University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
Curriculum Proposal Form #3
New Course
Effective Term:
Subject Area - Course Number:SPECED 475Cross-listing:
(See Note #1 below)
Course Title:(Limited to 65 characters) Legal Compliance in Special Education
25-Character Abbreviation: Spec Ed Law
Sponsor(s): Lana Collet-Klingenberg
Department(s):Special Education
Consultation took place:NA Yes (list departments and attach consultation sheet)
Programs Affected:
Is paperwork complete for those programs? (Use "Form 2" for Catalog & Academic Report updates)
NA Yeswill be at future meeting
Prerequisites:SPECED 458; SPECFLD 410; Restricted to students with prof ed admission
Grade Basis:Conventional LetterS/NC or Pass/Fail
Course will be offered:Part of Load Above Load
On CampusOff Campus - Location
College:Dept/Area(s):Special Education
Instructor:James Collins
Note: If the course is dual-listed, instructor must be a member of Grad Faculty.
Check if the Course is to Meet Any of the Following:
Technological Literacy Requirement Writing Requirement
Diversity General Education Option:
Note: For the Gen Ed option, the proposal should address how this course relates to specific core courses, meets the goals of General Education in providing breadth, and incorporates scholarship in the appropriate field relating to women and gender.
Credit/Contact Hours: (per semester)
Total lab hours:0Total lecture hours:48
Number of credits:3Total contact hours:48
Can course be taken more than once for credit? (Repeatability)
No Yes If "Yes", answer the following questions:
No of times in major:No of credits in major:
No of times in degree:No of credits in degree:
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Proposal Information:(Procedures for form #3)
Course justification:
The program is undergoing a revision which will add courses, remove courses and change the course sequence. The addition of this new course meets state and program teacher education requirements.
Relationship to program assessment objectives:
This course meets the standards outlined by the WI DPI and Council for Exceptional Children as outlined in the syllabus attached.
Budgetary impact:
NA. The curricular revision involves both removing and adding courses. Total credits to degree will remain the same.
Course description:(50 word limit)
Students will review laws governing the education of students with disabilities, learn specifics of individualized education program compliance and practice program writing and development that meet both the letter and intent of federal and state law. Students will also explore common areas of noncompliance and learn strategies to prevent noncompliance.
If dual listed, list graduate level requirements for the following:
1. Content (e.g., What are additional presentation/project requirements?)
2. Intensity (e.g., How are the processes and standards of evaluation different for graduates and undergraduates? )
3. Self-Directed (e.g., How are research expectations differ for graduates and undergraduates?)
Course objectives and tentative course syllabus: See attached
Bibliography: (Key or essential references only. Normally the bibliography should be no more than one or two pages in length.)
The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater is dedicated to a safe, supportive and non-discriminatory learning environment. It is the responsibility of all undergraduate and graduate students to familiarize themselves with University policies regarding Special Accommodations, Academic Misconduct, Religious Beliefs Accommodation, Discrimination and Absence for University Sponsored Events (for details please refer to the Schedule of Classes; the “Rights and Responsibilities” section of the Undergraduate Catalog; the Academic Requirements and Policies and the Facilities and Services sections of the Graduate Catalog; and the “Student Academic Disciplinary Procedures (UWS Chapter 14); and the “Student Nonacademic Disciplinary Procedures" (UWS Chapter 17).
Course Objectives and tentative course syllabus with mandatory information(paste syllabus below):
(Fall 2015)
CollegeofEducation & Professional Studies
Descriptive Information
CourseTitle: Legal Compliance in Special Education Practice(SPECED475;3credithours),Section1
CourseTimeLocation: TBD
Instructor: James Collins
Russo, C. J. & Osborne, A.G. (2007). Essential concepts and school-based cases in special education law. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
Course Description - Students will review laws governing the education of students with disabilities, learn specifics of individualized education program compliance and practice program writing and development that meet both the letter and intent of federal and state law. Students will also explore common areas of noncompliance and learn strategies to prevent noncompliance.
University Policies -TheUniversityofWisconsin–Whitewaterisdedicatedtoasafe,supportiveandnon-‐discriminatorylearningenvironment. ItistheresponsibilityofallundergraduatesandgraduatestudentstofamiliarizethemselveswithUniversitypoliciesregardingSpecialAccommodations,Misconduct,ReligiousBeliefsAccommodation,DiscriminationandAbsencesforUniversitySponsoredevents. (FordetailspleaserefertotheUndergraduateandGraduateTimetables;theRightsandResponsibilities”sectionoftheUndergraduateBulletin;theAcademicRequirementsandPoliciesandtheFacilitiesandServicessectionsoftheGraduateBulletin;andthe "Student Academic 123 Disciplinary Procedures" [UWS Chapter 14]; and the "Student Nonacademic Disciplinary Procedures" [UWS Chapter 17].
- Academic Misconduct – The University believes that academic honesty and integrity are fundamental to the mission of higher education and of the University of Wisconsin System. The University has a responsibility to promote academic honesty and integrity and to develop procedures to deal effectively with instances of academic dishonesty. Students are responsible for the honest completion and representation of their work, for the appropriate citation of sources, and for respect of others' academic endeavors. Students who violate these standards are subject to disciplinary action. UWS Chapter 14 identifies procedures to be followed when a student is accused of academic misconduct. For additional information, please refer to the section in the Student Handbook titled Student Academic Disciplinary Procedures.
- Religious Beliefs Accommodations – Board of Regents policy states that students' sincerely held religious beliefs shall be reasonably accommodated with respect to scheduling all examinations and other academic requirements. Students must notify the instructor, within the first three weeks of the beginning of classes (within the first week of summer session and short courses) of the specific days or dates on which they will request accommodation from an examination or academic requirement. For additional information, please refer to the section in the University Bulletin and the Timetable titled Accommodation of Religious Beliefs.
- Special Accommodations Requests – Students with disabilities needing any type of disability-related accommodations on campus should schedule an appointment to meet with a staff member at theCenter for Students with Disabilities in the Andersen Library Building, Room L2002.Students with special needs or disabilities should contact the course instructor so that arrangements can be made to meet the students' needs. The University of Wisconsin - Whitewater is dedicated to a safe, supportive and non-discriminatory learning environment. It is the responsibility of all undergraduate and graduate students to familiarize themselves with University policies regardingaccommodations.
Upon completion of this course, studentswillbeableto:
1.Identify key federal and state laws governing special education implementation and monitoring
2.Access and describe the Integrated Monitoring System used in WI and discuss how the system works to promote legal compliance and effective school outcomes
3.List the indicators addressed in the State Performance Plan (SPP) and the Local Performance Plan (LPP) and link them to special education practice
4.Access previous years/ WI Annual Performance Reports (found at and discuss WI SPP Targets and Goals (i.e., Indicator Report Card)
5.Identify steps involved in resolving special education disputes including mediation, complaints, and due process.
6.Write fully compliant individualized education programs (IEP)
During this course, students are expected to:
4)Completeallcourseassignmentsontimeorprovideadvancednoticeifunabletodoso. Allassignmentsaredueatthetimespecifiedinthesyllabus.Lateassignmentswillbeacceptedatthediscretionoftheinstructorandmayhavepointsdeducted.
2)Provide feedback and postgradesinatimelymanner.
I.Course Requirements
2.AppliedKnowledgeActivities (100 points; 5 in-class activities at 20 points each) – these in-class activities will provide students with the springboard for writing and constructing their IEP assignment at the end of the semester.
3.Exams (100 points) – midterm(50 points) and final (50 points) based on key vocabulary and content
4.IDEA WI Complaint Case Analysis (100 points) (use assign students common complaint areas and have them present a case, including the complaint and the decision, along with a plan for how a school team may have worked to avoid the complaint in the first place)
5.Indicator Project (100 points)(use assign indicators 1 – 11; maybe have students work in pairs or teams; students will have to identify the indicator, discuss what it relates to in IDEA, state where the data come from, identify where the problems are in meeting this indicator, and state teacher/team practice that will meet this indicator; students will share with class and info will be on exam)
6.IEP Assignment (100 points) (students will write a complete IEP for one student with whom they are working in field)
Grading Schedule
A [94% or above=A, 90-93%=A-]
B [87-89%=B+, 84-86%=B, 80-83%=B-]
C [77-79%=C+, 74-76%=C, 70-73%=C-]*
D [67-69%=D+, 64-66%=D, 60-63%=D]
F = anything below 255
* Students must earn a C or above in all major courses in order to remain in good standing/graduate
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Week / Topic / Reading / Assignment Due1 / Introduction/Overview/Disability Law / Ch. 1
2 / Accountability in Education / TBD / AKA 1
3 / Federal & State Monitoring / DPI links
4 / The Indicators / DPI links, other links / Indicator Project
5 / Entitlement to Services / Ch. 2
6 / Procedural Due Process / Ch. 3 / AKA 2
7 / Complaints / DPI links
8 / IDEA in our Schools / Ch. 4 / AKA 3
9 / Beyond IEP Goals / Ch. 5 / Complaint Case Analysis
10 / Student Discipline / Ch. 6 / AKA 4
11 / Dispute Resolution / Ch. 7 / Mid-Term Exam
12 / Remedies for FAPE Failure / Ch. 8
13 / Writing Fail-proof IEPS / DPI IEP Guide / AKA 5
14 / Emerging Issues / Ch. 9
15 / Antidiscrimination Statutes / Ch. 10 / IEP Assignment
Exam week / Final / NA / Final Exam
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