HRT 382Name: ______

Shadow Instructions & Grading Guidelines

Instructor Signature: ______

From the HRT 382 syllabus:

You will need to wear full FOH /BOH uniform as appropriate. You may choose to shadow either in the dining room or the kitchen. If you are going to be a kitchen manager, your instructors recommend shadowing in the kitchen. If you are going to be a service manager, your instructors recommend that you shadow in the dining room. You will need to take the appropriate shadow handout (this form) when you work in the RKR to remind you of what you are to observe and for signature from one of the instructors. After your participation in the RKR for one FULL class period of HRT 383 lunch (section 1) or dinner (section 2), you will complete a two-page writing assignment reporting your observations and analysis of the department’s operations for that day or evening. You will attach this handout with the 383 instructor’s signature as the third page of the report. The report is due seven days after your shadow date (no late papers accepted).

  • Lunch shadowing can take place Tuesdays through Fridays, from 10/15 (revised) until 11/22

A full lunch class period means from 9:00 AM until 2:50 PM

  • Dinner shadowing can take place Thursdays through Saturdays, from 10/24 (revised) until 11/23

A full dinner class period means from 3:00 PM until 9:50 PM

For shadowing in the front of the house (FOH), your report should briefly reference each of the areas list below, at a minimum:

  1. Communication between managers and staff
  2. Reservation and telephone etiquette
  3. Dining room planning (layout and sections)
  4. Sequence of service
  5. Point of sale use
  6. Suggestive selling techniques
  7. Flow of seating and service
  8. Handling of guests complaints

For shadowing in the back of the house (BOH), your report should briefly reference each of the areas list below, at a minimum:

  1. Communication between managers and staff
  2. Production planning (master and individual information)
  3. Station set-up
  4. Equipment safety and sanitation
  5. “Clean as you go” procedures
  6. Communication between expeditor and line cooks
  7. Station breakdown
  8. Handling of waste

These are the questions used to grade your report.

  1. Does the paper have an opening statement (day, date, meal period and service style(s) utilized)? (10%) _____
  2. Are all eight topics addressed briefly in the report? (10% each = 80%) _____
  3. Does the paper have a conclusion (a summary of the experience)? (10%) ______
  4. Does the paper have any typographical errors? _____
  5. Does the paper have any errors in sentence structure? _____

Grade: _____

Your paper should be a maximum of two pages (not including this form), it must be double-spaced, 12-point font, and typed in a professional font. Grammar counts, so please have someone proofread your document. If you transmit your document to your instructor via email, it must be as an attachment. This form, signed by an HRT 383 instructor, must also get to the HRT 382 instructor within seven days of the shadowing experience.