Unit Three: 7-Year War to Revolution of 1800

Unit Study Guide

Required Reading: Divine Chapters 4 thru 7

Supplemental Reading: Zinn Chapters 4 & 5

Historiography Debate: Taking Sides: Was the American Revolution Largely a Product of Market-Driven Forces?

1754-1800 (Time Period): 7-years War to Revolution of 1800

Focus Questions: Answer these questions and keep answers in UNIT STUDY GUIDE TAB in your UNIT BINDER

Chapter 4

1. Describe each war, its causes and effects, from 1689-1763. Pay particular attention to how the colonies assisted the Mother Country in these wars and how they reacted when peace was made. Make a detailed chart.

Chapter 5

1.The Revolutionary War was inevitable. Assess the validity of this statement. Write a thesis statement you can prove. List the specific factual information (evidence).

2.Compare and contrast the assets and liabilities of the British and American forces in the Revolutionary War.

3.Did the War of Independence bring enough change to warrant the name “Revolution”?

4.Explain what both the American elite and the common folk support the American Revolution.

Chapter 6

1.What social and political reforms were enacted and more importantly, not included in the new government?

2.How did the different state constitutions increase/limit democracy?

3.Compare/contrast the emerging economic plans discussed for America.

4.Describe the compromises necessary to create the Constitution.

5.What was the significance and effects of the Land Ordinance and Northwest Ordinance?

Chapter 7

1. Describe the differences between Hamilton and Jefferson’s economic policy and the role of the people in the government.

2. Why did Alexander Hamilton push for the federal assumption of state debts?

3. What arguments did Hamilton make to support the creation of a national banking system?

4. What were the reasons for the Whiskey Rebellion? Who was it aimed at particularly?

5. How did Federalists and Republicans each blame each other for the Whiskey Rebellion?

6. What diplomatic problems did the French Revolution and the war that followed pose for the United States? How did Washington and Congress deal with this problem?

7. What were the circumstances that sent John Jay to England? What were the results of his mission? How did Jay's Treaty affect American relations with Spain?

8. What circumstances led to an administration with a Federalist president and a Republican vice president?

9. What caused the "quasi-war" with France during the Adams administration? What was the result of this struggle?

10. How did the Federalists attempt to silence those who opposed the undeclared war, and what groups did these attempts most affect?

11. What gave rise to the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions? What attitude toward the nature of the federal government did these Resolutions reveal?

12. Even though it looked like Jefferson had won the 1800 Presidential election outright, what complications emerged that endangered the Republican victory?

Key Terms: These must be in your UNIT BINDER which is checked the day of the unit exam. Who, what,when and why each was significant. Remember to use website I provided or you may use another source you find more helpful.

Proclamation of 1763

Boston Tea Party

Battle of Saratoga

Thomas Paine

Common Sense

Coercive/Intolerable Acts

“no taxation without representation”

Crisis Papers


Stamp Act

Stamp Act Congress

Sons of Liberty

Non-importation agreements

Olive Branch Petition

First Continental Congress

Second Continental Congress

virtual representation

Pontiac's Rebellion

Boston Massacre

Gaspee Affair

Quartering Act

Paxton Boys

Sugar Act 1764

Townshend Acts

Tea Act

Phyllis Wheatly

Shay's Rebellion

Land Ordinance of 1785

Northwest Ordinance

Albany Plan

Declaration of Independence

Treaty of Paris 1783

Articles of Confederation

Republicanism (Republican Democracy)

Three-fifths Compromise

Connecticut (Great) Compromise

Virginia Plan

New Jersey Plan

Benjamin Banneker

Republican Motherhood

George Washington

John Adams

Thomas Jefferson

Alexander Hamilton

John Dickinson

Whigs (British)

John Jay

James Madison


George Grenville

Virtual Representation

Virginia Resolves

Sugar Act

Stamp Act

Boston Massacre

Stamp Act Congress

Sons of Liberty

General Cornwallis

Declaratory Act

Townshend Acts

James Otis

Samuel Adams

Committee of Correspondence

King William’s War


Battle of Saratoga

William Pitt

Morgan’s Rifles

Nathanial Green

War of Spanish Succession

Fort Duquesne

King George’s War/Jenkin’s Ear

Seven Year’s War

Queen Anne’s War


Midnight Judges


XYZ Affair

Revolution of 1800



Federalist Papers


Virginia Resolution

Kentucky Resolution

Core Structure Sheet Questions

1. Analyze the impact of the American Revolution on both slavery and the status of women

in the period from 1775-1800.

2. To what extent was the United States Constitution a radical departure from the Articles of


3.Settlers in the eighteenth-century American backcountry sometimes resorted to violent

protest to express their grievances. Analyze the causes and significance of TWO of the


March of the Paxton Boys

Regulator movement

Shays' Rebellion

Whiskey Rebellion

Presidential Profiles

George Washington

John Adams