“A God centred church, inspired by his Word and Spirit, actively sharing his love and truth with those around us.”

“Know it, live it, share it”

Information About Christchurch

Christchurch has a steadily growing population. Despite the population being skewed in favour of people over the age of 60 (currently 36%), this proportion has remained stable over the past ten years and Christchurch is regarded as a good place for families. The Borough of Christchurch includes several villages/small towns including Highcliffe with 11,000 residents and Burton with 4,000 residents.

The current estimated population is 47,000 and is projected to grow by 16% to 52,100 by 2028.

Statistically, Christchurch is a safe place to live compared to other areas in the South West.

Generally speaking, Christchurch is one of the least deprived areas of the country according to national indices of deprivation. However, two of its wards are among the most deprived.

Christchurch enjoys almost full employment and a very active working age population.

On the housing front, there are high levels of owner occupation in the Borough and Christchurch is viewed as an attractive place to live. There are a number of good primary schools and Twynham Secondary School and Highcliffe Secondary School have excellent reputations and each have over 1,000 pupils.

Transport links are excellent. Bournemouth International Airport is close by and there are good road and rail links to London and other parts of the country.

Where are we now?


Christchurch Baptist Churchis a welcoming and caring community-based evangelical Baptist Church, with buildings situated near the centre of Christchurch. The fellowship was founded in 1828 with the present worship area constructed in 1875 and the Christian Centre to the rear built in 1995. There is a small church car park.

The Church buildings occupy a prominent position, situated on a busy main road adjacent to the local shopping centre and residential areas. Its congregation, which is attracted from a wide area, reflects the diversity of the community.

Within the immediate area, there are hotels, guesthouses, Residential Care and Nursing Homes, Primary Schools, a Secondary School, as well as a Christian Language School and Moorlands Theological College not far away in the village of Sopley.

The Church is a registered charity and is affiliated to the Baptist Union of Great Britain, is part of the Southern Counties Baptist Association (clustering with 10 other Baptist churches). It is also part of Evangelical Alliance and its local branch (CPBEA). The Church has developed links with other local Christian Churches and is part of the Christchurch Fellowship of Churches. The Church also enjoys excellent working partnerships with the Christchurch Community Partnership of which our Minister forCommunity and Mission plays a significant and senior role, and with Christchurch Borough Council.

The present church membership stands at 130. We are welcoming an increasing number of young families and younger adults. About 200 people regularly attend Sunday morning worship, which is now held over two services at 9.30am and 11am with refreshments served between the services.

We have built up many “unchurched” contacts through activities ranging from an over 60’s lunch and weekly Barnabas Group (mainly attended by seniors) to monthly “Messy Church” and “Stepping Stones” a Parent and Toddler Group which is held as two sessions due to the demand. We also run an annual Holiday Club, a Friday evening children’s work attended by over 30 childrenand a young people’sgroup on Sunday evenings attended by approximately 12 young people aged 11 to 18 year.

Minister/Team Leader

In March 2012,we appointed Revd. Chris Brockway to the role of Minister/Team Leader. His main areas of responsibility are:

  • Overall spiritual leadership within the church
  • The spiritual growth and development of the church
  • The vision and motivation of the church in conjunction with the Minister for Community & Mission and the Elders
  • The teaching ministry and pastoral care of the church
  • The development of young families and children
  • The leadership training of the church in conjunction with the Minister for Community & Mission
  • The leadership of the staff team

Minister for Community and Mission

In 2008, God led us to appoint Revd. Sandra Prudom as Minister for Community and Mission. Her main areas of responsibility are:

  • To develop and deliver CBC’s vision for community engagement through a wide range of initiatives/projects including Christchurch Food Bank
  • To develop and strengthen links between CBC and the local community through outreach activities and involvement with the Christchurch Community Partnership and other organisations
  • To encourage and equip the congregation to build relationships with non-Christians in their workplace/communities, etc.through courses like Frontline and serving in CBC's outreach activities
  • To develop and implement pre and evangelistic courses, services and events for seekers to explore the Christianity and move towards a personal commitment to Christ.
  • To encourage a heart for cross cultural mission through leading CBC's World Mission Team

Christchurch Impact

The church also keenly supports the work of Christchurch Impact, which is a Christian based detached youth work outreach, initiated by two Members of the church. One of these, Revd. Mike Yates,is ordained by the Baptist Union of Great Britain as a Youth Specialist and leads the work of Impact.

Children’s and Family Work

In December 2010, the church appointed two of our currentChurch Members, Stuart and Sue Lane, as part-time Children’s and Family Workers. They were employed for 2.5 years, in order to develop this area of ministry within the church. We have seen a great increase in the numbers of children and young parents attending and involved with the church during this time. This ministry has continued to grow since the conclusion of their contracts. Stuart and Sue’sprimary gifting was in the area of pioneering work with children & families, and we now want to develop our youth ministry while continuing to sustain our children’s work.

Theology & Worship

Christchurch Baptist Church is Christ-centred and Bible-based and seeks to balance contemporary and traditional styles of worship. We are open to and encourage the use of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Our basis of faith is based on the Evangelical Alliance model, of which we are members. Morning services are held at 9.30am and11am since numbers attending do not permit us to meet regularly as one congregation but we do meet quarterly as a joint congregation. The Sunday evening programme is varied including communion, contemporary worship, “Going Deeper” Bible studies, prayer evenings, discipleship courses and missionary meetings. In 2014 we are experimenting with modular blocks of meetings including short courses and gatherings in external venues (e.g. Costa).

Leadership & Ministry

Apart from the ministers, the church also employs a part-time Administrator and a part-time Caretaker/Cleaner.

The Ministers, Elders and Deacons of the Church form the Charity Trustees and Leadership Team and work together in partnership and leadership enabling Church Members to play as full a part as possible in the life and witness of the church. There are normally 4 church meetings per year. Our Leadership Team currently consists of2 Minister, 3 lay Eldersand 8Deacons. The Administrator and the Treasurer also serve on the leadership team as Trustees.

Home groups are an important part of Church life (meeting weekly), with all members and adherents being allocated to one. Approx 130 of these attend the home meetings of groups regularly. The groups facilitate a caring and teaching ministry, working alongside the Ministers. There are currently 13 home groups.

The Church is actively involved with the training of theological students from Moorlands College and normally has several students on placement. The church has links with Samaritans Purse and also supports work in Thailand and Uganda. This summer a church missionteam is visiting East London in South Africa.

Church Activities

CBC is an active and busy church with the premises constantly in use throughout the week. It encompasses all aspects of community and church life.

OurweeklySunday worship includes Junior Churchand crèche facilities at the 11am service. Two communion services are held in the month whilst other activities include:

  • Stepping Stones (parents and babies/toddlers)
  • Various weekly/monthly prayer opportunities
  • Friday Club (for children),
  • Barnabas Fellowship for seniors
  • Monthly Christian Cancer Care meetings
  • Monthly over 60s lunch
  • Various courses e.g. Alpha, Marriage Course,Freedom in Christ, Shape Course, etc.
  • Monthly Messy Church
  • Annual Holiday Club
  • Ignite! Sunday evening youth group

The Christian Centre is also hired out to a variety of organisations, e.g. Alcoholics Anonymous, widows & widow’s groups, Narcotics Anonymous, Christchurch Community Partnership and itsvarious action groups.


The Church is self-supporting (including income generated through the use of Church premises by community groups). Approximately 15% of the church’s finances are used for mission, locally and abroad. Church finances are overseen and administered by the Church Treasurer. In 2014/15 the church is budgeting for expenditure of £158,000 and anticipates a break even situation. The church also has c.£48,000in a Vision Fund which can be used strategically to facilitate the outworking of the churches vision and values.

The main worship area has a seating capacity of 150. The floor has recently been renovated and overall the building is in good condition. There are offices and toilets behind the worship area. There is also a large crèche room and a counselling room on the first floor.

Behind the main building is a Christian Centre, with a ground floor room and a first floor room both suitable for small to medium size meetings. The Centre also has a kitchen, toilets and storage.

The Church has no current building extension plans but is considering alternative possibilities for expansion.

Current Strengths and Possible Areas for Development


  • Relationships within the CBC family are strong
  • Well respected in the community
  • Loyal and committed membership
  • Excellent pastoral care arrangements
  • Home groups generally working well
  • Church has a good number of “mature” Christians
  • Sense of unity growing
  • Central town location of church buildings
  • Encouraging recent developments – Messy Church, Over 60s lunches,
  • Strong preaching team
  • The work of Christchurch Impact
  • Increasing numbers of young families

Areas for possible development

  • Lack of space in church buildings and poor car parking
  • Increasing numbers of young people/children
  • More people in the worship team
  • Corporate prayer life

Where do we want to be?

Vision for the Future

The church’s mission statement is: “A God-centred church, inspired by his Word and Spirit actively sharing His love and truth with those around us”. In short, “Know it, Live it, Share it”. In all we do, we seek to be led by the Spirit of God.

Our vision may be grouped under five headings

  • Prayer and Worship – To promote a lifestyle of worship and prayer that honours God
  • Discipleship –To encourage and enable people to grow as disciples and to disciple others.
  • Pastoral Care – To facilitate effective pastoral care and support throughout the church and beyond
  • Family Youth and Children’s Ministries – To show families, young people and children how a loving God is relevant, radical and relational in their lives today
  • Community, Mission and Evangelism – To actively build relationships with people outside the church and support mission worldwide and to engage with our community.

We want to be a church wherethe Great Commission and the Great Commandment are lived out in the lives of all members and attenders of CBC.

For us this means…..

  • Worship is relevant, interesting, dynamic and lively
  • Preaching is inspiring, biblical and relevant
  • There is increasing emphasis on prayer
  • Young families, young people and children feel welcomed and accepted and their numbers grow
  • The community truly identifies with us
  • People are coming to faith
  • People are growing in faith
  • People feel cared for through the home groups and other means
  • People have a heart for mission beyond this country
  • We work in a complementary way with other churches

We are on our way, but there is more to do, so…

How are we going to get there?

Our aim is to harness the gifts and willingness of our church family, to pray for new members to complement and enhance existing giftings and currently to seek aYouth Worker & Children’s Co-ordinator to stand with our Leadership Team and give us new inspiration and encouragement in this area.

Detailed job description and person specification are available for this post from The deadline for applications is Friday 30th May. Interviews will be conducted during week(s) commencing 16th June and/or 23rd June 2014.

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