Florida Coastal Everglades LTER
Graduate Student Association
October Minutes
Monthly Meeting held at Gracie’s Grill at noon, October 20, 2003
In attendance:
D. Iwaniec
T. Gann
P. Gibson
D. Reed
D. Green
G. Juszli
A. Wood
J. Cloutier
1. New board members elected
President – David Iwaniec ()
Vice President – Greg Juszli
Secretary – Tiffany Troxler Gann
Treasurer – Patrick Gibson
GSA Representative – Adam Wood
Alt GSA Representative – David Green
2. Items of new business
a. A. Wood agreed to send email to student group regarding upcoming GSA events i.e. Gradskellars and Competitive Edge Series events.
b. D. Iwaniec reported that the GIS Lab will be hosting a GIS Showcase, and asked students to submit research posters. He agreed to send the student group info about the Showcase.
c. D. Iwaniec reported that Susan Dailey (), the new LTER Education and Outreach Coordinator needs student to help with outreach activities that are being coordinated with the help of Everglades National Park.
d. T. Gann reported that the student group needed to decide what to do with the funds allocated to the group this semester by GSA. The group concluded that they would roll over the funds to next semester so that they could use the funds for travel and book awards for presentations given at the FCE LTER All Scientist’s Meeting to be held in March, 2004. Using funds to further develop the FCE LTER Student Library was also discussed, and students were very much in favor of this option as well, as the library has become a great resource for texts not found in the FIU library.
e. Students concluded that Mondays at lunch time was a good time to meet for monthly meetings, and agreed on the date of the next monthly meeting – November, 10.