Name: ______Date: ______Period: ______

Unit 2 Test Study Guide

Directions:Read each statement. Then, circle the civilization the statement describes. You can circle more than one letter. A - Aztec. I – Inca. M – Maya

1. They built their civilization along the western coast of South America. / I
2. They created and used a calendar. / A & M
3. They have a writing system. / A & M
4. They built pyramids. / A & M
5. They built their city of Tenochtitlan in the middle of a lake. / A
6. They used a knotted string system, called quipus, for counting. / I
7. The Spanish came and conquered them. / A & I
8. They practiced human sacrifice. / A & M
9. They use runners to deliver messages between cities. / I
10. They built their civilization in the Valley of Mexico. / A

Define the following words:

1. Tenochtitlan: The capital city of the Aztec Empire, built upon a lake bed in Central Mexico

2. Aqueduct: A pipe or channel used to carry water long distances.

3. Immunity: Natural resistance to disease.

5. Quipus: Knotted strings used for counting/recording information – Inca

5. Conquistador: Spanish soldier/conquerors – Cortez & Pizarro

6. Glyphs: System of writing using symbols/pictures

7. Mesoamerica – A region and cultural area stretching south from Mexico through Central America.

8. Indigenous – Originating and native to a particular region or area

9. Codex – A type of book written by early civilizations, like the Aztec and Maya, which recorded important events and religious beliefs

Put the following events in order: Number the events 1-5

___4___Hernando Cortes conquers the Aztec Empire.

__1____The Maya build a sophisticated empire in Central America

__5____Francisco Pizarro conquers the Inca Empire of South America.

__3____Christopher Columbus discovers the New World.

___2___The Aztec and Inca build empires in Mexico and South America

Short Answer:

1.What were some of the factors that led to the Spanish victory over the Aztec?

Many factors lead to the Spanish conquest of the Aztec, which is surprising given that the Aztec greatly outnumbered the Spanish. For starters, the spread of disease, especially smallpox, wiped out thousands of Native American (including the Aztec) within a few years. The Spanish also had superior steel armor and weapons that overpowered the Aztec wooden spears and arrows. Aztec warriors were overwhelmed and outmatched by Spanish cavalry riding high up on their horses, an animal which they had never seen. Furthermore, Cortez and the Spanish made allies with the enemies of the Aztec so that they had additional soldiers to help in the battles. All of these reasons combined to help the Spanish defeat the Aztec Empire within a few short years.

2. How did the Columbian Exchange affect Europe and the New World? What changed? Which side benefited the most from the Exchange? Explain.

The Columbian Exchange had a profound impact on both the Old and New Worlds. The Old World (Europe, Africa, and Asia) received new crops like corn and potatoes that helped feed a growing population and caused Europe to grow in power. The New World (Americas) also received new plants that would be harvested for profit (cash crops like sugarcane) and sold back to Europe. Horses, cows and other livestock were also sent to the New World for the first time, as was wheat, a crop that rapidly spread through the continent and was harvested as a useful food source. Perhaps the most important thing exchanged was germs, as disease swept through the New World and killed off roughly 90% of the Native Americans (millions of lives lost). For this reason, it seems safe to say that the Old World benefitted the most, as their people didn’t lose their lives from disease.

R.A.C.E.S. Essay:

Read the following excerpt and answer the question using R.A.C.E.S.

The men were splendidly armed in their fashion and their faces were painted with red [body paint], which gave them the look of devils. They carried plumes and maneuvered marvelously well. Their weapons were slings, pikes, lances, swords, and bows and arrows; helmets; arm and leg armor of wood, gilded or covered with feathers or leather. Their breastplates were of cotton. Their shields [which were] very handsome and not at all weak, were of tough wood and leather, with brass and feather ornaments. Their swords [were] of wood with [pieces of sharpened] flint set into them, which cut well and made a nasty wound. Their troops were arranged in squadrons, each with many trumpets, conches [seashells], and drums, all of which was a sight to see.

~ Spanish historian Francisco Lopez de Gomara wrote this when Cortes and his men first entered Tlaxcalan territory in September 1529.

How did the Spanishview the Aztecs when they first arrived in the Aztec city? Cite at least TWO examples to support your argument.

R/A: The Spanish viewed the Aztec as impressive people. C: In the text it says, “their face were painted red… and they looked like devils.” Another example is that the Aztec swords cut really well and left “nasty wounds.” Finally, the Aztec shields were “handsome, and not at all weak.” E: This shows me that the Aztec impressed the Spanish in many ways. S: In conclusion, even though the Aztec impressed the Spanish, they couldn’t defeat them in battle.