Large Transcaucasian journey on by three eks-USSR republics
PERIODS - [avgust]+[sentjabr] 2007 yr. (17.08.2007 - 05.09.2007)
BUDGET of 15 000 rub. (complete budget with expensive and all expenditures for food dwelling, etc, can and less it will leave)
1300-1400 km under its own power on 15-16 running days with 2 rests in Caspian Sea and [vysokogonom] lake Sevan
Three EX- Soviet republics, e of the completely different of people, Azerbaijanians are Moslems, Georgians and the Armenians of – Christians.
THE LOCALITY of – in the beginning - the coast of Caspian Region, then main Caucasian [khrebnet] in its eastern part (crossing 1700, around the mountain to 4300 m), then [Kurinskaja] lowland, then middle upland landscape (heights of 300-900 m), then Transcaucasian mountains (height 2000 - 3000 m).
CLIMATE - at sea and low altitudes in the daytime +25+35, at night +20+30. In the mountains in the daytime +20+25, at night +5+10. The best period of year for the visit of these countries, according to the statistics is solar heat-. Water in sea +25+27, in Sevan +15+20.
THROWING - combined, there by train Samara - Derbent (1,5 days of 1150 rub), conversely by aircraft Yerevan - Samara (e of the hour 7270 rub/of – ARMAVIA U 8-971, shch cent. Airbus Of a319 18-20 EVN of – 21-00 KUF, Samara)
REQUIREMENTS for THE PARTICIPANTS - good preparation, rate average or scarcely higher, average day kilometrage 80-100 km the presence of foreign passport is compulsory. Tickets will bathe in the beginning July.
Azerbaijan and Armenia visa-free. Georgian visa is obtained for 900 rub. with the entrance into Georgia on KPP red bridge.
OVERNIGHT STAYS - in the tents, the most separate possible overnight stays in the cheap hotels or on the tourist centers, on the situation.
THE RATIO of local to [lisapedistam] on the studied reports is benevolent and is hospitable. Singularly, it will everywhere a little strain superfluous attention. In the Moscow report of [bajkerov] they even term devised - “swarming”. This when the people of [kako]-[nibud] of village by crowd is assembled to take a look and to question travellers.
NOURISHMENT - partially preparation on to gas, dinners and suppers as far as possible in the cafe. Prices in the region are low (2-3 times of cheaper than Samara). Caucasian kitchen, shashlik. Exactly there will be fully fresh fruits, grapes, etc.
And the certain concept of the march is now more detailed:
Let us go by the straight train of Tyumen'- Baku from Samara to Derbent (this at sea on 250 km not [doezzhaja] of Baku), even in the Russian Federation. Ticket cost only 1150 rub. and to go one-and-a-half days. In the evening on Friday into 17-05 landing in Samara, and in 7-35 mornings in Sunday already debarkation. It is exerted in 50 km before the Azerbaijanian boundary and, on the flannelettes we once intersect it. It is further exerted in Azerbaijan on The [nabranskom] seaside (there beaches, health resort zone at sea), and after somewhere 80 km along the sea even 1 overnight stays we at sea depart to the mountains through the ancient city Cuba and intersect by mountain primings main Caucasian ridge along the crossing 1700 m. it looked [fotki] - there super- (Alpine meadow, waterfalls, forests, etc), all this in the foot of the monoliths Of [shakhdag] (4200 m) and [Shakhnazardag] (2800 m). Then we leave to the ancient [shirvanskoj] capital Of [shemakha] and to the asphalt, which is called mining road, through 70 km the road gets down from the feet of main ridge, further about 300 km on the locality on the river valley crossed in the middle the hen (there also there is a preserve and reservoir with the health resort zone), one additional ancient city Gyandzha, then mountain only higher, Georgian boundary, the section on Georgia of small 1-2 days (150 km) through the capital of Tbilisi (most beautiful city) we enter into Armenia, ([Ashtarak], [Aparan] ([skoe] lake)) are here narrower again high mountains, around Sevan, monastery ancient, prospects for mountain ararat (5500 m) and the like we fly away by the straight voyage Of [armAvia] into Samara (it flies along the media), departure from Yerevan 18-20 into 21-00 in [Kurumoche], for [bajk] of no additional additional payments not necessary, the quota of the weight of 30 kgf to the man, the aircraft air bus, e hour to fly to [Kurumocha] ([desh]. voyages in comp. UTR & Of gazprom, [JUTR] and Gazprom?)

[Konst].[Akchurin] (+79171075056)/[Pantin]/Eduard+Anna Togliatti/[Petro] – 8-9 persons, Samara+Togliatty, Ru

(would be not to overdrink [chachi] or ARM. cognac:)))

Kazakh is planned to pass somewhere on 6-7 day of march, BUT from there you will not arrive in Yerevan, boundary Azerbaijan/Armenia is closed and it is not passed. On the land into Armenia from Azerbaijan it is possible to pass only through Georgia.
If you want to be removed from the route, after passing with us Azerbaijan, then this to make is very simple, after returning by bus or train to Baku, there the mass of versions (to go noon, it costs kopeck). From Baku train to Samara in a day other day on the even (1700 rub, 2 days) or aircraft (" thous. rub., 2 hours) on Sundays.
From Yerevan to Samara the aircraft of 2 times in the week on the media ([ArmAvia]) and on Saturdays (airline Samara).
I propose to you to arrive with us at Armenia and to fly away from Yerevan on Saturday on 1 September (on shch of the days of earlier us). I on the days yet did not paint route, but approximately must it will come out

With RR in Yerevan to be connected there is no sense, there only train in Tbilisi… and that visa, which to us they will give on KPP red bridge with the entrance into Georgia from Azerbaijan - single, on the whole if we are selected from Yerevan by train, then the road as the minimum of 4 days will engage + 900 additional rubles for the repeated Georgian visa and again to pass e of boundary. Entirely not theme this. From Yerevan it is unambiguous by the aircraft

Well first of all, if we are declared officially, then this not then is simple. It is necessary to count
the category of all obstacles along the route and generally there [dofiga] of factors is must
to consider. This is entire science, I do not know how, it is necessary very much time to spend
in order to investigate. To [navskidku] our route – 4 c.c. is in no way not above.
1. [Akchurin] Constantine [Eduardovich]
2. [Pantin] Mikhail Alexandrovich/tlt
e. Ivanov Denis Vasilyevich
4. [Shchegolev] Peter Vladimirovich/tlt
shch. Sysoyev is edward Pavlovich/tlt
'. [Tsapova] the Anna Of [georgievna]/tlt
". [Shchaev] Dmitriy Vladimirovich
8. [Kondrakhin] Sergey Sergeyevich (took RR ticket but hearth?)
9. Andrey (took RR ticket but hearth?)
Route book I will make, but from our bikeclub “Velosamara”
Map no one it threw down and no one rocked. It is necessary to transmit on the disk, very
large volume. I now print [kilometrovki] to entire route, I take them by itself. Still GPS will be most likely.
Ancient Cuba is located in 170 kilometers from Baku

Title: AZERBAIJAN - GEORGIA - ARMENIA 17 [avg]. - shch the cent of 2007 g.
[konst], Do U make thread in the news or into the local (it did conduct) clubs not you [piarite] its actions before the marches into the large cities where - type can, will meet there local brothers on the mind at the part of road together, let us give a ride (with the local aborigines)…? =[petro]=

On the server for the tourists and the travellers by the name wanderer it is possible to find much interesting cartographic information - # the map r. Of [shuja] (southern) to scale 1:100000. Section from p. Of [khautovaara] to p. new sands. The coordinates of all water obstacles are designated. Scanning, working - Constantine [Domashnev] (Saint Petersburg). # [Tokhmajoke] river. Map 1:50000 with the noted thresholds and the commentary. Author - Anna of Mikhaylov (Saint Petersburg). # The map of the North Urals scale 1:100 000 (in 1 cm - 1 km). Working - M. Of [truskov], Tula. # [Pongoma] river. Map of route for the black and white press on e sheets. Working - s. [Shenderovskij], Yaroslavl'. # # River [Agidel] (white) - black and white map of scale 1:100 000 1 cm - 1 km). Permission of image - 200 dpi.
* The sheets of the map: - * The maps of the White Sea. Nautical chart of № 612. 1966 g. the scale of 41,5 m in 1 pixel (original 1:200 000 on the parallel of 66°). It is divided by 4 strips: - Kem', [Solovki] (252 KB); It is White Sea (161 KB); [Mjagostrov], [Kondostrov] (252 KB); [Khedostrov], Onega (252 KB). Also here there is a map of Kandalaksha molded edge (topographic maps 1:200 000 from the server Of velotourism; it is here compressed 4-5 in comparison with the initial - Kandalaksha (217 KB); m. [Pentelskij] — the lip Of [porja] (230 KB); the Is. Of [rjashkov] of — the lip Of [kovda] (283 KB); Is. great — Is. Sidorov (236 KB); the lip Of [chupa] (365 KB); m. is rook (194 KB); Kola shore on HUGHES from m. is rook (364 KB).
Tourist route chart 1:100000. Plus it is possible to [skachat] the description of mountain route to this map. * The Caucasus (, Azerbaijan and the adjacent it regions (Armenia, Georgia, Karabakh, Daghestan, Turkey, Iran). Scale 1:100 000. * [Arkhyz]. Topographic map. * The central Caucasus, the Elbrus region, the Black Sea coast - unsorted sheets.
* The maps of caves.

All this is accessible with the address the

( - to [regitsja] necessary, I like, there [zaregen]?!) for the order of topographic maps on the CD, it is necessary to make the following:

Mountain Caucasus
Mining system in the Caucasus stretches on 1100 km between the Black and Caspian seas and is separated the North Caucasus from Transcaucasia. This division ( mountain Caucasus ) is dedicated to the mountain region of the North Caucasus.
In the system of the large Caucasus three regions are separated: West Caucasus (to El'brus), the central Caucasus (between El'brus and Kazbek) and the East Caucasus (to the east of Kazbek). Eastern and the part of the central Caucasus they are located out of the territory of Russia and on our site in detail are not described. The central Caucasus - most alpine and almost inaccessible, basic summits exceed 5000 m the, including highest apex of Europe - El'brus (height of 5642 m).
The basic content of site is devoted to the West Caucasus. This is the system of the middle upland and alpine ridges, which combine mining landscapes with the rock peaks and the towers, covered with glaciers and snow fields. The most attractive for the tourists part of the Caucasus.
In the mountains is widely developed the network of tourist centers and [alplagerej]. In winter [gornolyzhnikov] assume the tourist centers and the hotels, located in red clearing, To [arkhyze], To [dombajskoj] clearing, the Elbrus region. Tourists in summer await hundreds of [tur].[marshrutov], which make it possible to overcome different natural obstacles - cliff, glaciers, snowy slopes, the passage across the stormy rivers. The most favorable for the marches time: July-August.
References to other sites on the mountain Caucasus: the

There was one of organizers of company “[Abeljan] - [Armenjan]”, that played large role in the propaganda of Armenian stage skill in Russia and abroad.

the photo of Tbilisi, the Caucasus, the hotel of Tbilisi, the code Georgia, the sites of Georgia, the history of Georgia, the map of Tbilisi, Georgia news, Sukhumi is leisure, Georgia leisure, Tbilisi fucoids, stages Georgia, Georgia photo, leisure the Caucasus, the photo of Georgia. “To [tBILISITREVEL].[Ru]”

Tbilisi (to 1936 in the Russian transcription of — Tiflis), the capital of Georgian SSR. Large industrial, scientific and cultural central transport unit. Are located in the Tbilisi basin, along both coasts r. of hen, on the height of 406—522 m. the mean temperature of January 0,5 °[S], July of 24,2 °[S]. of sediments 510 mm per year. Area 348,6 [km]2. Population is more than 1 mln. men (on 1 January 1975; 160 thousand into 1897, 194 thousands into 1913, 294 thousands into 1926, 519 thousands into 1939, 703 thousands into 1959, 889 thousands into 1970), of them (1970, census) Georgian 57,5%, Armenians 16,9%, Russians 14%, [osetin] 2,5%, Jews 2,2%, other nationalities 6,9%. T. is divided into 8 regions.

Historical information. According to archaelogical data, the territory of city was populated still into 3—4- m millenium B.C. the first annalistic reference about Vol. as city- fortresses it relates to 4 v. A.D. the name T. was called from the warm sulfuric sources (Georgian of [tbili] of — warm). To the increase of city contributed advantageous position on the commercial ways, which connect Georgia with East Transcaucasia, by Iran, by Armenia, by Syria. During tsar [Vakhtange]'s lifetime I [Gorgasale] (it died into 502) T. became one of the largest economic centers of East Georgia. The son Of [vakhtanga] I — of dacha made T. by the capital of the eastern- Georgian state Of [kartli] (instead of ancient [Mtskhety]). In the middle " explosive Georgia [vtorglis] the Arabs, with 30- X yr. of 8 v. T. it became the residence of the Arab emir (see Tbilisi emirate). It is freed into 1122 with the tsar of Georgia David [Stroitele], who made T. by the capital of the [obedinjonnogo] Georgian state. In 12—13 of the substances of — one of the largest commercial- handicraft and cultural centers of the Near East. In 2-1 half 14 v. it underwent the devastating invasion of the troops of Timur