For official use only

Open Call ProposalScoring Sheet

Note to the assessor:

This form should be completedusing information provided in the Open Call Scoring Guidance Note.

Name of assessor / Date of assessment
Name of organisation being assessed

Section 1:About the organisation

Max / Actual
1.1 / Track record in governance and the proposedproject area / 2.5
1.2 / The proposed project’s alignment with the organisation’s strategic directions / 2.5
1.3 / Organisation’s legitimacy and accountability / 5
Sub-total / (10)

Section 2: The Proposed Project

Max / Actual
2.1 / Background information, problem statement, and justification of the project / (10)
2.1.1 / Extent to which the core problem has been accurately defined and an appropriate background provided / 2.5
2.1.2 / The degree to which associated institutional set ups and governance arrangements have been appropriately defined / 2.5
2.1.3 / The degree to which the stakeholder analysis is complete / 5
Stakeholder Involvement / (20)
2.1.4 / The degree to which the project demonstrates an analysis that there is a positive balance of power in favour of the kinds of change envisaged / 5
2.1.5 / The degree to which the project describes realistic approaches for involving the appropriate range of actors drawn from the stakeholder analysis / 5
2.1.6 / The extent to which the project will engage and involve the media in order to improve media coverage and achieve results / 5
2.1.7 / The extent to which the project will collaborate with other projects working in similar area to influence relevant national level policy and strategies / 5
2.2 / Results framework and Linkage with Tilitonse Theory of Change: / (20)
Key result areas
2.2.1 / The extent to which the projects outputs has potential to contribute to the achievement of Tilitonse outputs (one or more). / 5
2.2.2 / The extent to which the project methodology and strategy will ensure that project results are achieved. / 5
2.2.3 / The extent to which the project has the potential to contribute to improved and positive engagement between CSOs, citizens and government. / 5
2.2.4 / The extent to which local-national linkages are addressed in the project’s analysis and approach. / 5
Gender and social exclusion / (5)
2.2.5 / The extent to which gender groups, poor, and excluded groups are involved in bringing about the change / 5
Risks and Assumptions / (5)
2.2.6 / The extent to which project risks and assumptions are realistic / 5
Overall Results Framework / (5)
2.2.7 / The extent to which there is a logical causal linkage between project outputs, outcome statement, impact statement and the project targets / 2.5
2.2.8 / Quality of Indicators – Relevant and measurable. / 2.5
2.3 / Monitoring and Evaluation, Learning and Knowledge Management / (5)
2.3.1 / Extent to which appropriate M&E and knowledge management methods and tools in line with the results framework have been defined. / 2.5
2.3.2 / Extent to which monitoring information and lessons learnt will be used to improve project implementation and design / 2.5
2.4 / Sustainability / (5)
2.4.1 / A sustainability plan has been accurately defined and extent to which the project can be replicated and similarly financed by interested parties after the withdrawal of Tilitonse support / 5
2.5 / Budget and Justification / (10)
2.5.1 / The degree to which major cost drivers are set at appropriate levels and indicates value for money / 5
2.5.2 / Experience of the organisation in managing grants of the size proposed / 5
2.6 / Workplan / (5)
2.6.1 / Degree of realism of the work plan / 5
Max / Actual
TOTAL / 100

Comments by individual assessor, if any: