Written Communication Standards—Practice With the Guidelines

1. During 2010-11 many BCPS senior high school pupils took courses in English, Math, Science and Social Studies.

During 2010–2011 many BCPS’ high school students took courses in English, mathematics, science, and social studies.

XIV school year; X-D en dash with numbers; III-A apostrophe with possessive; XIV high school; XIV students/pupils; II-C course title; XIV mathematics; III-B-5 comma with series

2. Any teacher, that have not submitted their first quarter progress reports, should do so by 11:00 AM on Friday, October 8th, 2010 so that there will be sufficient time for the principals review prior to school wide distribution.

Any teacher who has not submitted first-quarter progress reports should do so by 11 a.m. on Friday, October 8, 2010, so that there will be sufficient time for the principal’s review prior to schoolwide distribution.

V subject-verb agreement; VI-D pronoun used with person; VI-A pronoun-antecedent agreement; X-B hyphen in compound adjective; III-B-5 no comma around essential phrase; VIII clock time; VII-A date number format; VII-B comma with dates; III-A apostrophe with possessive; X-A suffix

3. John Smith, Assistant Superintendent, organized a presentation for central area staff on the topic “Working with G/T students in grade 6 through 8th Grade”.

John Smith, assistant superintendent, organized a presentation for Central Area staff on the topic “Working With Gifted and Talented Students in Grades 6–8.”

II-G personal titles; II-E geographic directions; II-H capitalization in titles; XIV gifted and talented (GT); II-F grades; XV-E parallel structure; III-D-2 quotation marks around presentation title; III-C punctuation with quotation marks

4. All school based para-educators should check this weeks Weekly Bulletin for information on up-coming professional development. To excess the Weekly Bulletin, employees login to the intranet, using their BCPS email username and password.

All school-based paraeducators should check this week’s Weekly Bulletin for information on upcoming professional development. To access the Weekly Bulletin, employees log in to the Intranet, using their BCPS’ e-mail username and password.

X-B compound adjective; X-A prefix no hyphen (paraeducator); III-A apostrophe with possessive; X-A prefix no hyphen; use of dictionary or Gregg for often-confused spelling (excess vs. access); XIV log on (in); XI-B Intranet; III-A apostrophe with possessive; XI-C e-mail

5. The board of education will hold it’s next meeting on Tuesday, September 8th, 2010 from 6:00 PM-8:30 PM at the board-room.

The Board of Education will hold its next meeting on Tuesday, September 8, 2010, from 6–8:30 p.m. in the boardroom.

II-B board of education; use of Gregg or dictionary for commonly confused words (its versus it’s); VII-A date number format; VII-B commas with dates; VIII clock time; X-D en dash with numbers; use of dictionary for compound nouns

6. Our office did a step by step analysis of the Federal guidelines as well as State requirements for the system-wide initative. After the analysis was complete the staff developed an implementation plan.

Our office did a step-by-step analysis of the federal guidelines as well as the state requirements for the systemwide initiative. After the analysis was complete, the staff developed an implementation plan.

X-B compound adjectives; II-D capitalization of federal and state; X-A suffixes; III-B-4 comma after introductory clause; spelling (initiative)

7. Each of the grade level action teams were asked to send information for the website to the committee chairman and myself through inneroffice mail.

Each of the grade-level action teams was asked to send information for the Web site to the committee chairperson and me through interoffice mail.

VI-B indefinite pronouns; X-B compound adjective; V subject-verb agreement; VI-B indefinite pronoun (verb agreement with); II-I capitalization/2 words– Web; XV gender-specific term; VI-C reflexive pronoun; XIV interoffice

8. The new teacher has a Masters Degree in Education, and is certified to teach English and social studies. The Administation has decided to place her on the 6th grade Language Arts team but she will also teach 2 sections of world cultures.

The new teacher has a master’s degree in education and is certified to teach English and social studies. The administration has decided to place her on the sixth grade language arts team, but she will also teach two sections of World Cultures.

II-A academic degree; III-B-1 no comma with compound predicate; II-C course title; III-B comma in compound sentence; XII-A write out numbers ten and below; XII-C ordinal numbers; II-C course title

9. The Committee was established to

· Setting priorities for the 10-11 school year

· determine a schedule for task completion

· summary of accomplishments at the years end.

The committee was established to:

· Set priorities for the 2010–2011 school year.

· Determine a schedule for task completion.

· Summarize accomplishments at the year’s end.

IV bulleted lists; XV parallel structure; XIV school year; III-A apostrophe with possessives

10. The School Improvement Team looked at our schools’ data from the “Report On Results”. The team determined that it would be helpful to have a presentation at back to school night titled “How can I Help my Child with his Homework”?

The School Improvement Team looked at our school’s data from the Report on Results. The team determined that it would be helpful to have a presentation at Back-to-School Night titled “How Can I Help My Child With Homework?”

III-A apostrophe with possessive; II-H titles of documents; III-D-1 italics with document title; X-B compound adjective; III-D-2 quotation marks with title of presentation; III-C punctuation with quotation marks

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