Surefire Shofar
There are two Torah portions that are associated with Rosh Hashanah. The first is Genesis 21:1-34 and Numbers 29:1-6. The story of Abraham in this passage lends us some clues that can help embolden us in or anticipation and faith in our soon deliverance from the coming tribulation of this world. Numbers tells us directly about the feast and how it is to be carried out.
There are two days observed for Rosh Hashanah, since it is the day where no man knows the day or hour. Day one has the Torah portion of Genesis 21:1-34, Numbers 29:1-6
Day One
We first read of Isaac’s birth. Isaac is known to be a foreshadowing of Jesus Christ. There is speculation that Jesus may have been born on Rosh Hashanah. In the Jewish Mishnah it is said that Adam was born on Rosh Hashanah, and Jesus is said to be the second Adam. According to Hebrews4christians website they found this out by rearranging the letters of “In the Beginning…” the phrase the first of Tishri can be formed. The first of Tishri is of course Rosh Hashanah. It is interesting to note that verse eight says Abraham had a great feast the day Isaac was weaned. The age of weaning is not known exactly. Hannah also gave Samuel to the temple after weaning. It is thought that the age may be three years old. If so, this would tie in many themes together as the weaning is a picture of a baby not being as reliant on the mother, and now ready to take direction from the father. Hannah turned Samuel over to the temple after his weaning. This could be one aspect of the picture of the rapture where we are turned over from the comfort of the Holy Spirit to our Father in Heaven.
Next we find God instructing Abraham to cast away the slave girl Hagar and her son Ishmael. Abraham had distress in doing this, but God assured him that Ishmael would become a powerful nation. We know that Ishmael has indeed become a power to be feared in the world we live in today. Hagar and her son are thrown into a wilderness and nearly die. The passage next describes that God opened her eyes and she saw a well of water. Wells as I will show are akin to ‘stargates’. In the past these may have been only used on science fiction type movies and such. However, now we have CERN and can see that demonic forces are set to enter the stage through these things that were once fantasy and now have become fact. At the time Hagar finds a ‘skin’ of water and gives it to the boy, God declares he will become a great nation, and become a ‘bowman’. On August 13th Saturn stopped its westward motion in the sky in the constellation of Ophiuchus. This was on the 9th of Av. Ophiuchus is a picture of Jesus as the restrainer. This 13th sign of the zodiac is a man holding onto the serpent. Saturn was stationary from the earth’s perspective for one day and then will begin again in an eastward motion. It will then cross into the constellation of Sagittarius in late February 2017 slipping out of Ophiuchus’ grip. Saturn is a sign of Satan. Sagittarius is a half man, half beast archer. This is the Nephilim and the antichrist archer of Revelation 6:2, “And I saw, and behold a white horse, and he that sat on him had a bow, and a crown was given unto him, and he went forth conquering and to conquer.” I suspect it will be Obama at this point taking control of what is now the United Nations to form the one world government and religion. Remember also that Hagar is Egyptian. She and her son Ishmael are in the mold of Isis and Horus. The last part of this section of scripture says that Hagar got for him a wife from the land of Egypt. So, Satan shall be cast out from Abraham, a picture of God the Father, and into the wilderness down through the stargate and cast into the world to become a great nation. This antichrist of Revelation 6 will go forth and set up the end times world government and religion.
In the next portion of text we find Abraham chastising Abimelech for a well of water his servants had seized. Again, a well of water represents a ‘stargate’ or door to heaven. This takes place in Beersheba. The wilderness of Beersheba is where Hagar and Ishmael were cast down, it is where this discussion is taking place and would be later where Jacob sees the ‘stairway to heaven’. The passage says that Jacob saw the top reaching heaven and him beholding angels ascending and descending upon it. Abraham then offers seven lambs as proof the well were his. Does it seem odd that Abraham would offer seven lambs for something he already owns? This fits a prophetic parallel in Revelation chapter five. In this chapter there is a book is presented with seven seals. What book is this? Let’s gather the clues. In chapter four John is called up to heaven through a door, which is the same as what we have been referring to here as a ‘stargate.’ This is a passageway from one place to another. John is called up trumpet saying ‘come up hither.’ Rosh Hashanah, the Feast of Trumpets has all of these elements. It is the sounding of the Shofar or trumpet, and it is also the time when the Judge of the Universe is called into the Earth’s proximity for judgement in the book of life. Doesn’t God already own the earth and the lives upon it? So why would He have to offer his son? The answer is the Abraham’s servants did not maintain control and gave it away. This is the reason for Abraham’s sevenfold sheep offering. Revelation mentions a lamb looking as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes which are the seven spirits God sent forth into all the earth. Abraham said that Abimelech needed to accept these seven lambs showing that he had dug this well. God is retaking ownership of what will be the rapture passage.
This first day and Torah portion is where God retakes ownership of the rapture doorway. He does this with the sevenfold sheep offering taking the well, door or ‘stargate’ back from Abimelech. Abimelech’s name means ‘Father is King.’ And indeed He is. God in His Sovereignty has the right and the power to rule. If this was the end, we would be subject to judgement, but as we look at Rosh Hashanah day two and the Torah portion there, we will see that He is also love.
Day two
On day two of Rosh Hashanah, Feast of Trumpets Genesis 22:1-24 and Numbers 29:1-6 are read.
God asks Abraham to take his son, his favored one and offer him up as a sacrifice on Mount Moriah. The verse says on the third day Abraham looked up and saw the place from afar. Historically, Abraham did see the place from afar, but also this is a picture that God the Father saw the need to sacrifice his son for our sins. It also says that Abraham said to his servants to stay at the foot of the mountain and that he and his son would go up and then return again. So, Isaac was bound and Abraham was about to sacrifice his son on the wood akin to the cross which would occur many years later. Then there was a ‘shout from heaven’ and the angel saved Abraham from the act which he was dreading. The verse then says when Abraham looked ‘up’ there was a ram was caught in the thicket by the horns. Many have asked, if this is a model of Jesus dying later as the lamb of God, why then did Abraham sacrifice a ram and not a lamb? What is the difference between a lamb and a ram? The horns! The shofar! Here hidden in this passage we have an angelic shout, the shofar, and the presence of Jesus and God the Father on top of the Mount. God goes on to tell Abraham that he will give him an inheritance of the stars of heaven and the sands of the seashore. Also, he tells him that he will seize the gates of his foes. This is the inheritance God promises us, and also the ultimate victory in the battel of Armageddon over the antichrist and his armies.
Rosh Hashanah itself is a model of the Rapture in that Moses ascended Mount Sinai three times. He began his third ascent on Elul 1 which is the time for repentance leading up to the fall judgements. Moses was on Mount Saini for forty days. He returned on Yom Kippur, Day of Atonement. This future date marks Armageddon, the final judgment and end of days. With Moses in the model of Jesus in the forty day period he would have been at the peak or heaven on day 20 and then another ten days down the mountain or still in the air, but not quite back to earth yet. This is also how Jesus will return in the Rapture. He will meet his bride in the air, but will not return completely until Yom Kippur.
The book of Numbers which occupies both days tells us simply that the horn will be blown, and that we shall do no labor. We cannot earn our own salvation, that is the work and sacrifice that came from Jesus. Also there is the instruction on the sacrifice which does include one ram, seven lambs and a bull. Also, a goat will be sacrificed as a sin offering.
This Year
For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a loud command, with voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ shall rise first, then we which are alive will be caught up together with them in the clouds for the meeting of the Lord in the air, and so shall we always be with the Lord. ~ 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17
Behold, I show you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet (shofar), for the trumpet (shofar) shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. ~ 1 Corinthians 15:51
Many believe that we entered into the Jubilee year on September 23, 2015. There were many signs that this was so, but I won’t go into those here. I have a separate writing where I show that this past Passover was the blessing on the 1335th day.
The Jewish year is 5776. 5776 has thirteen factors. Factors meaning mathematical multiples such as 76 x 76 = 5776, or 4 X 1444. I believe this is a clue that this is the Jubilee year. The month of Elul leading up to Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur is a process of judgment. When we are guilty, and we are all guilty, save for the blood of Christ, then we need mercy. This is what the Jubilee is all about – mercy and forgiveness of debt. There is no greater debt than sin. You can read many articles on the thirteen attributes of God’s mercy, but here is a quick listing:
- Breath of life for all creation.
- Creation for redemption since He foreknew evil.
- Omnipotent, sustaining the universe itself.
- Provision for all of creation.
- Gracious to the unworthy, unmerited favor.
- Slow to anger – longsuffering.
- Abundant in love to both righteous and wicked.
- Truthful to carry out promises.
- Passing love for generations taking into account worthy ancestors.
- Forgiving iniquity, premeditated sin.
- Forgiving transgression, rebellion.
- Forgiving sin, wrongful deeds committed inadvertently or unknowingly.
- Pardoning sin. Punishment will not be cancelled, but atoned for in His son Jesus Christ.
Upon the blowing of the trumpet, the year turns from 5776 and the thirteen attributes of mercy to 5777.
Solar Eclipses
On July 22nd 2009 there was a solar eclipse over the Pacific Ocean. It was the longest solar eclipse of the 21st century. This was forty years to the day when Apollo 11 left the orbit of the moon after declaring man to be god and an alliance with the Nephilim. “…one giant (Nephilim) leap for mankind.” The Apollo 11 capsule returned to earth landing in the Pacific Ocean on the 9th of Av in 1969. This is known as the ‘sin of the spies’ and also the destruction of the two temples.
Seven years from this was this summer and landed on Tammuz 17. More to come on this date below.
On March 9th 2016 there was another solar eclipse over the Pacific Ocean. This was the 1290 day marker from Neil Armstrong’s death. It was also the day after the United Nations 2030 declaration that women will be equal to men.
Apollo 8 on Christmas Eve 1968 declared glory of God (reading Genesis 1:1-10)
Apollo 11 on July 20th 1969 declared glory of man & alliance w giant leap for mankind. Apollo 11 landed I. Pacific Ocean on 9th of AV. Same dates temples fell & false report of spies.
Neil Armstrong died on Aug 25, 2012.
1260 days from Armstrong's death was the Jubilee Super Bowl, this took place in Levi stadium by the Golden Gate Bridge. The white horse rider defeated the black beast 24-10. 24 is the number for heavenly government & 10 is ordinal completion.Lady Gaga, Beyonce, Cold Play & Bruno Mars foreshadowed the rebellious things from the civil rights movement that seemingly died with a head wound but has been healed.
At 1290 days from Armstong's death is s total solar eclipse over the Pacific Ocean where Apollo 11 landed.
At 1335 days is Passover. This is when those who are worthy will become ready for the rapture.
There will be a Solar Eclipse on September 1, 2016. This eclipse will take place at its maximum over Tanzania. In 2013 Obama declared a future of African power and the change in leadership in Egypt.
This is Elul 1 and leads us properly into a time of repentance. This is an annular eclipse which looks like a ‘wedding ring.’ I would say there are two marriages about to take place. One is Jesus and his bride, and the other is the world and the antichrist. Mid-month there is also a partial lunar eclipse.
Next year, on August 21, 2017 there will be a total solar eclipse over the United States of America. This is the first solar eclipse that has occurred over the mainland United States since 1979. The solar eclipse of September 1st 2016 is a judgment against Satan and the antichrist as he is cast down and rules this world for the final tribulation period. It also is a final notice and sign before the rapture takes place. As I mentioned previously in the writing, Saturn moves eastward and out of the control of the ‘restrainer’ in February 2017. This is right after the United States ‘normally’ swears in the newly elected president. I am anticipating that things will well be in motion in that point for the One World Order. By the time the solar eclipse occurs in August it is a sign of judgement for the left behind people of America. The eclipse occurs on the 29th of Av. This is when Moses was said to have come down the second time and ready himself for the final trip of forty days on Mount Sinai when he would finally come down on Yom Kippur.
On July 2, 2019 there will be a total solar eclipse over the southern Pacific Ocean. The end of the month will bring another new moon making this a ‘black moon’ month. What is a black moon? It’s the opposite of a blue moon. A blue moon occurs when two full moons happen in the same month. In this case there are two new or black moons occurring, the first of which is a total solar eclipse. This month on July 20th happens to be the fiftieth anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing and the false jubilee of ‘…on Giant leap for mankind.” The 20th of July lands exactly on Tammuz 17 which is the date where Israel worshipped the golden calf. It will be this date that the antichrist declares himself to be god.
Black Moon Trump
This year on September 1st 2016 will be a annular solar eclipse over Africa as I have detailed above. The second new moon will be the ‘black’ moon and also will be just before Rosh Hashanah and the blowing of the shofar for the Feast of Trumpets bringing in year 5777. The moon will be in between the earth and sun. This is a model of what took place in the Garden of Eden where our parents were deceived by Satan. The Sun as a model stand for the “Son” Jesus Christ. It is the center of our solar system and sustains all life. The moon is the bride and stands for Eve. Adam was made out of the dust of the earth and earth stand for him. Both Adam and Eve were said to be created on the Feast of Trumpets. When the moon is behind her husband she is in her white gown as a full moon. When she comes between her husband and the sun then she is black. A day or two later and there begins to be a sliver of light as she moves towards redemption, and this is what we call the new moon and this is when the trump of Rosh Hashanah shall blow. I suspect it will be between Sunday, which is named after the sun, and Monday which is named after the moon. That happens to be perfectly how it falls this year. The moon is the subject of all the seven feasts and biblical months. It is often called the bride, and as Eve was taken from her husband’s side, so was the moon taken from the earth’s side. The ring of fire where all the volcanoes and earthquakes take place is its home. In Daniel’s vision of the image with the head of gold you remember the feet of both iron and clay that were said to be mingled with the seed of men. This is the antichrist system and the alignment with the Nephilim which I have been referring to in regards to the Apollo 11 mission. Then it is said that a stone carved without human hands will come and destroy the image at the feet and turn into mountain that will fill the whole earth. In Isaiah it is mentioned that God will reverse the poles of the earth. Right now the moon is slowly pushing away from the earth, but when the magnetic poles are reversed the moon will move again towards its rightful place. It will also bring about the end of the antichrist in our victory in the war of Armageddon. I believe this is the place of Selah, Petra, the cleft of the rock, and many other biblical passages where God mentions hiding us away until His indignation is over. The bride will go where the bride belongs. We will go to Eden where our parents once were born on Rosh Hashanah nearly 6,000 years ago.