Math Literature Project Planning Sheet

Project Title:

Microsoft PowerPoint: Importance of Water PowerPoint Presentation (3-4 days)

Description of Technology Integration:

Students will use the Internet to gather information about the importance of water. They will create a slide presentation of bulleted facts and pictures, displaying their knowledge of the physical states of water, the water cycle and the importance of water.

Learning Objective(s):

  1. Students will use the Internet to locate information on a given topic.
  2. Students will create a slide presentation with information obtained through the Internet.
  3. Students will import pictures from the Internet and/or other sources.

Grade Level(s): 3,4,5

Computer Applications Strand(s):

#1 Basic Operations and Concepts

#2 Social, Ethical and Human Issues

#4 Word Processing

#5 Internet

#8 Multimedia

Materials Needed:

·  Teacher-created recording sheet

·  Sample of finished product

·  Clipboards

·  Erasable pens/pencils

·  Favorite to: MLT Resource Page (

Introduction and Basic Information

·  Discussion of the importance of water; share water cycle simulation on website #4 (Rivers and Coasts)

·  Share completed project


Day One: Students use Internet to retrieve project template and gather information and picture

·  Open teacher-created PowerPoint template in MLT Student Resources:

o  Students open Internet Explorer

o  Go to Favorites menu and select MLT Student Resources

o  Click on link to Water PowerPoint Project

o  Scroll down page to Resources. Right-click on Project Template link.

o  Choose Save Target As and then click Save. (This will save the template in the student’s My Documents folder)

o  Then click Open

·  Students will type their names on the Title slide

·  Minimize PowerPoint and return to website. Students will navigate to site #2 (EPA Drinking Water for Kids) and copy the water cycle image (right-click on image, copy)

·  Return to PowerPoint, navigate to slide 4, and paste image onto slide. (right-click, paste) Resize and place image in appropriate location on the slide.

·  Optional- Add additional pictures from Clip Art

o  Navigate to slide 2.

o  Insert-Picture-From Clip Art

o  Type the word “Lake” next to Search for clips. There is a nice selection of water scenes. Click on one and click on Insert clip button. Resize graphic and text box.

·  Save project and Exit PowerPoint

·  Use websites and Recording Sheet to collect information on water. Students will research the states of water, the water cycle, and the importance of water. (Teacher will model note taking for grades 3 and 4 and allow grade 5 to work independently. A copy of the Water Note Sheet is on the MLT student resources Water page.)

Day Two: Students use Internet for research and type gathered information onto slides in bulleted lists

·  Open saved PowerPoint presentation in the My Documents folder. Minimize.

·  Double-click on Internet Explorer, click on Favorites menu and go to MLT Resource Page. Click on link to Water PowerPoint Project and then minimize Internet Explorer.

·  Use Vision to demonstrate how to type information onto slides in text boxes. Review basic Word Processing rules and spell check. Also discuss plagiarism; students should type information in their own words.

·  Students will use this day to finish their research and type facts onto slides.

Day Three (and Day Four, if needed): Students finish typing facts onto slides and apply slide transitions and custom animations.

·  Open saved PowerPoint presentation in the My Documents folder.

·  Use Vision to demonstrate Slide Transitions: Go to slide 1 and under the Slide Show menu, select Slide Transition. Model how to choose a transition. Leave everything on mouse click or suggest a set number of seconds to use per slide. When the transition has been selected, students should choose Apply to All.

·  Optional- Add water sound file to slide transition:

o  Minimize PowerPoint

o  Open Internet Explorer, click on Favorites, and go to MLT Student Resources. Go to Importance of Water link.

o  Right-click on link for Rain Wav File. Click on Save Target As. The Save dialog box will open up. Click on My Documents, if necessary, and click Save.

o  Return to PowerPoint by clicking on Water project on taskbar.

o  Go to Slide 1. Under the Slide Show menu select Slide Transition.

o  Click on the arrow next to No Sound and go to Other Sound. Click on My Documents, if necessary, click on Rain sound file and click OK. Click Close.

o  Click in the box next to Loop Until Next Sound and click Apply.

·  Optional- Custom Animations: Go to the first slide, from the Slide Show menu, choose Custom Animation. Select the order and effect for each object on the slide. Use Preview to ensure that all objects are animated in an appropriate sequence. Click OK when done. ***This needs to be done for each slide; it may take too much time for the students to animate every slide, but the higher ability students should be able to animate text and pictures on each slide.

Important Considerations:

·  Additional time may be needed to complete the project

·  Readability level of websites may be too difficult for some students.

Revised 10/21/04