Thomas Township Board Meeting January 2013
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8215 Shields Drive, Saginaw, MI 48609
January 7, 2012
7:00 o’clock p.m.
1.The Regular Board Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Supervisor Weise.
2.PRESENT:Weise, Brosofski, Thayer, Ryder-Petre, Radewahn, Weberand Thompson
ALSO PRESENT:Manager, Russ Taylor; Fire Chief, Michael Cousins; DPW Director, Rick Hopper; Community Development Director, Dan SikaTownship Attorney, Otto Brandt; Finance Director, Deidre Frollo;Police Chief, Steve Kocsis; Parks and Recreation Director, John Corriveau; Deputy Clerk, Betsy Wietfeldtand 5interested parties.
3.The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
4.Motion was made by Brosofski, seconded by Ryder-Petreto approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
8215 Shields Drive, Saginaw, MI 48609
January 7, 2013
7:00 p.m.
1.Call to Order
2.Roll Call
3.Pledge of Allegiance
4.Approval of Agenda
5.Consent Agenda
A.Approval of Board Minutes December 3, 2012.
B.Approval of Expenditures.
C.Approve the job description for a Public Safety Clerical Employee.
6.Communications-Petitions-Citizen Comments
It is requested that you state your name and address for the record.
7.Public Hearing
A.To hear comments regarding an amendment to the Thomas Township Parks and Recreation Master Plan.
8.Unfinished Business
9.New Business
A.Approve Resolution 13-01 to approve the amendments to the 2010 Thomas Township Parks and Recreation Master Plan.
B.Approve the annual review process for Fireworks permitting for Swan Valley Banquet Center for 2013.
C.Approve the costs associated with the appraisal work and legal fees for a full Tax Tribunal Appeal to the Michigan Tax Tribunal for parcel 28-12-3-26-2001-013, Home Depot.
D.Approve the costs associated with the appraisal work and legal fees for a full Tax Tribunal Appeal to the Michigan Tax Tribunal for parcel 28-12-3-26-2001-003, Meijer.
E.Approve Resolution 13-02 allowing the Thomas Township Fire Department to become an Inspector on behalf of the State of Michigan for the regulation and Inspection of Fireworks sales in Thomas Township.
F.Approve the purchase of a Pump Station Package for Pump Station #7 in the amount of $70,689.00 from DuBois-Cooper Associates.
G.Approve the annual agreement with Saginaw Future for continued economic development services for 2013 in the amount of $6,000.
A.SupervisorD.ManagerH.Fire Dept.
B.ClerkE.Community DevelopmentI.Police Dept
C.TreasurerF.DPW J.Parks & Recreation
G.FinanceK.Board Members
11.Executive Session
5.It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Weber to approve the consent agenda, as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
A.Approval of Township Board Minutes from the regular meeting 12/03/2012;
B.Expenditures consisting of;
General Fund $ 94,037.02 Public Safety-Fire Department 14,924.08
Fire Apparatus 69,814.48
Public Safety-Police Department 24,365.77 Public Safety-Drug Law Enforcement 22.70
Downtown Development Authority 819.77
Parks 24,971.70
Parks Capital Improvement Fund 0.00
Road Revolving Fund 0.00
HSC Grant Administration 0.00
Sewer Fund 147,075.12
Water Fund 157,933.81
Municipal Refuse 45,298.81 Watermain Extensions 0.00
HSC Expansion 34,788.75 Tax 932,923.77
C.Approve the job description for Public Safety Clerical Employee.
6.Communications-Petitions-Citizen Comments:
7.Public Hearing
A.To hear comments regarding an amendment to the Thomas Township Parks and Recreation Master Plan. The hearing was opened at 7:02 pm and closed at 7:03 pm with no public comment.
8.Unfinished Business:
9.New Business:
A.It was moved by Ryder-Petre, seconded by Radewahnto approve the amendments to the 2010 Thomas Township Parks and Recreation Master Plan.
Ayes: Weise, Ryder-Petre, Thompson, Brosofski, Thayer,Weber, Radewahn.
Nays: None
Absent: None
B.It was moved by Brosofski, seconded by Ryder-Petre to approve the annual review process for Fireworks permitting for Swan Valley Banquet Center for 2013. Motion was carried unanimously.
C.It was moved by Weber, seconded by Thompson to approve the costs associated with the appraisal work and legal fees for a full Tax Tribunal Appeal to the Michigan Tax Tribunal for parcel 28-12-3-26-2001-013, Home Depot. Motion was carried unanimously.
D.It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Thayer to approve the costs associated with the appraisal work and legal fees for a full Tax Tribunal Appeal to the Michigan Tax Tribunal for parcel 28-12-3-26-2001-003, Meijer. Motion was carried unanimously.
E.It was moved by Radewahn, seconded by Weber to approve Resolution 13-02 allowing the Thomas Township Fire Department to become an Inspector on behalf of the State of Michigan for the regulation and inspection of Fireworks sales in Thomas Township.
Ayes: Weise, Ryder-Petre, Thompson, Brosofski, Thayer,Weber, Radewahn.
Nays: None
Absent: None
F.It was moved by Thayer, seconded by Ryder-Petre to approve the purchase of a pump station package for pump station #7 in the amount of $70,689.00 from DuBois-Cooper Associates.
G.It was moved by Weber, seconded by Radewahn to approve the annual agreement for services with Saginaw Future Inc for 2013 in the amount of $6,000.
10.Report of Officers and Staff:
A.Supervisor’s Report:None
B.Clerk’s Report:Handed out the Manager’s annual review form.
C.Treasurer’s Report: None
D.Manager’s Report: None
E.Receive and file Community Development Reports.
F.Receive and file Finance Departments Reports.
G.Receive and file Fire Departments Reports.
H.Receive and file Police Departments Reports.
IReceive and file Parks and Recreations Reports.
J.Board Member Reports: None.
K.Receive and file DPW reports.
11.Executive Session:
12.It was moved by Brosofski, seconded by Radewahnto adjourn the meeting at 7:24p.m. Carried unanimously.
Edward Brosofski, Clerk