February 12th, 2015

I.  Opening of Meeting

a.  Call to Order

i.  Vice President Bryson called the meeting to order at 5:06 PM in the Cascade Room of the Atwood Memorial Center at St. Cloud State University.

b.  Pledge of Allegiance

c.  First Roll Call [x for present, o for absent]

President Gunnerson o

Vice President Bryson x

Executive Assistant Gunnerson X

Chief Justice Rivera x

Chair Gutsch x

Chair Muzammil o

Chair Pegg x

Chair Pradhan x

Chair Vogl x

Chair Drinkwine x

Chair Blosser x

Chair Schnoor x

Chair Ronning o

Chair Jackson x

Senator Enstrom x

Senator Fisher x

Senator Gross o

Senator Hwang o

Senator Johnson x

Senator Le x

Senator Manning x

Senator Meyer x

Senator Scofield o

Senator Uecker x

Senator Witthuhn x

Senator Wething o

Senator Diasane x

Senator Gnahn x

d.  Approval of Agenda

i.  Moved to approve by [Senator Meyer]

ii. Seconded by…Senator Fisher

a.  Agenda Approved…Vice President Bryson

e.  Approval of Minutes

i.  Moved to approve by.. Senator Johnson

ii.  Seconded by…Senator Manning

a.  Minutes Approved –Vice President Bryson

II.  Hearings

a.  Open Gallery I :

SCSU for life: We were able to go to the conference in DC a few weeks ago, and we are here to report on some of the ideas we are bringing back to campus. To start with at the conference we learned about a website called pregnantoncampus, and we found out that the SCSU one has nothing on it and will be updating that and make note of that on campus. At this time there is no housing set aside for pregnant women, we are looking to build a culture of life that is student parent friendly. One of the speakers we were able to see was a prolife feminist. If you can help make a university a little more student parent friendly, that is adding to a recruitment. That is changing at a lot of universities, and as a group we are looking to do more to support them and promote those kinds of things. We are looking to bring speakers to campus, and collaborating. We also talked about showing new documentaries. The leadership institute we stayed at while there, we learned how to make good signs for the march. We are planning something major for tomorrow, we gained a lot of energy and guidance. We are unveiling our student parent scholarships on campus. They are two 250 dollar scholarships.

ii. President Potter and Vice Presidents: As a campus community we are deeply engaged in academic programs and services on campus, and where we have excess resources that aren’t needed. As I listen to folks there is a different tone in the conversations in the spring, we recognize our shared responsibilities for dealing with our challenges. Working with the city for space planning, a lot of challenging work to secure our future and deal with our deficit from this year. We have laid out a 5 year recovery plan.

Vice Presidents: I am the guy that tries to raise money for the university. We were launching husky scholarships, been in place for a month. We have over 2700 student applications for these scholarships. We have significantly more student demands for scholarships then actual scholarships. Some will not have their need for scholarships met. In any instance when you’re trying to raise money, it’s important to know it’s being invested wisely. One of the things that that created is that not as many students had the opportunity to apply. We need greater investment. Second thing is that we are going to increase the utilization rate of spendable dollars. 20% of dollars left in that aren’t being utilized. We want to use digital technology to make reviewing easier. Lastly, we wanted to be better stewards to our donors. Personal stories and journeys sell people on power of scholarships.

Question: Chair Pegg: do you know off hand if that is a significant increase?

Answer: we did not have data, I think that it has moved up

Question: Chair Vogl: have you gotten good feedback on new system?

Answer: a lot of students are really excited about it, we have two people dedicated to implementation and always answering emails and calls. Some anxiety here and there because it is new.

Richard Green: Today I greeted 18 10th graders from China, I pointed out that they should come back. The president mentioned that we are reviewing academic programs and determining what we want to improve. In the same time we are developing new programs, approval in the system in public administration. Hopefully by the fall we will have this in place. The nursing program for example has on online program. We are looking at growing.

Question: Vice President: how are you involved?

Answer: we have a steering group and want to get students involved. We will be putting information online and looking for suggestions.

Question: Senator Diasane: Adding more or taking off, or what are offered online?

Answer: looking at the need for such programs in workforce, hopefully we are looking at growth in the future.

Question: Senator Fisher: have you begun transfer to new provost?

Answer: yes, July 1st, he is from Southern California and you will be very pleased.

Wanda: I was here last week, last night I had the pleasure of attending resident hall special achievement awards. There were 450 students in res halls with 3.5 GPA. I was extremely impressed with the program.

Tami: The comprehensive facilities planning thank you for your work on that. The consultants will be here in two weeks. The other thing is that we have submitted our financial recovery plan and it outlines a number of different actions.

Alex: social studies major, I would like to acknowledge the difficult times with the budget. Campus recreation has made a huge impact on me, I developed leadership ability and problem solving skills etc. The opportunities allowed me to grow, those skills you cannot learn by listening to a lecture. Consider the value on student recreation.

Question: Senator Uecker: Are there any particular things you are concerned about?

Answer: Just a general concern about budget and how it pertains to campus recreation in the future.

b.  Finance Hearings: None.

c. Internal elections:

At large Senator: Britton, I came here to partially get out of Nebreska, I fell in love with the programs and I love the groups and organizations.

Question: Chair Schnoor: What would you like to see changed?

Answer: Always making sure there are connections from everyday students, like freshman and transfers are aware of student government, also more sustainability programs on campus. I also hope to bring more representation in women in administrative positions.

Question: Chair Drinkwine: Yield to chair Jackson: have you already been elected for this president?

Answer: Planning to do a hand off system, and doing a training

Question: Chair Drinkwine: Did you attend the conference at MSUSA

Answer: yes

Question: Senator Manning: How did you feel about msusa?

Answer: I do not have an opinion I feel no reason to judge them

Question: Chair Vogl: how do you feel about St.Cloud Leaving MSUSA?

Answer: I do not have an opinion, I respect the decision made by the majority of the delegates


Senator Le: for Jang did they give a reason why they are not here?

Answer: no

Senator Le: did anyone talk to Jang?

Answer: I contact everyone and did not hear anything back

Chair Drinkwine: I feel like she answered the questions like she knew we were going to ask

Senator Diasane: I had the opportunity to know her working on community based things and shes an asset to the government, I would like to see her be apart of this.

Chair Blosser: I spoke with her more than most, I did like her, some concerns of course and I do not think we want any more problems with MSUSA

Chair Schnoor: She is really active with things she is passionate about I think it would be good to have her be engaged in such initiatives on campus

Chair Vogl: She does have lots of good things, but her relationship with MSUSA as well, and what we may be getting into

Chair Pegg: When it comes to Britton, I do have some reservations and question her motives for wanting to join this body now.

Call to question


Senator Disane: she mentioned that she was not on the delegation, we discussed, they should not have to be put down

Senator Witthuhn: There were so many opportunities to join so why now

During the delegates there were a disagreement, that resulted in st cloud and Mankato to withdraw participation. There was an investigation and were asked to apologize some feel like that was not a strong enough punishment.

Call to Question


Senator Le: I have seen her sit in the gallery after MSUSA

Call to question


Senator Witthuhn: I have a question, when there is an objection what do you say?

Call to question


Election I insist everyone will remain silence

No election

Chelsey: She did wonderful, she would be a great addition to the body.

Senator Le: Move to white ballot


Any objections?

Seeing none.

We have a justice.

Senate Finance: Areej: In high school I was team captain in athletics, we won the house cup, at SCSU a member of two student orgs, MSA, PSA, I have been volunteering and I am a culture catholic presenter, I want to get into senate finance I am a freshman I believe I can do it really well, I love working.

Question: Senator Le: free on Fridays?

Answer: Yes

Question: Senator Le: why did you pick SCSU?

Answer: I love it, I am from Pakistan, I love working, it gives me the opportunity to represent myself and freedom of speech I love it.

Chair Pradhan: Being a part of senate finance, the other organization I would play the role when I am with them vice versa.


Chair Pradhan: candidate not here used to be a part of senate finance, she trained both me and Muzzamill in, I believe she would be a great addition to this.

Move to White ballot


We have elections

Plenary Session I :

c.  Unfinished Business : none

d.  New Business: Internal affairs:

Broke up the bylaws. See if any committees have ideas.

Academic Affairs: I read the conduct

Campus Affairs: Only part that is weird, is the alumni relations and speaking at the Capitol, maybe more students attending the university

Legislative affairs: We like the idea of it a lot, if MSUSA will be run effectively

Student Constitution: I had the bylaws, I came up with adding a second Vice Chair to Organization, under the campus committee structure article they don’t define it there, Then as delegates assembly I came up with two options change representation schools have one delegate, the proportion is very weird and allows for deadlock, do representation based on amount of fee dollars to MSUSA. I think that is more accurate.

Senator Manning: I think two vice chairs may cause more problems.

Chair Pegg: It could lead to tension, although all universities involved, us and Mankato have vastly different needs then southwest and having a vice chair could help show its not big schools pushing little schools around.

Urban Affairs: one thing we noticed is that elections run by vice chair, we want a whole new elections chair created, also doing a co-chair between us and Mankato replacing the one chair we have right now (State Chair)

Student Services: I had the strategic plan, no delegates ever voted on it. The content I have nothing to argue against it, this was created and implemented without delegates, it’s a good thing to do but needs to be agreed upon.

Chair Vogl: Act mature, responsible manner, procedure and process to review a code of conduct. They only have a two-step process for that. Then what? This part may need to be relooked over. Social media implemented.

Senator Uecker: life cycle, replacing

Decrease costs

Chair Schnoor: Resolution to read in

Senator Witthuhn: motion to reduce recess time to 10 mins

Call to question


All in favor say I

III.  Recess – 20 Minutes [10 minute recess]

IV. Officer Reports

a.  President [type reports for all]

b.  Vice President

c.  MSUSA Campus Coordinator :

d.  Chief Justice:

e.  Executive Assistant

f.  Academic Affairs:

g.  Campus Affairs:

h.  Communications:

i.  Executive Board:

j.  Fee Allocation:

k.  Legislative Affairs:

l.  Senate Finance:

m.  Student Constitution:

n.  Student Services

o.  Technology Fee:

p.  Urban Affairs:

q.  University Committees :

V.  Plenary Session II

a.  Last Call for Business : none

VI.  Closing of Meeting

a.  Open Gallery II: None

b.  Open Statements:

c.  Last Roll Call

President Gunnerson x

Vice President Bryson x

Executive Assistant Gunnerson X

Chief Justice Rivera x

Chair Gutsch x

Chair Muzammil x

Chair Pegg x

Chair Pradhan x

Chair Vogl x

Chair Drinkwine x

Chair Blosser x

Chair Schnoor x

Chair Ronning o

Chair Jackson x

Senator Enstrom x

Senator Fisher x

Senator Gross x

Senator Hwang o

Senator Johnson x

Senator Le x

Senator Manning x

Senator Meyer x

Senator Scofield o

Senator Uecker x

Senator Witthuhn x

Senator Wething o

Senator Disani o

Senator Ganan x

d.  Adjournment – [7:50p.m.]

Me and Jose worked out some questions we would like to see on the the spring health survey. I will be emailing them to figure out if we can get it done this semester or if they have and related info already. My committee will be meeting on thurs and secret shops will get done in the next week or two.

-student services

Campus Affairs 2/12/15

We had a discussion about the metro transit talk from last week and agreed with these ideas:

Cut clippers down to just east and west

reduced fare for students?

why should people get free bus if they drive to k lot and take husky shuttle, but have other routes cut