Self Funder Admissions to Care: NCC 2004 – 2009


The following data was obtained from the internal NCC ACPG report. This data is returned periodically by locality finance officers in order to monitor residential and nursing admission targets.

Countywide Admissions

NCC operates to Self funder targets split into Nursing and Residential admissions. These targets are 60 Nursing Self Funders and 80 Residential Self Funders.

The table below shows the TOTAL Self Funder targets used across the county for each year from 2004-05 onwards (Data for 2005-06 is unavailable so it is absent from the following report).

2004-05 / 2006-07 / 2007-08 / 2008-09
Nursing (Actuals) / 35 / 49 / 48 / 35
Residential (Actuals) / 66 / 108 / 95 / 121
Nursing Target / 60 / 60 / 60 / 60
Residential Target / 80 / 80 / 80 / 80

While Self Funders into Nursing care has remained comfortably below 60 admissions consistently, Residential admissions have risen by 83% over the past 5 years – always exceeding the 80 placements indicated by the target.

Average Length of Stay in Care (Days) by District

Tabled below are the average lengths in Days of each Self Funder admission broken down by district.

2004-05 / 2006-07 / 2007-08 / 2008-09
Nurs / Res / Nurs / Res / Nurs / Res / Nurs / Res
Ashfield / 343.5 / 1019.8 / 712.5 / 800.7 / 669.9 / 557.4 / 287.7 / 299.2
Bassetlaw / 588.5 / 1058.4 / 956.7 / 757.3 / 707.8 / 450.0 / 263.6 / 288.8
Broxtowe / 454.2 / 1731.0 / 691.4 / 812.1 / 482.2 / 585.1 / 344.6 / 322.9
Gedling / 0.0 / 1227.0 / 736.7 / 920.3 / 666.3 / 530.7 / 276.0 / 358.1
Mansfield / 902.0 / 1079.5 / 610.0 / 911.3 / 525.4 / 601.5 / 0.0 / 300.2
Newark / 959.4 / 967.6 / 825.3 / 888.0 / 392.3 / 507.4 / 283.8 / 288.1
Rushcliffe / 686.2 / 1242.3 / 665.4 / 547.4 / 556.6 / 582.6 / 209.1 / 296.1
Total / 674.7 / 1117.2 / 733.5 / 819.4 / 566.1 / 535.0 / 279.3 / 303.9

These values have been calculated between the admission date and (where applicable) the date of death of the service user;if the service user was still alive as at 24/07/2009 then their stay is calculated between the 24thJuly and their admission date.

Admissions by District

Below are the actual Self Funder district admissions each year with those STILL IN CARE in brackets.

2004-05 / 2006-07 / 2007-08 / 2008-09
Nurs / Res / Nurs / Res / Nurs / Res / Nurs / Res
Ashfield / 2 / 6 (2) / 4 (2) / 16 (6) / 7 (7) / 13 (7) / 3 (2) / 28 (24)
Bassetlaw / 12 (1) / 27 (9) / 6 (4) / 20 (9) / 5 (5) / 20 (9) / 5 (4) / 23 (16)
Broxtowe / 5 / 5 (4) / 9 (3) / 18 (9) / 6 (3) / 12 (9) / 8 (8) / 8 (6)
Gedling / 0 / 5 (3) / 3 (1) / 12 (9) / 6 (5) / 10 (7) / 4 (3) / 15 (11)
Mansfield / 2 / 8 (4) / 3 / 13 (9) / 5 (3) / 12 (7) / 0 / 9 (8)
Newark / 8 (2) / 11 (5) / 7 (3) / 21 (16) / 7 (1) / 17 (11) / 8 (5) / 19 (16)
Rushcliffe / 6 (1) / 4 (2) / 17 (5) / 8 (2) / 12 (6) / 11 (6) / 7 (4) / 19 (13)
Total / 35 (4) / 66 (29) / 49 (18) / 108 (60) / 48 (30) / 95 (56) / 35 (26) / 121 (94)

Data correct from FW-i as at 24/07/09

Estimated Cost of care of Self Funders in 2008-9

Nursing, based on a weekly cost of £387, and an estimated 10 self funder admissions from 2005-6still in care.

(4+10+18+30+26) x £387 x 52 = £1.77 million

Residential, based on a weekly cost of £294, and an estimated 40 self funder admissions from 2005-6 still in care

(29+40+60+56+94) x £294 x 52 = £4.27 million

Total £6.04million