Keyword Activities
! Keywords Brainstorm
In small groups get students to brainstorm all the words they can think of that relate to the topic that you have given them
· Students check their words off against a checklist or
· Students mark another groups work and add to their work any words that they had before handing back, they highlight/circle any new words – for homework they are to investigate any unknown words
· Students have to explain how words are involved in the sport within their group
· Can group words into rules/equipment/players etc
· Can find words that relate to other sports (common words)
! Vocabulary Jumble. (From ‘Building Blocks’ – Helen Nicholls)
Type 20-30 key words from the overall topic onto an OHT. Give students the purpose and instructions orally and in written form.
This activity will help you to:
· Check that you know the sound, spelling and meaning of some key words for this topic
· Use the key word list to predict what the text or topic will be about
Student Instructions
1. (While the Vocab Jumble OHT is on)
Fold your arms and study the words on the OHT for TWO minutes. Try to remember all the words on List One so that you will be able to write them down later with correct spelling. Do the same for the Level Two words if you have time.
2. (After 2 minutes the Vocab Jumble OHT will be turned off)
Now write down as many words as you can, trying hard to spell
them all correctly. Put a tick next to each of the words you are confident that you know the meaning and spelling of.
3. (With Vocab Jumble OHT back on)
Check all your words. Add any words that you missed and correct any spelling errors.
· Add at least ten more words that you think will be included in the text or topic
Give a list of words. Students classify them into groups. The groups can be specified by the teacher, or created by the student.
! Venn Diagram
Give the students 3 topics to write as many keywords in each circle in the given time. The sections in the middle will be used to write words that are used across sports
! Vocabulary Snowball (From ‘Building Blocks’ – Helen Nicholls)
You will need a rolled up ball of paper or a koosh ball for this activity.
Instead of throwing a ball, place students in teams and run as a competition – every member of the team must have a turn at contributing a word.
To help students predict what words might be in a topic, or to help revise key words .
1. Name the topic to the students e.g. ‘Olympic Games Disciplines/ Events’
2. Appoint one recorder to write down each words as they are said.
3. Students stand in a circle. Teacher (or student) stands in middle and throws ball to a student.
4. Student says one word associated with the topic which the recorder writes down. [e.g. Shotput]
5. Student throws ball back to teacher etc.
Students then come up with 3 or 4 categories and organise the words they’ve written down. [Track, Field, Aquatic, Needs equipment, uses mainly legs etc]
N Hemara & J Rowe PENZ 2008