R U Ready for the 2 NU R’s in Endodontics?

Presented by: John S Olmsted, DDS MS

March 19, 2010 in Lafayette, CO

PDA Educational Center

Dr. John Olmsted invites you to attend this one-day lecture/hands-on course being sponsored by SybronEndo.

Event Timeline:

8:00 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. Registration and Continental Breakfast

8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Morning Program Diagnostic and Rotary Instrumentation session with new Twisted File

12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. Lunch

1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Continuation of Program case selection and Obturation session with RealSeal

Materials to Bring to the course:

Attendees for the hands-on course are required to bring the following:

· Two or three multirooted teeth not mounted with straight line access cavities prepared.

Teeth must be patent to accommodate a #10 or #15 hand file

· Gloves

· Mask

· Loupes

All other supplies will be provided.

Course Description:

Root canal therapy requires a high level of technical skills. A correct diagnosis and a biological understanding of new materials and techniques to facilitate an environment that will consequently ensure a healthy apical periodontium will result in an extremely high probability of success and a great sense of achievement. You will be introduced to comprehensive diagnosis, new concepts with irrigation, continuing improvements with rotary files, and the new resin bonding 3D obturation material with all the properties of gutta-percha, but with superior sealing abilities as a root canal filling material. You will also learn of the new AAE case difficulty assessment form and other patient information pamphlets.

Course Objectives:

· List the 12 components of comprehensive diagnosis.

· Describe the principles and techniques of canal disinfection.

· Demonstrate the various steps of instrumentation with rotary files.

· Discover the new resin bonding 3D obturation techniques

· Understand the importance of coronal seal and appropriate restoration with bonding fiber posts.

Speaker’s Curriculum Vitae:

Dr. John S. Olmsted has been active in practice, teaching, lecturing, and professional dental organizations for the past 31 years. He is in a group endodontic practice with Dr. Dennis L. Torney, Dr. Hal W. Mohorn, Jr., Dr. Steven G. Mohorn, Dr. Ken Morgan, Jr., Dr. Matthew Baird, Dr. H. Wayne Mohorn, Sr. (emeritus), and Dr. Stuart B. Fountain (emeritus).

John received his D.D.S. Degree from the University of Iowa in 1975 and was awarded OKU. He earned his M.S. Degree from the University of North Carolina in 1977 and is currently a part-time Clinical Associate Professor in Endodontics at the University of North Carolina and the University of Iowa. He is certified by the American Board of Endodontics and obtained his Fellowship in the Academy of General Dentistry (FAGD) in 1984, Fellowship in the International College of Dentists (FICD) in 1989, Fellowship in the Pierre Fauchard Academy in 1993, and Fellowship in the American College of Dentists (FACD) in 1995. John is past President of the American Association of Endodontists, and past General Chairperson of the American Dental Association 2004 Orlando, FL Meeting.

Location Information: (There is no room block. Everyone is on their own for hotel reservations.)

PDA Educational Center

1408 Horizon Ave

Lafayette, CO 80026

Phone: 303.494.2118

Continuing Dental Education Credit

7 Continuing Dental Education Credits*

*Continuing education credits issued for participation in the CE activity may not apply toward license renewal in all states/provinces. It is the responsibility of each participant to verify the requirements of his/her state/provincial licensing board(s).

SybronEndo is an ADA CERP Recognized Provider

YES, enroll me in the seminar for March 19, 2010, in Lafayette, CO

Registration Fees: (Continental breakfast and lunch is provided. Space is Limited)

Doctor: $25

Name: (Please print clearly)

Preferred mailing address:

City, State, Zip Code:

Phone Number:

Fax Number:

E-mail Address:

(Confirmations will be sent thru e-mail)

□ YES, please put me on your e-mail address list.

How did you hear about the course: _________________________________________________________________

Are you the primary buyer for your practice: q Yes q No

Payment Method

Please charge my credit card: or Send Check payable to: “SybronEndo”

q Visa Attn.: Javier Gutierrez

q Master Card 1717 West Collins Ave

q American Express Orange, CA 92867

Phone: 800.346.3636 Ext 7456

Account # Expiration Date:

Name on Card:


Cancellation Policy: The $25 is non-refundable; however, transferable towards a future seminar.

Complete this form and fax to Attn.: Javier Gutierrez at 714.628.8503

For additional course listings log onto www.sybronendo.com

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