Tobacco Cessation Programs/Resources
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
GREAT starter resource (motivator)
Real life stories
–TIPS from ex-smokers
- Paramount
–Ohio Quit Line
–Paramount partners with the Ohio Quit Line to provide free NRT and counseling for our members. Call (800) 784-8669
–(1-800-QuitNow) to sign up.
- Based in Ohio
- Chantix
–CHANTIX is a prescription medication that, along with support, helps adults 18 and over stop smoking. You may benefit from quit-smoking support programs and/or counseling during your quit attempt. It's possible that you might slip up and smoke while taking CHANTIX. If you do, you can stay on CHANTIX and keep trying to quit.
Site has a list of other websites with smoking cessation resources
Marsh & McLennan Agency1
- How to quit smoking
Takes you through steps
- Gives you options on what to use to quit
a.Ex: gum, patch, etc.
- Hypnotherapy
“Quit smoking in 88 minutes”
- Hypnotherapy will reduce or completely eliminate your cravings for tobacco
- With Hypnotherapy you will begin thinking like a non-smoker instead of a smoker who has quit smoking.
- Hypnotherapy will reprogram your smoking triggers into new behaviors
- Using Hypnotherapy you will accomplish all this without pills, patches or gum
What the program is/guarantees
–(248) 234-1891
Serves the Detroit and Ann Arbor areas
- American Lung Association
Freedom From Smoking Program
Sign up
- Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Cessation Materials
Programs, articles, basic information, etc3
–Smoke free texts
–Quit coach helps develop a personalized plan
- Alere- Wellbeing
Quit for Life Program
Coaching, text messages, mobile app, webinars and other resources
–(866) 434-9750
- EX Smoker Program
–3 Steps
- Re-learn habit
- Re-learn addiction
- Re-learn support
- Start to Stop
CVS program
–Come in for personal counseling with a nurse practitioner to help you quit smoking.
Our program includes:*
–1-on-1 consultation with a practitioner, including a nicotine-dependence assessment
–Individualized smoking cessation plan and education based on your needs and goals
–Ongoing coaching and support in your efforts to quit smoking
–Nicotine-replacement recommendations or prescriptions written when clinically appropriate
–A visit summary sent to your primary care provider with your permission
(844) 265-4321
- Tobacco Free
Resources, tips, news, etc… to help adults and children stay tobacco free or to quit smoking
- BEST Quit Smoking iPhone and Android Apps
–List the best quit smoking apps
- Guide to Quit Smoking
Why is it so hard to quit smoking?
How does smoking affect your health?
Why quit smoking now?
When smokers quit – what are the benefits over time?
What are the immediate rewards of quitting smoking?
Getting help with the mental part of addiction
Getting help with the physical part of addiction
Nicotine replacement therapy
What are the types of nicotine replacement therapy?
Choosing and using nicotine replacement therapy
Prescription drugs to help you quit smoking
Other methods of quitting smoking
A word about success rates for quitting smoking
Steps for long-term success
Making the decision to quit smoking
Setting a quit smoking date and making a plan
Dealing with smoking withdrawal
Staying smoke-free
Special concerns after quitting smoking
–These are articles and resources on the site
–Helps to better understand the difficulty of quitting and some of the science behind it
- National Tobacco Cessation Collaborative
Long list of Tobacco Cessation Programs
Marsh & McLennan Agency1