//Declare global constants

Declare constant real BMI_FACTOR = 703

Declare constant real MASS_LOWER_LIMIT = 18.5

Declare constant real MASS_UPPER_LIMIT = 25.0

//Define Function Prototypes

Function real getWeight()

Function real getHeight()

Function real setMass(real, real)

Function string setOverUnder(real)

Function void showBMI(string, real)

Begin function main

// Declare variables

Declare real weight

Declare real height

Declare real BMI//Body Mass Index

Declare string healthStatus//Optimal, Under, or Over weight

// Get the user’s weight

Set weight = Call getWeight()

// Get the user’s height

Set height = Call getHeight()

// Calculate the user’s Body Mass Index

Set BMI = Call setMass(weight, height)

//Determine the user’s health status based on BMI

Set healthStatus = Call setOverUnder(BMI)

//Display the user’s BMI and health status

Call showBMI(healthStatus, BMI)

return 0

End function main

// Function Definition for getWeight

Function real getWeight ()

//Local variable declaration

Declare real totalWeight//To hold the user’s weight input from keyboard

//Prompt the user for weight

Display "Enter weight in pounds"

Get totalWeight//Takes the next real number from the input stream

returntotalWeight//Sends value back to the caller

End function getWeight

// Function Definition for getHeight

Function real getHeight ()

//Local variable declaration

Declare real totalHeight//To hold the user’s height input from keyboard

//Prompt the user for height

Display "Enter height in inches"

Get totalheight//Takes the next real number from the input stream

returntotalHeight//Sends value back to the caller

End function getHeight

//Function definition for setMass

Function real setMass (real localVarWeight, real localVarHeight)

//Local variable declaration

Declare real totalMass//To hold BMI

// Calculate user’s body mass index

Set totalMass = (weight * BMI_FACTOR) / (height * localVarHeight)

returntotalMass//Sends value back to the caller

End function setMass

//Functionn definition for setOverUnder, which determines user’s healthStatus base on BMI

Function string setOverUnder (real localVarMass)

//Declare local variable

Declare string wellBeing//To hold the user’s health status

// Determine user’s health status based on his/her BMI

iftotalweight is < 18.5 then

setOverUnder = "underweight"

else if totalweight is 25.0

______= "overweight"


wellBeing = "optimal weight"

returnwellBeing//Sends string value back to the caller

End function setOverUnder

//Function Definition for showBMI which displays the results

Function void showBMI (string localVarHealth, real localVarMass)


// Display user’s BMI

Display "Your BMI is ", ______

// Display user’s health status

Display "You are ",______

End function showBMI