RTRFM New Program Proposal - 2016
RTRFM is a community radio station broadcasting in Perth, Western Australia.
As the sound alternative, RTRFM focuses its attention on independent artists — music that’s local, underground, obscure, boundary-pushing and otherwise unheard. We seek out music that is innovative, progressive and experimental, as well as sourcing music from independent labels and unsigned artists.
RTRFM does not play music that is commercially-oriented in nature – music that is produced for and marketed towards a mainstream audience. RTRFM focuses on the alternative viewpoint for arts, culture, music and current affairs with a focus on WA arts and music. RTRFM is a non-profit, membership-based organisation.
Programming Committee
The board of RTRFM appoints a Programming Committee to oversee the quality of broadcasting on the station, provide mentorship and feedback to programs and make recommendations on the commissioning of new programs.
Annual Review
Each year the Programming Committee calls for new program submissions from existing members and the general public who are interested in entering the world of community broadcasting. The committee also reviews the timetable of programs at the station and makes recommendations on changes to the program grid.
RTRFM currently has a full quota of programs broadcasting 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Many of the programs on the station have a long history — programs like Jamdown Vershun, Homegrown and Drastic on Plastic have been on air for more than 30 years.
In putting together a proposal, applicants are encouraged to discuss their idea with the Program Director, consider if a similar program already exists, and consider if the proposed program fits into the overall alternative music, arts and culture focus of the station.
Creating radio is a significant undertaking and new presenters must be prepared to undertake skills training, and be able to dedicate several hours each week to on air presentation and preparation.
Submission Due5pm, Monday October 24
Final Decisions AnnouncedMid-December 2016
Programs CommenceFebruary 2016
Please provide a description of the proposed program
Program NameProgram Overview (100-200 words)
At RTRFM all programs are presented by a collective of presenterswho are led by a Coordinator. The Coordinator is responsible for liaising with the station management, prepares rosters and coordinates content that is on the program each week. They are directly responsible for what is broadcast on the show each week.
Coordinator NameAddress
Suburb / Post Code
Collective Members
At RTRFM, each program is presented by a collective of presenters. On some shows they present together, while other collectives take turns at presenting the show. Shows must have at least three collective members, and be willing to take new collective members on board who are identified as suitable by RTR FM management. Collectives should be ideally no greater than 6-7 members.
Tell us more about the proposed collective, how do the members know each other? Do any of the members have previous broadcasting experience?
Describe the intended audience for this program.
If your program is music orientated in nature, please describe the specific type(s) of music that the program will cover (Include artist/label names etc)?
Will the programs have interviews and other talks segments? Describe the type of content that will be included in the program and give a specific example.
What would be a suitable timeslot for the proposed program?
Support Materials
Please list any support materials that has been submitted to accompany this application. You may wish to include a demo of the program, previous broadcasting work or background material on the collective members.
Support materialscan be included with your application as an attachment, or in the case of large files, a link to a Dropbox download.
If your support materials are physical, they should be delivered to RTRFM at P.O. Box 842, Mount Lawley, 6929 or dropped off to Level 1, 642 Beaufort Street, Mount Lawley between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday. Support material will not be returned.
Please submit this form by emailing it to the station’s Program Director Peter Barr at .
For additional information, assistance or updates on your submissions progress please contact the General Manager, Stu MacLeod .