The paper hangers came & papered our bedroom- so pretty. Here’s a pattern of the paper- love it- makes our bedroom look so much larger- now the new carpet & drapes & sheers- what a difference this will make in our room-
Julia Cosson & Mary Toeberell came up. Julia helped me start the afgan for Doris’ new baby- It will be cute. (white & yellow)
We had a letter from Doris. She expects in April. Hope everything goes well for her.
Fri Feb 3
It poured all day. I went to run but came straight home. It was a bad day.
I worked cleaning the bed some & doing little things.
I felt puck so took a nap & also ready for bed 9:30.
Riker called I do miss him so much- Glad he’ll be home tomorrow- Can hardly wait.
Had a nice letter from Debbie. They are excite about us coming the 27th of Feb & spend my birthday with them. Will be fun.
Sure hope our “Eastern” tickets come pretty soon. They start the 27th of Feb. (for one year).
Crochet is the enemy. I’ll probably have Julia help me once more- until I get used to the pattern. I want to take it with me to Nancys house & try & finish it. I still have 2 more gifts to make (baby gifts (Cheri’s & Rachelles’).
Sat Feb 4
Had great nite sleep after feeling so under the weather. Yesterday.
I went to town & did some shopping. Stopped at Sears & order new drapes, sheers, & a new bedspread for our bedroom- They should be in by next Thursday. Hope we like them.
I can hardly wait until the carpeting for the bedroom comes & the new rug for great room & dining room – Hope they are in stock. They are so gorgeous.
I made 4 batches of cookies for Tommorrow nite for Fireside. Dale Dransfield will be here to talk. The other cookies are for the young peoples Valentines Dinner in Marrianna next weekend. Guess Riker & I will go & take some of the kids with us.
Riker came home from Gainesport at 12:00 in time for lunch.
We had to go find the cows they had gotten out. He called me before he left.
Went for a ride in the corvette. Riker went up to 100 miles per hour. Runs so smooth! No cops!!!
Sun Feb 5
Our church service was low in numbers today. So many of our members come late after Sacrament meeting. Dale Dransfield talked tonite. He talked about the naughty beast found in 13th of Re. His main drune? Was to stay Close to the church. Listen to out prophets. Make you feel proud to belong to the church. Pecked? us wanter? Donna & Sr. Lockwell.
Mon Feb 6
Elder & Sr. Call came by for a chat. They are a bit discouraged.-
Wed is moving day. I imagine Sr. Negron or Sr. Williamson will move (maybe both) we’ll see-
I called & invited them all 4 to dinner & Audrey & Bob Maxwell tomorrow nite. Then at 7:00 we’ll have 3 or 4 couples to come & watch the last Fireside on “Husband & wifes” We record it. It was an out-standing program.
Went for an hours walk I cannot jog or run as yet & I do need the exercise.
Riker picked up the bed spread for our bedroom. It looks so good in our King size bed- I put the 2 cander? working pillows, on it. They look good & are finished.
Tues Feb 7
All morning spent getting things ready for tonite we are having 12 to dinner.
Riker & I tried to take pictures of our heads for our passports. Hope they turn out.
This is a thank you note for Sr. Negrane & Sr. Williamson.
Sr. Negrane thinks she’ll be moved tomorrow. She’s been here 3 months. She’s Spanish & hard sometimes to understand.
Letter from Marie. Guess they cannot come to the reunion. It’ll take $3,000 just to fix the van. They are busy trying to redo their house.
Wed. Feb 8
We all have Sr. Negrane, Sr. Williamson & Audrey & Bob Maxwell & Bro & Sr. Call to dinner tonite.
Then after dinner Dorothy & Richard Thomas, Bro. & Sr. Martin will come & we’re show Neil Maxwell’s story on “Jesus Christ”. We’ll show the last Fireside from S.L.C. for husbands & wife. This is a special broadcast.
I made pecan pie.
Sr. Negrane moved We’ll be getting a new girl missionary for Salt Lake City, Hope she’s sharp- She’d brand new. Hope she’s a good missionary. There is lots of work here in DeFuniak.
We showed the film Husband & Wifes. Pres. Hinkley done a beautiful job as well as the choir & the other 2 talks.
I have seen it 3 other times & enjoy it every time I see it.
Thurs. Feb 9
Riker & I left for Ft. Walton to have a wheel fixed on his corvette.
Took our pictures in we made for our passports.
We went shopping at the base & commissary.
We were home by 1:15. Bro. Gayes & Bro. Ward came. We were just eating lunch so they watched TV- (The Neil Maxwell Story) chustins? About Jesus Christ.
We got cute antique lamps from the base for the sun room- They are small.
We picked up our curtains & drapes from Sears- & they were wrong- The drapes too narrow the curtains too wide. We need 2 sheers more narrow.
We ordered a from Sears for our Sun room – its very pretty.
Riker had to go to Marianna with Bob Maxwell, Bro Ward, & Billy Jo Cosson.
Linda called, I was surprised. Bill is still ill.
We bought a gift for Rachel.
Fri. Feb 10
Riker and I did a lot of catching up. We worked on our passports 7 took them to the court house.
I mailed a package to Rachel & sent a birthday card & money to Bill for his birthday. I sent the money to Linda & told her to buy something he needed.
We sent mother a valentine card & I got a pretty white lace hanky to tuck in for her- She’s a very special person. I love her very much. Wish I could go with Riker while she has her operation.
We got packages from Ormond, June, Eric, & Rich for Christmas. Riker & I got wood candle holders & I got a cute hanger with ceramic thimbles- Riker got diet candy in a cute metal (tin) dish). Eric & Rich sent us an ice bucket- matches our built-ins- Really nice.
Dwight Kelly (he baptized Riker) called & came by to dinner. Lucky I had planned a good dinner & could add more for him. – also had made a pecan pie & we served this with frozen yogurt. He is leaving for S. Carolina in a couple weeks- I plan to go visit him sometime this year- Our Eastern tickets will be so fun- when they come!
Feb 11- Sat
Mostly cleaned the home for the weekend- moped our linoleum. We need to get some Mr. Clean its hard to keep it clean unless you are on your hands & knees.
We have to meet at church at 5:00 to take some of the kids to the Valentines dance in Marianna. Our branch was in charge- The ?, the decorations were ? Riker & I danced together. I loved it.
Feb 12- Sun
We had 110 at Sacrament meeting- real good crowd.
We have a new missionary in our branch with Sr. Williamson. She is an older lady from Utah, Sr.
We had them to dinner & I made spanish rice & chicken enchildades.
It started to rain about 4 and rained hard all nite.
Riker & I were extra tired & decided to take a rest at 6:30 p.m. for an hour or so- but we both slept on & didn’t get up. We slept until 6:30 a.m.-
This Valentine was given by from Wanda Hewett. She’s such a sweet girl. Wanda will be 18 on the 15 of this month. I took some towels for her birthday. I know she appreciated this. She said she would put these away in her hope chest. I know she can use them in her travels to college.
Feb 13- Mon
Riker & I got up at 6:30 & started moving things from our bedroom. Riker moved his grandfathers desk, we put it in the dining room- now it’s a den- or office & serving room. Works great-
We moved the stereo cabinet into the living room- Looks good- Changed some of the furniture around-
Bro Gayes & Bro Jones came Home Teaching- We were just having lunch so we let the watch Neil Maxwell’s tape on “Jesus Christ”. They enjoyed it.
Pres. Hinkley’s talk- Four Corner Stones. Sr. Reeses talk is super (counselor in RS from Salt Lake), respect for one another, soft spoken words by both husband & wife, financial agreement on purchasing etc., and family prayer always. The program is so beautiful. The singing on the tabernacle choir was special- “Love at Home”
Bro & Sr. May came over. Br. May brought his records so Riker could copy off for Gerry Gause- I’ll take it Thurs nite to Marriana to him.
Read 2 Nephi Chapter -11 & talked about it.
Feb 14- Tues.
Riker & I had to get up early as the Sears carpet men will be here. We ha all the bedroom furniture to take out- closet floor to clear of shoes etc.
I picked up the carpeting and sheers from Sears- they are regent for a change and real pretty.
We helped & worked until 3:30 then we left for the base to pick up 2 basketballs for the boys and girls to play with at the base. I shopped at the commissary while Riker went to BX.
We were going to eat at the officers club but they were packed and we would have had to wait 40 mins, so we went on to Niceville & had seafood. Really good food.
Riker gave me a brass lamp adorable for burning oils (scented or natural. Made in Great Britain. Its lovely- He is so special & so darling- what a great wonderful life we have together.
Our room (bedroom) looks super can hardly wait until the drapes come.
Feb 15 Wed
Beautiful weather! Bro Ward came over early & Riker & he done a screen door over for the door to the den. They did a good job. Riker is busy painting it now- The other screen door was falling apart.
Met Sr. Williamson & Sr. Servado at Minnesosta House- they wanted to look at it.
I went to church to the Young Womens Meeting. Marge Cosson called & invited me. It was Wanda Hewett’s birthday- they decorated one of the rooms in the trailer it was so nice. Sr. Marge Cosson is a great teacher & leader for those girls. They all love her.
Feb 16 Thurs
I was really dizzy when I got up this morning & sick to my stomach. I laid around and took it easy for a couple hours-
We had Sr. Campbell, Sr. Jackson & a friend of theirs come over for lunch- we had vegetables, home made soup & turn sandwiches- fruit cake and yogurt (frozen) they seemed to enjoy it.
Riker showed the tapes “Husband & Wife) Special tapes.
I went teaching with Riker to Martins- She had gone to her sisters to have her hair done. They are coming out to Sacrament Meeting now & that’s great!
Met Ray Rawling at the rental house on Minnesota and he is going to do some work there.
Left at 5:45 met Marge & Wallner Cosson to go to Marriana. I had to meet them at Winn Dixie. Sr. Hutchinson from Dothan is the instructor. I was the other one then. Glad I went as I picked up some good class. Now to work on them.
Feb 17 1984 Fri.
Picked up the apricot drapes at Sears & Riker put them up. Look super.
He also put a few pictures up in our new bedroom certainly very attractive. He made shelves in ? for ? ?
Sr. Pat Brown & I have to go visiting teaching. Our lesson “The Power of Faith” Sr. Richards, Sr. Carrington, & Sr. Tadlock homes. Objective to realize the power available thru the exercise of Faith.
Read Mark 5:28. Mark 5:34. Mark 25: 34. Moroni 7:33.
Feb 18- 1984 Sat
Another busy day- Riker cleaned his closet & got rid of oodles of clothes he does not wear. We call the Bryans & they came out & took 9 shirts for Allen, her 15 yr old (thin & tall) 6’tall. I also got a lot of cleaning clearing etc. Our place is getting to look so neat. Can’t believe it. Nothing like order. It love it!
Riker cooked a corn meat roast so I cooked potatoes, carrots, onions & cabbage. Yummy. I also made corn sticks.
Fixed books (7) for all the organizations for keeping records for the Historical events & activities. Called Pres. Cosson about getting together with her & distributing these books. The 29th I’ll have to go with Riker. The next day I leave for Texas.
I worked on my afgan for Doris’s baby a couple hours. I’ll get it one by one I hope-
Riker & I went to bed at 10:00 as he had to get up at 4:30 & go to church early. He’s so faithful.
Feb 19 Sun.
Riker had to get up at 4:30 am as he had to get to church early & do some Priesthood work.
We had 110 people today. High Council meeting. Pres Dyke that gave a good talktaken from the book of Paul Dunn. Very good.
We had Audrey & Bro Maxwell to dinner- Corned beef, cabbage, veg, jello salad & cake & yogurt. Real good.
Bro & Sr. Call came for a couple hours to visit. At 7:00 they had a Scout court of Honor. Church. 12 boys scouts. Very good program . Riker & Bob Maxwell had to be there as Billy Jo Cosson had gone to Tallahassee.
After we stopped by Maxwells to see her there building was coming along- They are almost thru with there bathroom- next goes to kitchen. Guess they’ll be glad I know. She served jello & icecream, & orange juice & speriment- ? ?
Home 9:30- Relaxed & watch TV as late.
Looked over the cultural arts lesson I have to give next Sunday-
Feb 20 Mon
Really cold blue Monday. Riker did a few things. I cleaned mirrors- He framed a needlepoint picture I had made. I will put it in our guest room blue room & make a boy to match her- It’s cute.
We visited Sr. Atkinson (sister to Evelyn Martin) Her husband only cones home weekends. The have a really nice Home. Her mother- in-law was there & just got out of the hospital. She is 88 yrs old- She was 88 Feb 2. Remarkable memory- quite hunchback though.
Riker called Richard Thomas & he came out & went to bed fairly early- I read from book “Clergy to Convert” by Grosm. Bro & Sr. Call looked to see us- Beautiful converts.
Rained during night.
Feb 21-Tues.
Up 5:45- made soup & got hair prepared to go to Sr. Atkinsons at 7:45 She gave me an galoris permanent- Turned out real good. I’m so glad I found out she was a beautician.