply and will one day be

used up completely.(Think about fossils and rock cycle)

NUTRIENTSThings that living things need in their body to grow

OCEANVery large body of salt water covering large parts of the Earth

OFFSPRING Young of a plant or animal.

OILGreasy liquid substance from plant, animal or mineral sources.


OMNIVORE Animal that eats both plants and animals to get energy

ORBITPath of an object as it revolves/travels around a second object

ORGAN Tissues that work together to perform a specific function.

ORGANISMIndividual animal, plant or other living thing.

OUTER PLANETSJupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune

Words in Black need to be introduced by at least Fifth Grade.

Words in Green need to be introduced by at least Fourth Grade.

Words in Blue need to be introduced by at least Third Grade.

Words in Red need to be introduced by at least Second Grade.

Words in Violet need to be introduced by at least First Grade.
OXYGEN A gas in air that must be breathed or absorbed by animals

PANGEA Super-continent made up of all of the Earth’s land surface that

existed about 225 million years ago.

PARENT Animal or plant, which produces baby or seed.

PARTICLEVery small piece of some thing

PHASESDifferent shapes the moon appears to have when observed from Earth


PHOTOSYNTHESIS Process of plants to produce food using the sun’s light

for energy.

PHYSICAL CHANGESomehow changing matter and how it is observed

without making some new kind of matter

PHYSICAL PROPERTIESCharacteristics of matter that can be observed

and measured including the states of matter

PITCH The type of tone heard determined by the speed of the sound waves

PLANETA very large, round body of gas or rock that goes around a star

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

(Mnemonic: My Very Excited Mother Just Served Us Nachos)

PLATE Layer of rock beneath the Earth’s crust

PLATEAULarge flat area surrounded by land that is lower

POLLENMale reproductive cells found in the flower.

POPULATIONAll animals of the same species that live in the same area at

the same time

PRECIPITATIONWater that falls to Earth as rain, snow, sleet or hail

Words in Black need to be introduced by at least Fifth Grade.

Words in Green need to be introduced by at least Fourth Grade.

Words in Blue need to be introduced by at least Third Grade.

Words in Red need to be introduced by at least Second Grade.

Words in Violet need to be introduced by at least First Grade.
PREDATOR Animal that hunts another for food

PREDICTION To say what will happen before it actually does.

PREY Animal that is hunted as food by another animal

PROCEDURESteps or actions that are done in an experiment

PROCESSSeries of events that happen in a pattern

PRODUCER Organism that is able to make its own food by absorbing

energy from the sun

PROPERTIESCharacteristics of some matter that describes how it looks or acts

PULLEYSimple machine with a wheel and rope or chain to pull objects

PUPA Enclosed shape of an insect while it is changing from a larva into

an adult.

RAIN FORESTPlace filled with trees where it rains all year round

RAIN GAUGE Weather instrument used to measure rain amount.

RECYCLE Make something new from something old

REDUCE Use less of a resource.

REFLECTIONLight energy that bounces off objects

REFRACTION Bending of light rays as they pass through a substance.

RENEWABLE Resource that can be replaced as it is used. (Think about

natural cycles that refresh or replenish the resources.)

Words in Black need to be introduced by at least Fifth Grade.

Words in Green need to be introduced by at least Fourth Grade.

Words in Blue need to be introduced by at least Third Grade.

Words in Red need to be introduced by at least Second Grade.

Words in Violet need to be introduced by at least First Grade.
REPRODUCTION Produce another living thing of the same kind.

REPTILEAnimal with rough dry skin

RESULTS What was observed because of an experiment

REUSE Use an item again often for a different purpose.

REVERSIBLEAble to change back and forth

REVOLVE Move around an object

ROCK LAYERS Mineral that lays like blankets one on another rocks getting

older as it gets lower.

ROTATE Planet spins like a top

RULERSmall stick or paper used to measure length in centimeters

SCALES1. Thin hard pieces that cover the body of a fish or reptile