Kathryn Boulton
Assistant Director
Schools and Learning
Children and Younger Adults Department
Private & Confidential
«Contact_Postcode» / Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
County Hall
Derbyshire DE4 3AG
Telephone / 01629 536539
Fax / 01629 580350
Minicom / 01629 533240
Email /
Ask for / Your child’s Caseworker
Our ref / SEN002SL
Your ref
Date / November 2015
/ Frances James
Assistant Director
Social Inclusion, Children and Family Support
Ralph Ashton
Children and Younger Adults Department
«Contact_Postcode» / Head of Special Educational Needs
County Hall
Derbyshire DE4 3AG
Telephone / 01629 580000
Ext / «Case_tel»
Fax / 01629 580350
Ask for / «Caseworker»
Our ref / LS/SEN
Your ref
Date / «Letter_Date»
/ «Addressee»
«Contact_Postcode» / «Case_tel»


Dear «Addressee»

«Child_Forename1» «Child_Surname»

I am writing to you because when you left school you will have been provided with something called a Learning Disability Assessment or LDA for short.

This was drawn up for you so that it would inform your college about what you wished to study and how you wanted or needed to be supported with your learning.

LDAs ceased to be issued from July 2014 and have been replaced by Education Health Care (EHC) Plans for those who need them. I would like to reassure you that most young people will continue have their needs met within their chosen further education setting without an EHC Plan. Colleges receive funding to ensure that they are able to meet the needs of all of their learners, including those with additional needs.

Colleges can also request more funding from the Local Authority to meet the needs of individual learners who have the most complex needs.

In line with the Government’s transition guidance for the new EHC system young people between the ages of 16-25 who receive support as a result of their LDA and who plan to continue in further education in September 2016 can request that the Local Authority carry out an EHC Needs Assessment. Information about requesting an EHC Needs Assessment can be found on the Local Offer web page, and the address is given below.

Alternatively a young person you can write or email the SEN Team and request an EHC Needs Assessment.

If you have any concerns or questions your future educational needs or about the information in this letter you have a range of places or people you could contact:

·  The college which you will be attending

·  Your Personal Advisor

·  The SEND Team,

·  The Local Offer Website, www.derbyshiresendlocaloffer.org

·  Derbyshire Information, Advice and Support Service for SEND www.derbyshireiass.co.uk

·  Umbrella’s independent support service on 01332 785658 or email

Yours sincerely

Steve Parfitt

SEND Operational Manager

Children’s Services

Enclosure – Young Persons Information Sheet