Summary of AQTF audit information

As a Pre-qualified Supplier under the User Choice 2010 – 2015 program, <RTO name> is required to publish audit information in relation to it’s compliance with the Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF).

The User Choice program provides public funding paid directly to Pre-qualified Suppliers for the delivery of accredited entry-level training to eligible Apprentices and Trainees.

The AQTF is the national set of standards which assures nationally consistent, high-quality training and assessment services for the clients of Australia’s vocational education and training system.

An AQTF audit reviews evidence of an organisations’ compliance with the requirements of the AQTF Essential Conditions and Standards of Initial/Continuing Registration to confirm thatit is achievingquality training and assessment outcomes. The process alsoidentifies opportunities for improvementonthese outcomes.

This information is published to assist apprentices, trainees and their employers to make informed decisions regarding their selection of a Pre-qualified Supplier for the delivery of training and assessment services.

Audit Date: / 16 & 17 May 2008
Qualifications audited
Qualification code / Qualification name
FDF10103 / Certificate I in Food Processing
FDF30103 / Certificate III in Food Processing
HLT21207 / Certificate II in Health Support Services
HLT32807 / Certificate III in Health Support Services
LMT10806 / Certificate I in Laundry Operations
LMT31106 / Certificate III in Laundry Operations
PRM30104 / Certificate III in Asset Maintenance (Cleaning Operations)
PRM40104 / Certificate IV in Asset Maintenance (Cleaning Management)
TDT30102 / Certificate III in Transport and Distribution (Warehousing and Storage)
THH11002 / Certificate I in Hospitality (Operations)
THH33002 / Certificate III in Hospitality (Operations)
Audit Outcome / Rectification
Was non-compliance identified? / If 'Yes', non-compliance type / Summary of non-compliance / Actions taken to rectify the non-compliance / Has the non-compliance been rectified?
Yes/No / Minor, Significant, Critical / Yes/No
Yes / Minor / 1.2 Strategies for training and assessment meet the requirements of the relevant training package or accredited course and are developed in consultation with industry stakeholders.
No evidence was provided to support that the organisation has developed a training and assessment strategy for the qualification FDF10103 Certificate I in Food Processing.
A review of the training and assessment strategy for HLT21207 Certificate II in Health Support Services lists the unit of competency PRCL04B as Maintain a hard floor surface. This unit of competency is actually titled PRMCL04B Maintain a carpeted floor.
The training and assessment strategy for HLT32807 Certificate III in Health Support Services incorrectly identifies the unit PRMCL17A Clean wet area. This unit has been superseded with a ‘B’ version of the unit of competency.
The combined training and assessment strategy document for PRM20104 Certificate II in Asset Maintenance (Cleaning Operations) and PRMPRM30104 Certificate III in Asset Maintenance (Cleaning Operations) does not correctly list the core and elective units for each qualification and does not clearly articulate how these qualifications are to be delivered in relation to one another.
The training and assessment strategy for PRM40104 Certificate IV in Asset Maintenance (Cleaning Management) contained a number of errors regarding the codes and titles of units of competency to be delivered under this qualification. / Corrective Actions:
  1. Reviewed training and assessment strategy for the qualification FDF10103 Certificate I in Food Processing.
  2. Amended training and assessment strategy for HLT21207 Certificate II in Health Support Services that correctly lists the unit of competency PRMCL04B Maintain a carpeted floor.
  3. Amended training and assessment strategy for HLT32807 Certificate III in Health Support Services that correctly lists the unit of competency PRMCL17B Clean a wet area.
  4. Amended training and assessment strategy for PRM20104 Certificate II in Asset Maintenance (Cleaning Operations) and PRMPRM30104 Certificate III in Asset Maintenance (Cleaning Operations) that correctly lists the units of competency for each qualification and clearly articulates how these qualifications are to be delivered in relation to one another.
  5. Amended training and assessment strategy for PRM40104 Certificate IV in Asset Maintenance (Cleaning Management) that includes the correct titles and codes of the units of competency to be delivered under this qualification.
Refer to element 1.4 & 1.5 / 1.3 Staff, facilities, equipment and training and assessment materials used by the RTO are consistent with the requirements of the training package or accredited course and the RTO’s training and assessment strategies.
Refer to element 1.4 & 1.5 / Non-compliances:
Refer to element 1.4 & 1.5 / YES
Significant / 1.4 Training and assessment are conducted by trainer and assessors who have the necessary training and assessment competencies as determined by the National Quality Council or its successors have the relevant vocational competencies at least to the level being delivered or assessed, and continue developing their vocational and training and assessment competencies to support continuous improvements in the delivery of the RTO’s services.
The organisation did not provide evidence to support that this trainer and assessor has undertaken any recent professional development to support continuous improvements of training and assessment competencies.
Trainer A:
The CV provided did not include evidence to demonstrate that Peter King has engaged in professional development activities to maintain currency in his vocational, training and assessment competencies.
Additionally, the CV did not list any employment activity since 2004 and did not clearly articulate how his past work history and experience was relevant to the following qualifications he has been nominated to deliver:
Trainer B:
The organisation provided a CV indicating that Ossie Perez holds a Bachelor of Environmental Science issued by University of Woolongong in 1994. The staff file provided did not include a copy of this qualification or any other evidence to indicate that the organisation has verified his vocational qualifications as listed in the CV.
Trainer C:
The organisation provided a CV for this trainer and assessor as evidence of their relevant vocational experience. The CV did not include any details regarding current industry experience since 2005 and did not articulate how this trainer and assessor’s past work history and work experience relates to the units of competency within some qualifications: / Corrective Actions:
Reviewed all staff files to include:
  1. Update CV’s to accurately reflect their industry expertise in the qualifications they deliver. CV update to include employment activity with Daniels Associates since commencing employment with Daniels Associates.
  2. Reviewed trainer’s files to include copies of trainer’s qualifications where some were missing from the files.
  3. Whilst ongoing professional development was demonstrated the documentation of the PD was improved to clearly articulate and detail all PD activities.
  4. Reviewed trainers work experience matrices to support CV and professional experience.
  5. Qualifications being delivered by trainers were reviewed and in some instances trainers withdrew from delivery of some qualifications.
Significant / 1.5:Assessment meets the requirements of the relevant training package or accredited courseis conducted in accordance with the principles of assessment and the rules of evidence meets workplace and, where relevant, regulatory requirements.
The assessment materials did not meet the requirements of the above-listed units of competency as they did not address all the performance criteria; critical aspects of evidence; required knowledge; required skill and consistency in performance requirements. Assessment materials were focused on performance criteria and did not adequately cover skills and knowledge requirements. / Corrective Actions:
  1. Due to the volume of work in re-writing all assessment benchmarks several qualifications not currently being delivered by Daniels
    Associates were dropped from our scope of registration. These qualifications included:
  1. PRM40104 Certificate IV in Asset Maintenance (Cleaning Management)
  2. TDT30102 Certificate III in Transport and Distribution (Warehousing and Storage)
  1. All Audited Assessment benchmarks were re-written and reviewed in response to the Audit.
  2. Within 3 months of the Audit all Assessment benchmarks across all qualifications were revised and re-issued.
  3. Throughout 2009 all Assessment tools were reviewed for the second time. The focus of the second review was to re-vaildate the tools and re-map the assessment tools to the competency standards. This process is ongoing.

Explanatory notes:

Non-compliance with the AQTF means that requirements of the have not been met based on theevidence reviewed. Non-compliances are categorised as minor, significant or critical. For the purposes of the User Choice 2010 – 2015 program, only significant and Critical non-compliances need to be published

Minor:No, or minor, adverse impact on learners with no serious breakdown of provision of quality training and assessment.

Significant:Significant adverse impact on learners with insufficient focus on quality training and assessment outcomes.

Critical:Critical adverse impact on learners with widespread or persistent dissatisfaction with services and outcomes.