EXT : 37865/37883

Website :

Applicantsmust completethe information belowandtick (√)before forwarding. Please attach this checklist together with application documents:

Types of apoinments: SPB Degree SPB MSc SPB PhD

Application category: New Extension

Supporting Documents:

AppoinmentApplicationForm(withpassportsizecolor photograph)

Copy ofthe finaland recent semesterexamination results(certified by the Grade A OfficerorProject Leader)

Copy of Latest Certification SPM / STPM / Diploma / Marticulation /First Degree/Master (certified by the Grade A OfficerorProject Leader)

Letterfrom the applicantonacademicperformance

(for applicantswhoare takingSPBDegree appoinment)

Currentsemesterregistrationslip(for the first degree applicant'sand advanced degreeswho takestudy other than research)

Enrollment Offer letterfromSPS(forapplicants who are currentlytakinga Master/PhD)

Copy ofStudentMetrics Card

Financial Statement of the research project

Justification letter if appointment is backdated

Note:For extension ofan appointmentplease send an appointment application form, latest financial statementand Photocopy latest transkrip / result exam (certified by Officer gred A or Project Leader).

For Office Use:

AppoinmentApplicationForm(withpassportsizecolor photograph)

Vote No.

Appoinment Date (please checkthe date oftheprojectperiodand can notbackdated.Ifbackdated,theproject leaderasked to submitjustification)

Salary Level (pleasemake surethe salary scaleaccording to the scheduleattached)

V11000 Allocation (make surethere aredistributionsmade ​​forV11000and provisionsare adequate

AppoinmentApplicationForm(withpassportsizecolor photograph)has beensigned by projectleader and the Dean of Research Alliance (withstamp)

Letterfrom the applicantonacademicperformance

(for applicantswhoare takingSPBDegree appoinment)

Currentsemesterregistrationslip(for the first degree applicant'sand advanced degreeswho takestudy other than research)

All certificatehas been verified

Copy ofStudentMetrics Card

Financial Statement of the research project

Justification letter if appointment is backdated

Recepient Name: ...... Date......


RMCrecommendstheapplication submittedis complete andcomplies withall conditionsset forthefurther processingby theAppointmentsUnit.All theproblemsariseor if you wantto check,receiptslipsshould beused as a referencein order to facilitatereview oftheRMC

Recepient Name: ...... Date :......