Fall 2004 - Arts & Sciences Curriculum Report

After due consideration, the Curriculum Committee of the College of Arts and Sciences recommends approval of the following adds, changes, and drops at the November 8, 2004, faculty meeting.

Anthropology & Geography

ANTH4600/6600.Archaeological Theory(4)Prerequisite: Anth 2030 with grade of C or higher or consent of instructor.Review of the history of theory in anthropological archaeology, followed by a comprehensive overview of the state of contemporary theory and new theoretical directions in the discipline.

GEOG2206.Introductory Mapping and Geographic Information Science(4)Prerequisite: NONE.Basic principles and methods of mapping and map use. Introduction to the field of geographic information science for the analysis and display of geographic data.{CREDIT HOURS CHANGED}

GEOG4830.Senior Seminar(4)Prerequisites: Geog 4520 and Geog 4518 with grade of C or higher. Senior status or consent of instructor.
NEW DESCRIPTION: Philosophical foundations of geography and traditional and contemporary research skills. Data acquisition and processing, analysis, writing, and presentation of research findings. May be taken more than once, but only four credits may be applied toward major requirements.{PREREQUISITES CHANGED}{DESCRIPTION CHANGED}

ANTH4010/6010.Ethnicity in the World System(3)

ANTH4150/6150.Peoples/Cult:Mexico & Cen Amer(3)

ANTH4380.People and Plants(3)

ANTH4410/6410.Culture and Personality(3)

ANTH4610/6610.People & Cultures of SE U.S.(3)

Applied Linguistics & ESL

AL6011.Phonetics and Phonology(3.0)

AL6012.Morphology and Syntax(3.0)

AL6111.Semantics and Pragmatics(3.0)

AL6121.Historical Linguistics(3.0)


AL6141.Special Topics(3.0)

AL6151.Culture/Lang Learning(3.0)

Art & Design

AE4400.Media, Technology, and Visual Presentation(3)Prerequisites: AE 4200 with grade of B or higher and admission to the art education major (2.5 overall GPA, 3.0 GPA in art and art history courses, and successful portfolio review).
NEW DESCRIPTION: Computer-based educational and artistic media, visual presentation, and use of technology in the art classroom. This course meets the INTECH requirement for pre-service and in-service teachers in art education.{PREREQUISITES CHANGED}{DESCRIPTION CHANGED}

PHOT3000.Photography I(3)Prerequisites: Art 1010 and Art 1030 both with a grade of C or higher. Introduction to photography within a fine arts context. Operation of the 35mm camera, black-and-white film exposure and development, silver-gelatin print processing, and archival presentation. {PREREQUISITES CHANGED}


BIOL1103K.Introductory Biology I(4)Prerequisite: NONE.Three lecture hours and three laboratory hours a week. Introduction to fundamental concepts in biology, with an emphasis on evolution, inheritance, anatomy and physiology, metabolism and ecology. Application of these concepts to issues affecting society. This course does not fulfill the requirements for a major in biology.

BIOL1104K.Introductory Biology II(4)Prerequisite: Biol 1103K or 1107K with a D or higher.Three lecture hours and three hours of laboratory a week. Introduction to fundamental concepts in biology, with an emphasis on anatomy, physiology, classification and ecological relationships. Application of these concepts to issues affecting society. This course does not fulfill the requirements for a major in biology.

BIOL2107K.Principles of Biology I(4)Prerequisite: Chem 1211K with a C or higher.Three lecture and three laboratory hours per week. Introduction to scientific method, theory and experimentation, cell chemistry, enzymes, metabolism, photosynthesis, genetics, ecology, and evolution. Fulfills Biology Major requirement. {TITLE CHANGE}

BIOL2108K.Principles of Biology II(4)Prerequisites: Biol 2107K or (Biol 1103K or Biol 1107K and Biol 2800) and Chem 1211K, all with grades of C or higher.Three lecture and three laboratory hours per week. Animal and plant biology with emphasis on structure, physiology, ecology, and evolution. Fulfills Biology Major requirement. {TITLE CHANGE}{PREREQUISITES CHANGED}

BIOL2240.Human Physiology(3)Prerequisite: Biol 1104K, 1108K, or 2108K with a grade of C or higher.Three lecture hours per week. Major organ systems with emphasis on homeostatic mechanisms in health and disease. Recommended for health science students. Not open to students with credit for Biol 3240. {PREREQUISITES CHANGED}

BIOL2430.Biotechnology(2)Prerequisites: Biol 1104K, 1108K, or 2108K and Chem 1212K with grades of C or higher.Two lecture hours a week. Basic principles of biotechnology with emphasis on genetic engineering and its application to problems of medical, agricultural, and social importance. {PREREQUISITES CHANGED}

BIOL2500.Neurobiology and Behavior(2)Prerequisites: Biol 1104K, 1108K, or 2108K, and Chem 1212K with grades of C or higher.Two lecture hours a week. An introduction to the neural basis of behavior in animals. The emphasis will be on the evolutionary connectedness of all nervous systems, including that of humans, and on demystifying how the brain works, using both reductionist and systems-level approaches. {PREREQUISITES CHANGED}

BIOL2800.Introduction to Molecular Biology(2)Prerequisite: Biol 1104K (or concurrently), Biol 1108K (or concurrently), or Biol 2108K (or concurrently) with grades of C or higher, or equivalents.Introduction to understanding DNA structure and replication, transcription, and translation, and the regulation of these processes with an emphasis on improving students' critical thinking and problem solving skills. {PREREQUISITES CHANGED}

BIOL3800.Molecular Cell Biology(3)Prerequisites: Biol 2108K (or Biol 1104K or 1108K plus Biol 2800) and Chem 1212K with grades of C or higher.Three lecture hours a week. A survey of biochemistry, molecular genetics, and cell biology including cell structure and chemistry, macromolecular structure and synthesis, protein trafficking, cell motility, signaling, and division. {PREREQUISITES CHANGED}

BIOL4278.Immunology(4)Prerequisites: Biol 3880 and 3900 with grades of C or higher, or equivalent course work.
NEW DESCRIPTION: Four lecture hours per week. Principles of immunobiology with emphasis on humoral and cellular immunity; immunochemical methods for detection, quantitation and study of humoral antibodies and immune cells.{PREREQUISITES CHANGED}{DESCRIPTION CHANGED}

BIOL4480.Principles of Toxicology(4)Prerequisites: Biol 1104K, 1108K or 2108K, and Biol 2240 or 3240 with grades of C or higher or equivalent course work. Chem 4600 is recommended. Four lecture hours a week. Studies of the absorption, distribution, and excretion of toxicants, their detoxification and bioactivation,and their adverse effects. {PREREQUISITES CHANGED}

BIOL4800.Principles of Cellular Biology(4)Prerequisites: Chem 1211K, Biol 3800 and Biol 3900, with grades of C or higher, or consent of instructor.Four lecture hours per week. Survey of cellular components and processes in different cell types as they relate to the function of the cell. Includes signal transduction, photoreceptors, neurons, muscle, blood cells, cells of the immune system, and cell biology of infection.{TITLE CHANGE}

BIOL4970.Biology Seminar(1)Prerequisite: At least 20 hours in biology.
NEW DESCRIPTION: Current research topics in biology. Biol 4970 may be repeated for credit a maximum of two times. {DESCRIPTION CHANGED}

BIOL6800.Principles of Cellular Biology(4)Prerequisites: Chem 1211K and Biol 3800 and Biol 3900, or consent of instructor.Four lecture hours per week. Survey of cellular components and processes in different cell types as they relate to the function of the cell. Includes signal transduction, photoreceptors, neurons, muscle, blood cells, cells of the immune system, and cell biology of infection.{TITLE CHANGE}

BIOL7800.Molecular Cell Biology(3)Prerequisites: Biol 2108K (or Biol 1104K or 1108K plus Biol 2800) and Chem 1212K.Three lecture hours a week. A survey of biochemistry, molecular genetics, and cell biology including cell structure and chemistry, macromolecular structure and synthesis, protein trafficking, cell motility, signaling, and division.{PREREQUISITES CHANGED}

BIOL8220.Advanced Molecular Cell Biology(4)Prerequisites: Biol 3800, 3900, and Chem 4600, or consent of the instructor. Four lecture hours a week. Current concepts in cell biology. The structure and function of the various cellular components and processes will be examined on a molecular, cellular, and multicellular level. {TITLE CHANGE}

BIOL8550.Introduction to Graduate Biology Studies(1)Prerequisite: NONE.
NEW DESCRIPTION: One lecture hour a week. Analysis, discussion, and review of basic skills, techniques,requirements for compliance in biology, organizational requirements, and ethics in biology. {DESCRIPTION CHANGED}

BIOL8630.Advanced Bioinformatics(4)Prerequisites: Biol 6640, ability to program in Java or C++ or equivalent, and consent of instructor.Four lecture hours a week. Advanced topics in bioinformatics, computer and internet tools and their applications. Computer skills for the analysis and extraction of functional information from biological databases for sequence and structure of nucleic acids and proteins. Students will complete a computer-based bioinformatics project. {TITLE CHANGE}

BIOL1107K.Principles of Biology I(4)

BIOL1108K.Principles of Biology II(4)


CHEM8450.NMR Spectroscopy(4)Prerequisite: Chem 6050 or consent of the instructor.Theory and application of NMR spectroscopy for the characterization and elucidation of organic and biological molecules.

CHEM3100.Organic Chemistry Lab I(2)Prerequisites: Chem 1212K and concurrent enrollment in Chem 2400.
NEW DESCRIPTION: One lecture and 3.5 laboratory hours a week. Modern quantitative and physical laboratory methods applied to the synthesis, separation, purification, identification, and the physical and chemical properties of organic compounds.{PREREQUISITES CHANGED}{DESCRIPTION CHANGED}

CHEM3110.Organic Chemistry Lab II(2)Prerequisites: Chem 2400 and concurrent enrollment in Chem 3410 (or previous enrollment in Chem 3410 with a grade of C or higher).One lecture and four laboratory hours a week. Modern quantitative and physical laboratory methods applied to the synthesis, separation, purification, identification, and the physical and chemical properties of organic compounds.{PREREQUISITES CHANGED}

CHEM8630.Advanced Bioinformatics(4)Prerequisites: Chem 6640 or equivalent, ability to program in Java or C++ or equivalent, and consent of instructor.
NEW DESCRIPTION: Advanced topics in bioinformatics, computer and internet tools and their applications. Computer skills for the analysis and extraction of functional information from biological databases for sequence and structure of nucleic acids and proteins. Students will complete a computer-based bioinformatics project. {TITLE CHANGE}{DESCRIPTION CHANGED}


COMM8420.Media Historiography(3)Prerequisite: NONE.Examination of theoretical and methodological approaches to researching media history.

FILM4765.Gender and Film(3)Prerequisites: Film 1010 and 2700 with grades of C or higher. Only students with an institutional GPA of 2.2 or higher are eligible to enroll. Examines representations of gender in film and media from a variety of analytical perspectives as a way to understand social relations and cultural practices.

SPCH3060.Communication Law(3)Prerequisite: None.The laws as applied to press, film and telecommunication. A philosophical basis and evolution of legal precedent governing media, slander, privacy, copyright, information access, constitutional issues, and practical limitations of libel. (Journalism majors must take this course under the journalism heading.)

COMM6475.Communication and Aging(3)Prerequisite: NONE.A broad overview of the ways in which communication affects and is affected by the aging process. Life-span development and the theory and research in the area of communication and aging.{CROSS LISTED}

FILM4240.Documentary Film(3)Prerequisites: Film 1010 and 2700 with grades of C or higher. Only students with an institutional GPA of 2.2 or higher are eligible to enroll. The history of nonfiction film and production.{PREREQUISITES CHANGED}


SPCH4475.Communication and Aging(3)Prerequisite: NONE.A broad overview of the ways in which communication affects and is affected by the aging process. Life-span development and the theory and research in the area of communication and aging.{CROSS LISTED}

Computer Science

CSC4110/6110.Embedded Systems(4)Prerequisite: CSc 3210 with a grade of C or higher for CSc students or Phys 3500 for Physics students. (Same as Phys 4110.) Four lecture hours per week. Topics taken from: review of basic logic functions; automatic systems; microprocessor-based systems and applications; embedded system software survey; microprocessor based applications; digital communications; and embedded systems programming.{PREREQUISITES CHANGED}

CSC8630.Advanced Bioinformatics(4)Prerequisites: CSc 6640 or equivalent, ability to program in Java or C++ or equivalent, and consent of instructor.
NEW DESCRIPTION: Advanced topics in bioinformatics, computer and internet tools and their applications. Computer skills for the analysis and extraction of functional information from biological databases for sequence and structure of nucleic acids and proteins. Students will complete a computer-based bioinformatics project. {TITLE CHANGE}{DESCRIPTION CHANGED}

CSC8981.Research in Computer Science(1-9)Prerequisite: NONE.Research in Computer Science.{CREDIT HOURS CHANGED}

CSC8982.Lab in Computer Science(1-9)Prerequisite: NONE.Lab in Computer Science.{CREDIT HOURS CHANGED}



RGTE 0199. Regents’ Writing Skills (3) Prerequisite: NONE.

NEW DESCRIPTION: The Regents’ Writing Skills course is intended to ensure that all graduates of University System of Georgia institutions possess certain minimum skills in writing. Students learn to evaluate their own writing strengths and weaknesses and work on improving their writing skills so that they are able to write an essay meeting the Regents’ criteria.{TITLE CHANGE}{DESCRIPTION CHANGED}


GEOL8003.Radiogenic IsotopeGeology(3)Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor.Three lecture hours per week. An introduction to the application of radiogenic isotopes to geological and hydrological research. Topics include the trace element characteristics of most radiogenic isotope systems, long-lived parent-daughter systems to tracer studies and in geochronology,and short-lived parent-daughter systems.

GEOL4002.Oceanography (3)Prerequisites: Geol 1121K and Geol 1122K with a grade of C or higher, or consent of the instructor. Three lecture hours a week and one weekend field trip. Geological, chemical, physical, and biological, aspects of oceanic environments; oceanography field methods; role of the oceans in global change and environmental impacts of human activity.{TITLE CHANGE}{PREREQUISITES CHANGED}

GEOL4042.Analytical Methods(2)Prerequisite: Chem 1211 with a grade of C or higher. Math 2212 is recommended.
NEW DESCRIPTION: Four laboratory hours per week. Principles and practical application of modern analytical methods inmineralogy, environmental geology, geochemistry, petrology, sedimentology,and related fields, using modern analytical techniques and instrumentation. Theory and methods of selected analytical applications tailored to student needs. Topics may include mass spectrometry, laser ablation mass spectrometry, electron probe microanalysis, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray fluorescence, X-ray diffraction, atomic absorption, ion chromatography, and cathodoluminescence. Radiation safety training included.May be repeated, but only 2 credits will be applied towards the major. {PREREQUISITES CHANGED}{CREDIT HOURS CHANGED}{DESCRIPTION CHANGED}

GEOL6002.Oceanography(3)Prerequisites: Geol 7021 and 7022 with a grade of C or higher, or consent of instructor. Three lecture hours a week and one weekend field trip. Geological, chemical, physical, and biological aspects of oceanic environments; and oceanography field methods; role of oceans in global change and environmental impact of human activity.{TITLE CHANGE}{PREREQUISITES CHANGED}

GEOL6042.Analytical Methods(2)Prerequisite: NONE.
NEW DESCRIPTION: Four laboratory hours per week. Principles and practical application of modern analytical methods inmineralogy, environmental geology, geochemistry, petrology, sedimentology,and related fields, using modern analytical techniques and instrumentation. Theory and methods of selected analytical applications tailored to student needs. Topics may include mass spectrometry, laser ablation mass spectrometry, electron probe microanalysis, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray fluorescence, X-ray diffraction, atomic absorption, ion chromatography, and cathodoluminescence. Radiation safety training included.May be repeated, but only 2 credits will be applied towards the degree. {CREDIT HOURS CHANGED}{DESCRIPTION CHANGED}


GERO4500.Anthropology of Aging(3)Prerequisite: NONE.Anthropological approach to the aging process in western and non-western societies.

GERO6500.Anthropology of Aging(3)Prerequisite: NONE.Anthropological approach to the aging process in western and non-western societies.

GERO8260.Psychology of Adulthood and Aging(3)Prerequisite: NONE.Students study theoretical perspectives and research findings on the characteristics of adult development and the aging process. While attention is given to physical, social, and personality changes, emphasis is placed on cognitive development during the later years.

Mathematics & Statistics

MATH3090.Algebraic Concepts(3)Prerequisite: Math 2030 with a grade of C or higher.This course will not be accepted as a part of the requirements for a major in mathematics. This course is designed to broaden understanding of fundamental concepts of Algebra with particular attention given to specific methods and materials of instruction. The principle algebra topics to be taught in this course are: the Language of Algebra; Patterns, Relations and Functions; and Balance, Equations, and Inequalities.

MATH1220.Survey of Calculus(3)Prerequisite: MATH 1111 with a grade of C or higher. Differential and integral calculus of selected real-valued functions of one and several real variables with applications.{PREREQUISITES CHANGED}

MATH2030.Principles of Mathematics(3)Prerequisite: Math 1101 or 1111 with a grade of C or higher.This course will not be accepted as part of the requirements of a major in mathematics. Designed for teachers at the elementary and middle school level; topics included are numerical systems, sets and relations, primes and divisors, binary operations and properties, rational numbers and real numbers.{PREREQUISITES CHANGED}

MATH2420.Discrete Mathematics(3)Prerequisite: MATH 1113 or MATH 1220 with a grade of C or higher.Introduction to discrete structures which are applicable to computer science. Topics include number bases, logic, sets, Boolean algebra, and elementary concepts of graph theory. {PREREQUISITES CHANGED}

MATH3000.Bridge to Higher Mathematics(3)Prerequisites: MATH 2212 and MATH 2420 with grades of C or higher.Topics from set theory, real numbers, analysis and algebra which illustrate a formal approach to the presentation and development of mathematical concepts and proofs.{PREREQUISITES CHANGED}

MATH3050.Geometry and Spatial Sense(3)Prerequisite: MATH 2030 with a grade of C or higher.Building on Euclidean geometry this course is designed to develop a more visual understanding of geometry and enhance intuition in two- and three-dimensions. Topics include measurement, two-dimensional geometry, three-dimensional geometry, spherical geometry, symmetry, tessellations, efficient shapes, transformations.{PREREQUISITES CHANGED}

MATH3820.Historical and Cultural Development of Mathematics I(3)Prerequisite: MATH 1101 or 1111 with a grade of C or higher.Exploration of the historical and cultural development of mathematics between ~3000 B.C. and ~A.D. 1600. Mathematics topics to include the development of arithmetic, geometry (practical, deductive, and axiomatic), number theory, trigonometry, syncopated and symbolic algebra, probability and statistics.{PREREQUISITES CHANGED}