Campus Location:Georgetown,Dover,Stanton, Wilmington EffectiveDate: 2018-51
CourseNumberandTitle:ENG102 – Composition and Research
Prerequisite:ENG101, SSC 100 or concurrent
CourseCredits andHours: 3 Credits
0Lab hours/week
CourseDescription: This college-levelcourseis designed to enhancewriting, research, and speakingskills and toprovide academicwritingandreasoning skills to foster lifelonglearning.
RequiredText(s): Obtaincurrenttextbookinformationat bookstore.Youwillneedtoknowthecoursenumberandsection.
Additional Materials:USBdriveor other storagedevice
MethodofInstruction:Face-to-Face, Hybrid, Online
1.Access,retrieve, and evaluatedata fromacademicsecondarysources needed for effective
2.Compose and revise information-based documents fordiverseaudiences and purposes.
3.Usestrategies necessaryto deliver effectiveoral presentation(s)fordiverseaudiences.
SeeCoreCurriculumCompetencies(CCC)andProgramGraduateCompetencies(PGC)atthe end of thesyllabus. Course objectives arecoded to the competency(cies)theydevelop.
1. Access,retrieve, and evaluatedata from academicsecondarysources needed for effective research writing.
1.1 Identifyand usethe library’s computerized systems.
1.2 Locate, select, and evaluate reputablesources of information.
2. Compose and revise documents fordiverseaudiences andpurposes.
2.1 Applyan organization strategythroughout thewritingprocess.
2.2 Develop and supportanoriginal thesis.
2.3 Usesourcematerials asabasisfor refutation.
2.4 Summarize, paraphrase,and quote sources as appropriate for thewritingtask.
2.5 EmployAmerican Psychological Association (APA)documentation in written, visual, and spoken communication.
3. Usestrategies necessaryto deliver effectiveoral presentation(s)fordiverseaudiences.
3.1 Adapt content fromaresearch-based document into presentation(s).
3.2 Demonstrate appropriatevocal skills, includingpronunciation, rate,and tone.
3.3 Demonstrate appropriatenon-verbal skills, includingeyecontact, posture, and enthusiasm.
3.4Integraterelevant visual material into presentation(s).
Assignment Structure
Assignments / Formative / Summative / TotalPointsUnit1–
Reflective Writing / 50 / 100 / 150(15%)
Informative ResearchWriting / 100 / 200 / 300(30%)
Argumentative Research Writing / 150 / 250 / 400(40%)
OralPresentations / 50 / 100 / 150(15%)
Totals: / 350 (35%) / 650 (65%) / 1000(100%)
*Atotalof7500wordsand30pagesoftextwillberequiredforcompletionofthecourse,this includes a 7-pageminimum of text on thefinalresearchpaper.
Weekly Schedule
1. Weeks1-3:Getting Started & WritingProcess
a.TheFirst60 Minutes - WritingProcess
i. Pre-Writing ii. Thesis
iii. Outlining
iv. Drafting v. Revising
c.Planned Assessments
i.Reflective Writing Assignment (1-2 pages)
ii. Description:In the Reflective writingassignment, students willdemonstrate competencyin academic writingasitrelatestothe developmentofcontext, purpose, audience, voice, and organization. (100 points– FinalProduct)
2. Weeks4-9:InformativeWriting Unit
a.Information LiteracySkills
i. Access,retrieve &evaluatecredible sources b. Analysis
i. Include textual, comparative, &casual
c.Summarizing/Paraphrasing/Quoting d. APA Documentation Methods
e.Introduction to OralPresentation f.Planned Assessments
i. InformationalWriting Assignment (4-5 pages)
ii. Description:In the Informative writingassignment, studentswillchoosean academicallyrelevanttopicand conductcredibleresearchto supporttheirthesis. Students willuse an analyticalframeworkto write aninformative paper.All research willbe integratedusingAPAdocumentation.(200 points–Final Product)
iii. OralPresentation OptionAvailable
3. Weeks10-16:ArgumentativeWriting Unit
a.Continue to Scaffoldthe FollowingSkills:InformationLiteracy, Analysis, Summary/Paraphrase/Quotation, OralPresentation, & StandardWritten English
b. CounterArgument
c.SupportIdeas withAcademicallyProfessionallyAppropriate Evidence d. Planned Assessments
i. Argumentative WritingAssignment (7-8 pages)
ii. Description:In the Argumentative writingassignment,students willchoosean academicallyrelevanttopic, and conductcredible secondaryresearchto support theiropinions.Students willalsoacknowledgethe opposing views andprovide evidencetorefutethem. All research willbeintegratedusingAPA documentation.(250points– FinalProduct)
iii. OralPresentation Required(100 points– FinalProduct)
Instructor Conferences:Thereisastrong valueplacedonthe recursivewriting process, includingreview,instructorfeedbackandstudentrevision.Allsummativewritingassignments willbe requiredtogothrougha seriesof drafts,andstudentswillbe expectedtomeetwithone anotherandtheirinstructorregarding thedraftcontentinordertoengageinthewritingprocess and move towardsamore effective final product.
Evaluation Criteria/Policies:
Students must demonstrate proficiency on all CCPOs at a minimal 75 percent level to successfully complete the course. The grade will be determined using the DTCC grading system:
92 – 100 / = / A83 – 91 / = / B
75 – 82 / = / C
0 – 74 / = / F
Students should refer to the Student Handbook ( for information on the Academic Standing Policy, the Academic Integrity Policy, Student Rights and Responsibilities, and other policies relevant to their academic progress.
Core Curriculum Competencies(CCCs are the competencies every graduate will develop):
- Apply clear and effective communication skills.
- Use critical thinking to solve problems.
- Collaborate to achieve a common goal.
- Demonstrate professional and ethical conduct.
- Use information literacy for effective vocational and/or academic research.
- Apply quantitative reasoning and/or scientific inquiry to solve practical problems.
Disabilities Support Statement
The College is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities. You are encouraged to schedule an appointment with your campus Disabilities Support Counselor if you feel that you may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability. A listing of campus Disabilities Support Counselors and contact information can be found at or visit the campus Advising Center.