Escape to Misery
The Voyage
Kataklizm "A small band of adventurers sits in a tavern located close to the wharves in the city of Greyhawk. They aren't spending extravagantly because they have only, in the last two weeks, returned from their first adventure together. The mission was successful if you consider they all advanced to second level, not so great considering they found less than 21 silver pieces in the fracass. They nurse cheap ales, trying to plan another foray, when a tall quarter-elf looking woman comes into the bar and tacks up a flyer on a post. She then leaves.
Nakul "A very thin and short halfling thief finishes the last mouthful of drink from his mug at a nearby corner table. His big, black eyes watch the woman's every movement. He absentmindedly flicks his dark, shoulder length hair back from his face and then tries to look disinterested by adjusting the fit of his plain leather armor chest piece. After the Elvish woman leaves, he stands up from a table and starts to head to the bar for another ale, but curiosity finally gets the better of him. He turns towards the wooden post, pulls up a vacant chair to stand on and starts to read the parchment.
F'lessen "A slightly built half elf gets up and nervously looks around. he fidgetly fingers his staff, but slowly walks toward the note that was posted up.Looking over the halfling's shoulder, he tells the halfling, “Don't mind me , I am just as curious as you are.” After reading the note I head back towards my seat, pulling at my clothes as if needing some air.
Gerbo "A smallish looking being gets up from a table. He looks like he could be a young child or a member of the smaller folk. He keeps a cloak and hood about him making it hard to see his features.
He waits for the other two to move away and then also goes and checks out the message. Upon reading it he moves away and finds a corner to contemplate what he has read
Kataklizm "(Bear in mind you know each other, but if'n ya don't wanna swill cheap lager together, that's your biz) The posted parchment is a call for adventurers. It seems there is a group forming up to go deal with a monster uprising in the Spinthrift Isles. The flyer indicates there will be lucrative recompense for those involved. The point of contact is stated as Irina, a partially elven Ranger-type (1/4 E, R 5th) at a local wharehouse some two days hence. Many have read the flyer. You overhear that it has surfaced at other taverns in Greyhawk.
Gerbo "< does it say WHAT kind of monster >
:: Gerbo shrugs and looks to the others. Calling out from the shadows ::
” What d'ya think. Wana give it a go?”
Nakul "Nakul shrugs, but then adds, “Me sure dun minds some lucrative recompense and maybe we can gets some rations t'eat from dem too. We's bery poor lately... and we's not gettin' any richer sitting here in da tabern drinkin.”
F'lessen "Why not, I'll do anything to get out of this town.
Kataklizm "It becomes apparent that there may be competition for whatever number of open positions there are. Several people have read the flyer and while the meeting is 48 hours off, there is quite a buzz about it. It seems you can expect a crowd at the wharehouse.
Nakul "Nakul notices the buzzing. He states in a loud matter-of-factly tone towards his groupmates, in the hopes that he will be overheard by everyone, “Well, me's SURE not going dere! Me heared dat a while back seberal groups dat go'd dere neber camed back.... sabe one man. Him maked it back wifout no arms, missing an eye, and some ob him's guts was eben hangin' out! Me heared dat before him died, him sayed sumfin 'bout him's whole party ob twelbe was eated alibe by JUST ONE ob da creatures as dey screamed for deir libes!”
Nakul nods at everyone, “So, me is SURE not going to be sent to certain deaf dere! Not worf anyting dey can gibs me. Dead Halflings can't spend money! Only a fool would go.”
The little thief, done with his speech, heads over to the bar for another cheap ale to bring back to their table. After people have drifted from the wooden post, he casually walks over again and feigns reading it until he's sure no one is looking and quickly removes and put it into his pocket. He returns back to his seat and sips at his mug.
F'lessen "Yeah, I heard that too. Not even the highest level priests could do anything for him and he was so scared that his spirit wouldn't say anything about what happened.
Kataklizm "The buzz quites down and many people stare at the halfling, mouthes agape. They return to their beers. ( Extra experience for Rakul...I had to laugh aloud).
Nakul "Nakul, extremely satisfied with the results, has difficult time trying to conceal his pleasure. He lifts and holds his mug to his lips and smiles widely hoping no one can see. The Halfling takes a long sip of ale then softly talks to his party mates. “Well, me guesses we gots plenty ob time b'fore da meeting. Should we gadder some supplies, or just wait t'make sure we's chosen for da task. We's bery low on funds and t'would be a complete waste if we dun gets picked for it.” He stops and thinks a moment, then a mischievous smile slowly crosses his lips. “Anyone else good at gamblin?”
Gerbo ":: Gerbo surveys the group, makes a mental note about the halfling (again) and steps out of the shadowed area. He approaches the elf and mutters loud enough for only the elf to hear ::
” I think tatoo over here may make trouble for us again, we should watch him. Do you want me to go to the warehouse ahead of everyone and scope it out? “
< Since we know each other, Gerbo is a 2/1 F/Ill with the Scout kit. Very good at getting close to things and finding out info >
F'lessen "Go ahead, but be careful, I only have a certain amount of healing spells. Why don't both of you go. He's good at sneaking around also. Besides, he might be able to pick us up some extra funds. I'll go to the grove outside the city and see what they have heard. We'll meet back here in about three hours(assuming the places are close enough)
Kataklizm "A cursory check of the warehouse only reveals that it is close to the docks. 110 by 60. But then, no one is going to be there until 5 p.m. day after tomorrow. Stopping by two other bars, you find flyers in there too.
Gerbo ":: Gerbo will attmept to gain access to the warhouse ::
Nakul "Nakul goes through the same “Hell, Death, and Damnation” speech he gave at the first tavern regarding the sole survivor of the previous treks. Also, if the opportunity presents itself, he removes the flyers from the walls and stuffs them in his pocket.
He continues to follow Gerbo, but leaving a casual distance so that no one will think they're together.
Kataklizm "The warehouse is locked. It is dark inside. The city guard patrols heavily in this quarter. Seagoing ruffians and all..... Your impression is that the building was chosen for its size and location, not because it is a lair of any sort.
Nakul "While trying to gain access through the warehouse doors and any windows within reach, the little thief notices the frequency of guards. He returns to Gerbo and informs him that he thinks it's too risky a task. If they get caught they'll possibly miss the mission.
Nakul lets Gerbo know that he's going to return to the various taverns to try to gather some finances.... legally, of course. He checks them all out and selects the one that has both games of chance and appearing to contain the wealthiest clientele.
The Halfling discreetly works his way close to the games and during a pause in the action says innocently, “Oooo look... a game! Me likes t'play games!”
Gerbo ":: Gerbo begins to reply, but the ling moves off without giving him a chance to do so. Gerbo decides to hang out in the area for a bit observing the building and hte goings on around it. Maybe he can pick up something ::
F'lessen "I head to the grove welcoming the feel of nature at its finest. he so thankful to be out of the town and from the enclosed spaces. Does he notice any more notices along the way, if so and if he has the chance he removes them, especially the ones posted on trees saying they are hurting the trees. He talks with some of the other druids trying to find out if they have heard anything.
Kataklizm "F'Lessen You talk to one other druid who has heard about the flyer. You find none posted outside the city.
Gerbo You watch the warehouse for two hours and see a couple of guys come by, real curious like, and look in the windows/try the door. They leave after not finding anything. Later, a city guard comes by to roust you to move along, it seems he has been observing you and thinks you are casing the joint.
Nakul, You manage to break even, mostly playing with other peoples money. However, due to the enebriated math of some clientele and their hautiness that prevents them from picking up dropped items, you come away with 1 electrum, 7 silvers and 21 coppers.
Gerbo ":: Gerbo moves along and waits till he is out of sight. Then he does somethign and returns to his spot. He moves about thisa time as to not attract attention ::
< See private email >
F'lessen "Reluctantly, I head back towards the town and the tavern we were in to meet with the other two.
Nakul "Nakul notices F'lessen enter the tavern as he's heading up to the bar. He turns towards him and waves a hand to get his attention. When they are close he softly says, “Me just gotted us a lil extra monies! Me was just about t'get some stew... is you be hungry too?”
F'lessen "Yes, that was a pretty good walk out to the grove. Have you seen Gerbo? I didn't find out anything extra. I wonder what this is really about. Oh, by the way, that was a pretty good discouraging speech you gave everybody else earlier.
Kataklizm "Gerbo never shows for the meeting at the tavern. Gerbo, you notice activity greatly decrease in the wee hours down by the warehouse. A little after 1 am, some sailors see you “what is a strapping young lad like yourself doing away from mommy at this hour?“and inquire if you want some adventure in your life. You get a break when they can't surround you in time and you flee, narrowly missing a good shanghai.
Nakul "Nakul says to F'lessen, “Me no know. Him was casin' da warehouse... lots ob guards around dere doh and we couldn't find a way in, so me came here and him stayed to keep an eye on it.” He yawns then replies softly, “Tank you. Dere was just too many peobles int'rested in da job tomorrow... we needed to cut dat down a lil.”
The Halfling looks at the dwindling numbers at the tavern and says, “Me's gibbin' Gerbo anuder 30 minutes, and ip him's not here den we should prolly go t'join him. Maybe him's finded out sumfin.”
F'lessen "Sounds like a good idea. after thirty minutes, if he doesn't show we head out towards the warehouse.
Kataklizm "Gerbo-You see F'Lessen and Nakul coming up the street to the wharf quarter.
F-n-N-You see a young human running up the street towards you, he is followed by some unsavory looking seamen, but is greatly outdistancing them and the gap is widening.
Gerbo ":: Looking towards the two ::
” Help me! They took my money! “
:: Gerbo yells loud enough, hopeing some law enforcement types are within earshot ::
Kataklizm "The fellows following Gerbo hear his cries and they melt away into the surroundings. The chase is ended.
F'lessen "Hold up son, they've stopped chasing you, you're okay now. Then I get a good look at him. Oh, Hi Gerbo, while you were out there did you find anything else besides that bunch that was chasing you?
Nakul "Nakul blends into the surrounding to keep watch unseen, but within whisper distance to the other two. “You find out anyting new ober dere?”
Gerbo ":: Gerbo catches his breath and says thanks ::
” No activity in the building, city watch patrols fairly regularly, couple of other individuals checked out the building but was run off by thye watch. “
Nakul "Nakul nods towards the warehouse. “Well, at least we knowed it are be safe in dere. It's prolly a good time to catch some rest doh... let's head back to da tabern and catch a room?”
Gerbo ":: Gerbo looks back at the warehouse and gets a funny feeling. However sleep would be good. He follows the others ::
Kataklizm "Due to the late hour, you are only able to secure sleeping in the commons. You awake partially refreshed, having slept lightly fearing being robbed in the night. (You weren't). It is 8 AM, you are 33 hours from reporting time. How do you pass the time?
Gerbo ":: Get breakfast find a quiet corner to study. After that relay what I learned ::
Nakul "Nakul joins Gerbo for some breakfast. After Gerbo finishes studying, he asks between mouthfuls, “What is you gonna do t'day, Gerbo? And does you needs any help?”
Nakul grabs two extra biscuits and puts them in his pack for later, while nibbling on a third. He then adds, “Me's dun gots no plans, cept maybe later we checks out da warehouse 'gain and maybe after dat me's gonna try to makes some more monies gamblin' or sumfin.”
F'lessen "I'm going back out to the grove and commune with nature to refresh myself and get away from this crowded city and tavern. If you need me I will be there and then meet you at the warehouse tomorrow for the meeting. The breakfast is an enjoyable repast and I too grab some bisquits for later.
Kataklizm "The day passes uneventfully. Nakul is little man about town, always on the lookout for a way gain a few shekels. Between gambling and fast fingers, 5 more silvers and 16 coppers are added to the treasury. F'Lessen spend his time out of doors and relaxes. Gerbo checks the warehouse out again and finds it lightly guarded by day, but not in use. Regular patrols check it out by night. As night descends, the two smallish peoples get a room at an inn and get a good nights sleep. A hearty breakfast and stout lunch carry them into the afternoon. As the intrepid band drifts down toward the warehouse around 4:30 PM, there is a smallish crowd milling about. Mostly sell-swords, apprentices, and ne'er do-wells, but all adventuring types.. Gerbo, F'Lessen and Nakul meet up across the street from the building. It is 4:45 PM, it is an hour from sunset. At 5 PM sharp, the door opens and Irina (the female 1/4 elf) posts instructions. The paper says to line up single file and wait to be called. It says there are 8 available slots to be earned for the adventure. A couple of the truly wet behind the ears novices leave dejectedly.