October 18, 2008

The organizational meeting of the Summerhouse Beach & Racquet Club Condominium Association, Inc. was held on Saturday, October 18, 2008 at the offices of the Association. Carol Vaneman called the meeting to order at 10:40 AM. Secretary Vaneman took roll call and declared a quorum.

Directors present were:

Phase I Marilyn Helman, Maurice Brown, Don Trefry

Phase II Norm Breen, Don Coker

Phase III Bob Ford, Harry Ballance

Phase IV Bob Wheeler, Bob Mericle, Carol Vaneman

Director Steve Tate, Phase III, was absent. Maurice Brown, as a new member, Harry Ballance and Bob Mericle as returning members, were welcomed to the Board..

Election of Officers

President. Ms. Vaneman opened the nominations for President. Bob Wheeler made a motion to nominate Norm Breen for President. Bob Ford seconded the motion. A motion by Bob Ford to close the nominations was seconded and the motions passed unanimously. Norm Breen will serve as President of the Association. Ms. Vaneman turned the meeting over to President Breen.

Vice-President. Mr. Breen opened the nominations for Vice-President. A motion was made by Don Coker, seconded by Carol Vaneman, to nominated Bob Ford for Vice President. A motion by Don Coker to close the nominations was seconded and the motions passed unanimously. Bob Ford will serve as Vice President of the Association.

Secretary. Mr. Breen opened the nominations for Secretary. A motion was made by Bob Wheeler, seconded by Bob Ford, to nominated Carol Vaneman for Secretary. A motion by Mr. Breen to close the nominations was seconded and the motions passed unanimously. Carol Vaneman will serve a Secretary of the Association.

Treasurer. Mr. Breen opened the nominations for Treasurer. A motion was made by Carol Vaneman, seconded by Marilyn Helman, to nominated Don Coker for Treasurer. A motion by Marilyn Helman to close the nominations was seconded and the motions passed unanimously. Don Coker will serve as Treasurer of the Association.

The newly elected Officers of the Association were congratulated with a round of applause.

The organizational meeting was adjourned at 10:45 AM.

Respectively submitted,

Carol Vaneman, Secretary