NMSU COE Diversity Task Force
March 4, 2016
9:00 am – 10:00 am
OH Room 126
Meeting began: 9:02 a.m.
Present: Dr. Chávez Chávez, Dr. Osanloo, Ms. Rodriguez-Strawn, Dr. Torres Fernandez, Ms. Benally, Ms. Arrieta, Dr. Haynes Writer, Ms. Gavit, Ms. Martinez, Dr. Hernandez, Dr. Adams.
Absent: Ms. López Askin, Dr. Ramdoss, Ms. Salazar.
I. Welcome
II. Moment of Silence: Dr. Cathy Kinzer
III. Approval of January 22, 2016 Minutes
a. Edits and the like: Dr. Chávez Chávez began the meeting by asking if there were any edits, additions, or changes to the January 22nd meeting minutes. There were none.
A motion was made by Dr. Hernandez to approve the January 22nd meeting minutes as read. The motioned was seconded by Ms. Arrieta. There was a unanimous vote to accept the minutes as read, motion carried. The minutes were approved as read.
IV. Review and Approval of March 4, 2016 Agenda
a. Additions: Dr. Chávez Chávez added that he would comment on Dr. So’s participation in the upcoming DTF Retreat.
V. Announcements/Updates
a. Only two possible dates for the rescheduling of our DTF Retreat
- Friday, March 11th - Discussion: Several people already have plans, it is the day of the master's exam in C&I, and the Friday before spring break. Not a good time for all.
- Friday, April 22nd – Dr. Osanloo motioned to hold the DTF Retreat on Friday, April 22nd at the Holy Cross Retreat Center, Dr. Torres Fernandez seconded, the vote was unanimous, and the motion to hold the DTF Retreat on Friday, April 22nd was carried.
VI. Action Items
a. “Initial Considerations for Operation of DTF”
A motion was made by Ms. Rodriguez-Strawn to accept the “Initial Considerations for Operation of DTF” with a friendly amendment proposed by Dr. Osanloo regarding language about advising the leading executive, and seconded by Ms. Martinez. The vote to accept the motion was unanimous, the motion carried.
b. Agreement on a meeting schedule for the remaining of this semester.
- Friday: April 1st
- Friday: May 6th
Ms. Arrieta made a motion to approve April 1st and May 6th as the next two DTF meeting dates, the motion was seconded by Ms. Rodriguez-Strawn. The motion was accepted by unanimous vote, motion carried.
VII. New Business Items
a. Dr. So was very excited about the data she gathered from the survey, and she looks forward to working with us.
b. Review our DTF Charge and consider options for our future work. Specifically, determine documents of most importance with ideas on the phenomenon of diversity that can inform our work.
To create a Diversity Strategic Plan that will result in “Making inclusivity a distinct and foundational pillar of our college in word, deed and behavior.”
1. That the diversity final report be optimistic, constructive and visionary where a collective endeavor with recommendations will add value to our College of Education.
2. That the report “promote diversity, inclusivity, multicultural education, internationalization, and non-discriminatory practices in word, deed, and behavior” in every aspect of our academic and professional work so as to benefit and support every one of us as represented by this task force for the essential practices of Teaching, Research, Service, and Outreach.
3. That the entirety of the report inform and continue adding substance and clarity to the present COE Mission and Vision, which in turn could inform respective Missions and Visions of each COE department as well as our work across disciplines and colleges.
4. Lastly, to include the recommendation of creating a “Diversity Symposium” cycle or Lecture Series with a list of speakers to be held annually or bi-annually.
c. Dr. Osanloo made a motion to add social justice to the 2nd statement, Dr. Torres seconded, the motion was accepted by unanimous vote, motion carried. Dr. Osanoo will send the change in the wording to Dr. Chávez Chávez who will add it to the statement for the DTF review.
d. Dr. Chávez Chávez would like us to consider these statements as headings for the report we submit to the Dean at the end of our task force charge.
e. Dr. Chávez Chávez sent an email out to the DTF asking us to speak with our colleagues about the work we are doing.
f. Dr. Torres Fernandez then mentioned that she spoke with her colleagues in CEP and asked them to submit questions, comments, and concerns to her by March 16. She let her colleagues know that as a member of the DTF her job is to be their voice. She will also be sending this out to the leaders of the student groups.
She offered to send her template out to us all so that we have a starting point for speaking to our colleagues as well.
g. Dr. Chávez Chávez also ask us to please be sure to look at our respective standards and programs to find language that aligns with the goals of the council.
h. Please re-review: Innovations in Inclusion (Executive Summary):
ME did a wonderful job of putting this together, please review this document as well.
i. Dr. Osanloo would like us to consider having a diversity award in honor of Dr. Cathy Kinzer, that would be awarded annually to a faculty, staff, or student member who exemplifies diversity efforts in the college. Dr. Hernandez suggested naming the Symposium, and/or Lecture Series in her honor. We will add it as an agenda item to be discussed at our next meeting in April.
VIII. Adjournment
Dr. Osanloo motioned to adjourn, and seconded by Ms. Benally, the motioned was accepted by unanimous vote, motion carried.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:31 a.m.