Regular MeetingNovember 14, 2013
The Regular Meeting of the Johnsonburg Area School District Board of Educationwas held Thursday,November 14, 2013beginning at 7:00 PM. Directors in attendance were D. Allegretto, W. Boylan, T. Fannin, S. Launer, B. Thorwart, R. Warmbrodt,and R. Wolfe. Administrators in attendance were D. Crotzer, J. Hobbsand B. Benson. P. Calkins; Board Treasurer, L. Pura; Personnel/Payroll andL. Mahoney; Board Secretarywere in attendance as well as Solicitor R. Brown.Media was represented by theRidgway Record and the Johnsonburg Press.
Beginning at 6:00 PM, the board heard brief presentations from Coach Shuey – Volleyball, Coach Lowry – Cross Country, Coach Dauber – Tennis, and Coach Myers – Golf in regard to their past seasons.
The Agenda Review began at 6:30 PM. Public Comment began at 6:55 PM. During public comment a representative from the Johnsonburg Community Trust made a request to the Board to use Memorial Field for a concert during the summer. The Board would consider granting permission to hold the concert at Memorial Field if all district policies were followed.At 7:00 PM,Vice-President Warmbrodt called the meeting to order followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Allegretto moves seconded by Fanninto approve the minutes from the Regular Meeting held on October 10, 2013 and the Special Meeting held on October 23, 2013 as presented. All vote yes. Motion carried.
Allegrettomoves seconded by Boylanto approve theTreasurer’s Report for General Fund including Disbursements and Revenue for 09/13as presented. All vote yes. Motion carried. (Copy inserted in supplemental minute book.)
Allegrettomoves seconded by Thorwartto approve the High School Activity Account for 09/13, the High School Athletic Account for 09/13, the Elementary Activity Account for 09/13 and the Cafeteria Account for 09/13as presented. All vote yes. Motion carried. (Copies inserted in supplemental minute book.)
Allegretto moves seconded by Launerto approve the minutes from the Safety Committee meeting held on October 16, 2013, as presented. All vote yes. Motion carried. (Copies inserted in supplemental minute book.)
Regular MeetingNovember 14, 2013
Launer moves seconded by Allegretto to approve the bills list as presented. Roll Call Vote: Allegretto, Boylan, Fannin, Launer, Thorwart, Warmbrodt and Wolfe vote yes. Motion carried. (Copy inserted in supplemental minute book.)
At 7:05 PM the Board entered into Executive Session to discuss matters of personnel and litigation. The regular meeting resumed at 8:00 PM.
Agenda Item 1:Maternity Leave – Wolfe: Thorwart moves seconded by Launer to approve a maternity leave for Mrs. Kirsten Wolfe from approximately January 20 through March 31, 2014. Roll Call Vote: Allegretto, Boylan, Fannin, Launer, Thorwart, Warmbrodt, and Wolfe vote yes. Motion carried.
Agenda Item 2: Maternity Leave – Clopp: Allegretto moves seconded by Thorwart to approve a maternity leave for Mrs. Kayla Clopp from approximately February 13, through April 23, 2014. Roll Call Vote: Allegretto, Boylan, Fannin, Launer, Thorwart, Warmbrodt, and Wolfe vote yes. Motion carried.
Agenda Item 3: Substitute List: Allegretto moves seconded by Launer to add Mr. Abram Zoschg to the substitute teacher list, with emergency certification through the IU #9, pending completion of the necessary paperwork. All vote yes. Motion carried.
Agenda Item 4: Substitute List: Allegretto moves seconded by Boylan to remove Ms. Darien Kontes from the substitute nurse list, at her request. All vote yes. Motion carried.
Agenda Item 5: Substitute List: Allegretto moves seconded by Boylan to add Mrs. Cindy Newman to the substitute aide and substitute cafeteria lists, pending completion of the necessary paperwork. All vote yes. Motion carried.
Agenda Item 6: Sherry Request: Launer moves seconded by Allegretto to deny the request from Mrs. Tina Sherry for two unpaid work days. Roll Call Vote: Allegretto, Boylan, Fannin, Launer, Thorwart, Warmbrodt, and Wolfe vote yes. Motion carried. (Copy inserted in supplemental minute book.)
Regular MeetingNovember 14, 2013
Agenda Item 7: Bricen Request: Thorwart moves seconded by Allegretto to approve the request from Mrs. Rebecca Bricen for payment of her unused sick days upon retirement. Roll Call Vote:Allegretto, Boylan, Fannin, Launer, Thorwart, Warmbrodt, and Wolfe vote yes. Motion carried.
Agenda Item 8: Resignation: Allegretto moves seconded by Launer to accept, with regret, the resignation of Mr. Thomas Bouse effective April 7, 2014. The purpose of resignation is for retirement. Roll Call Vote:Allegretto, Boylan, Fannin, Launer, Thorwart, Warmbrodt, and Wolfe vote yes. Motion carried. (Copy inserted in supplemental minute book.)
Agenda Item 9: Advertisement: Launer moves seconded by Allegretto to grant permission to advertise for a maintenance mechanic/custodian. All vote yes. Motion carried.
Agenda Item 10: Substitute List: Allegretto moves seconded by Boylan to add Mr. Keith Miller to the substitute teacher list for the 2013 – 2014 School Year, with emergency certification, pending completion of the necessary paperwork. All vote yes. Motion carried.
Agenda Item 11: Maternity Leave: Launer moves seconded by Thorwart to approve a maternity leave for Mrs. Erica Nida from approximately March 26 through the end of the 2013 – 2014 School Year. Roll Call Vote:Allegretto, Boylan, Fannin, Launer, Thorwart, Warmbrodt, and Wolfe vote yes. Motion carried. (Copy inserted in supplemental minute book.)
Agenda Item 12: Leave of Absence: Launer moves seconded by Boylan to approve the request from Mrs. Inda O’Connell for an unpaid leave of absence for personal illness for a period not to exceed 15 months.Roll Call Vote:Allegretto, Boylan, Fannin, Launer, Thorwart, Warmbrodt, and Wolfe vote yes. Motion carried. (Copy inserted in supplemental minute book.)
B.Education and School Activities
Agenda Item 1: Permission to Bid: Allegretto moves seconded by Launer to grant permission to bid equipment and supplies for the 2014 – 2015 School Year. All vote yes. Motion carried.
Agenda Item 2: Farm Show: Allegretto moves seconded by Launer to grant permission for students to attend the Farm Show in Harrisburg, PA from January 6 through January 7, 2014.Roll Call Vote:Allegretto, Boylan, Fannin, Launer, Thorwart, Warmbrodt, and Wolfe vote yes. Motion carried.
Regular MeetingNovember 14, 2013
Agenda Item 3: Resolution: Allegretto moves seconded by Fannin to approve the resolution to not raise taxes above the PDE index rate for the 2014 – 2015 School Year.
Roll Call Vote:Allegretto, Boylan, Fannin, Launer, Thorwart, Warmbrodt, and Wolfe vote yes. Motion carried. (Copy inserted in supplemental minute book.)
Agenda Item 4: New Policy: Presented for the second reading is Policy No. 103.1; Section – Programs titled Nondiscrimination – Qualified Students with Disabilities (Copy inserted in supplemental minute book.)
Agenda Item 5: Revised Policies: Presented for the second reading is Policy No. 113.1; Section – Programs titled Discipline of Students with Disabilities and Policy No. 113.2; Section - Programs titled Behavior Support.
Agenda Item 6: Fire Hall for Prom: Boylan moves seconded by Launer to approve the agreement for rental of the Johnsonburg Fire Department Reception Hall for the Prom to be held on May 10, 2014, at a cost of $1,200.00. Roll Call Vote:Allegretto, Boylan, Fannin, Launer, Thorwart, Warmbrodt, and Wolfe vote yes. Motion carried. (Copy inserted in supplemental minute book.)
Agenda Item 7: Corrective Action Plan: Allegretto moves seconded by Boylan to approve the response and the Corrective Action Plan in regard to the Performance Audit Report dated October, 2013. Roll Call Vote:Allegretto, Boylan, Fannin, Launer, Thorwart, Warmbrodt, and Wolfe vote yes. Motion carried. (Copy inserted in supplemental minute book.)
Agenda Item 8: Transportation Agreement: Launer moves seconded by Allegretto to approve the transportation agreement between the Johnsonburg Area School District and Joseph A. Muccio as it relates to students being transported to other educational facilities for the 2013 – 2014 School Year.Roll Call Vote:Allegretto, Boylan, Fannin, Launer, Thorwart, Warmbrodt, and Wolfe vote yes. Motion carried. (Copy inserted in supplemental minute book.)
At 8:21 PMAllegretto moves seconded byLaunerto adjourn the meeting. All vote yes. Motion carried.
Read and approved this______day of ______, 2013.
Lisa J. Mahoney
Board Secretary