CFSC Meeting Minutes
August 11, 2015
Board Members present: Mary Ament-Johnson, Mollie Simon, Kristy Korba, Erica Gisel, Barb Swanson, Jenn Gizinski, Elisa Holzhueter, and Elizabeth Matvick
Board members absent: Sandy Larson
Others present: Tami Wellhausen
Meeting called to order by President Mary Ament-Johnson at 6:46 p.m. Quorum was declared.
Meet and Greet: The following people were also present at this board meeting: Kathy Skinner-CCC interim Rink Manager, Tamarah Hooper-Coaching Staff Applicant, and Laura Niesche Club parent who worked Maui Wowi and Culver’s Custard booths.
Motion made, Seconded and carried unanimously to accept Tamarah Hooper as a new CFSC Coach with clarification of membership type.
President’s report: Mary confirmed we have 23 individuals registered for the G2C camp on August 14-15th. One coach had to be cancelled due to low enrollment. Report will be emailed with detailed information. Better marketing and a different time of year will be considered for future camp.
Secretary’s report: Motion made, Seconded and carried unanimously to accept the July meeting minutes with no corrections.
Treasurer’s report: Will be having a meeting sometime during the next week. Report will be emailed.
Ad Hoc Committee Reports
Safe Sport: Nothing to report
Junior Club Coordinator: Plan to have a Junior Club meeting in September to discuss Junior Club, competing, and testing.
Basic Skills Competition: Gathering volunteers for the competition. Need to set a new date. Barb will talk to Kathy Skinner to set this up. Plan to set up a meeting with Junior Club Members to discuss what Basic Skills Competition is and the details. Will be having it soon and will email dates.
Marketing/PR: Finalizing names for newsletter that is planned to come out quarterly starting in September.
Membership: Motion made, seconded and carried unanimously to approve the following:
First time Home Club Members:
Charlie Wischnack
Barett Wischnack
Tamarah Hooper-Coach
First Year Junior Club Members
Marlo Swenson
Olivia Olson
Second year Junior Club Members
Grace Haag
Elouise Rydberg
TCFSA: Had a meeting 8/10/15 and there are a few events coming up:
Kristi Yamaguchi will be at Rosedale Center August 30th for their back to school kick off.
Monday, August 31 will be Figure Skating Day at the Minnesota State Fair.
Minnesota Skating Scholarship Fund will host exhibition Sept 26th at the Richfield Ice Arena.
January 15 - 24, 2016 the U.S. Figure Skating Championships are coming to Minnesota. They are looking for volunteers from each club. An email will be sent to club members about purchasing tickets to get a block of seats.
Test Chair: Looking at having a test session in Oct.
Social: River Cruise is planned for Aug 29th. September will be going to an Apple Orchard. Information on upcoming outings will be emailed.
Ice Show: Need to finalize dates of March 5th & 6th, and narrow down theme from emails received.
Ice Coordinator: Report Emailed. Fall Schedule done and will be emailed. Discussed ways the contract can be updated.
Pro Liaison: Nothing to report
Fundraising: Discussed ways to improve the Maui Wowi and Culver’s Custard booths that CFSC had at River City Days July 24-25th. Some of the improvements/additions that were discussed were: scheduling volunteers, volunteer cancellation policy, having a tent with more décor, banner/tablecloth. Also discussed the age of members that can volunteer in the booths, what jobs the younger kids can do, and having 2 adult chaperones at each booth, and how to use the money that is raised. Laura mentioned she would create the sign-up sheet for next year’s booths, and has a friend that could possibly make a banner or tablecloth with CFSC logo. She needs to have a CFSC logo/picture sent to her. Also noted was Chanhassen Chipotle hasn’t returned calls so planning to call Shakopee Chipotle instead.
Volunteer Coordinator: Nothing to report.
Old Business: No updates
New Business: No updates
Motion made, seconded and carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 8:43 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kristy Korba