Candidate Nomination Form for Diocese Positions
- Standing Committee: 2 Lay and 2 Clergy positions for 3 years, 1 Lay and 1 Clergy position for 1 year
- Committee on Constitution and Canons: 3 positions, either Lay or Clergy
- Ecclesiastical Court: 4 Lay and 5 clergy positions for 3 years
Type information in gray boxes; they will expand as you type. Please have the first page, the nomination form, signed. The signed application can be scanned in and emailed, faxed or mailed to Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic 14851 Gideon Dr. Woodbridge, VA 22192. Fax 703-590-3269.Please save the questionnaire, on page 2, as a Word document, not a .pdfso it can be cut and pasted into the nomination booklet
Mailing Address:
E-Mail Address:
Home Phone Mobile Phone
Local Church
Candidate for:
Standing CommitteeCommittee on Constitution and Canons
Ecclesiastical Court
Are you member of the Clergyor Laity?
If laity, have you been confirmed or received by a Bishop of the Province or another province of the Anglican Communion?Are you an Eligible Voter in your Local Church?1
Endorsement of Nomination:
Rector’s/Vicar’s Signature______
Senior Warden’s Signature______
Applications are due by September 7, 2017 in written or electronic form to Heather Adams:
1Title 1B, Canon 1, Section 3(I): Eligible Voters: Only those Members of the Congregation who are at least 16 years of age, who are also recognized by the Rector as regular worshippers and the Treasurer or Wardens as regular contributors are eligible to vote for Vestry and other matters requiring the vote of the Congregation…No person shall be an Eligible Voter in a Congregation or Mission of this Diocese while at the same time holding equivalent status in another church regardless of denomination.
Questionnaire for the Nomination Booklet
The answers to these questions form the basis for the Nomination Booklet that is sent to all Synod delegates. Type in the grayboxes; theywill expand as you type. Please save this as a Word document, not a .pdf so it can be cut and pasted into the nomination booklet. Email it to .
Questions:(please keep answer length to one paragraph for each question)
Please provide a short spiritual autobiography:
What skills/gifting would you bring to the position?
What prior or current activities, responsibilities and/or experiences would contribute to your work in this position?