WURHA 2014
Call to order –9:01 PM
Roll Call – 9:02
FD 2014 Update – 9:06
- April 25-26 @ Stout
- Registration open til March 7; late registration to March 14
- Ghost registration: need gender by March 23 @ midnight
Legislation – 9:12
- MMA so moved – WW whil
- Stout WCC seconded
- Platville WHIL moved to waive reading
- 2nd by Carthage WHIL
- Carthage calls question
- No objection
- 15-0-0 Passed
- Green Bay WCC brought to the floor Carthage seconded
- Green Bay WHIL CC called the question
- Marquette called Dissent
- Green Bay withdrew original motion
- Marquette moved to end Q&A
- Oshkosh WHIL seconded
- Marquete WCC
- Milwaukee WCC- What happens when the positions are not filled
- UW Green Bay WCC called the question
- 15-0-0 Passed
- PlattevilleWHIL so moved,
- Stevens Point WCC seconded
- Whitewater WCC moved to end Q&A, Carthage WCCseconded
- Carthage WCC called the question
- 15-0-0 Passed
- Stout WHIL so moved, Marquette WHIL seconded
- Stout WCC moved to end Q&A, Oshkosh WCC seconded
- Carthage WCC called the question
- 15-0-0 Passed
- Oshkosh WCC so moved, Carthage WHIL seconded
- Green Bay WHIL moved to waive the reading, Green Bay WCC seconded
- Alverno: what is the school doesn’t attend BLT?
- They affiliate at WURHA
- River Falls WCC moved to end Q&A, Milwaukee WCC seconded
- Oshkosh moved to end discussion, Green Bay WCC seconded
- 14-1-0 Passed
- Marquette moved to end Q&A, Stout WCC seconds
- Milwaukee WCC moves to end discussion,Green Bay WCC seconds
- 15-0-0 Passed
- Oshkosh WHIL so moved, Stout WHIL seconded
- River Falls WCC moved to waive the reading, Stout WCC seconded
- Green Bay WCC moves to end Q&A, Carthage WCC seconds
- Oshkosh WCC fe els original stating is good because it gives other students besidesWCCs a chance to get recognized
- Marquette isin favor because it gives chance for full year CCs to be recognized
- Carthage WCC secondswhat Marquette said
- Whitewater WHIL agrees with Oshkoshbut open to everyone but CCs can be nominated
- Oshkoshsays there will be a decrease in non WCC bidders
- Marquette calls the question
- 14-1-0 Passed
- Green Bay WHIL so moved, Stevens Point WCC seconded
- Platteville WHIL moved to waive the reading, Stevens Point WCC seconded
- Carthage WCC moved to end Q&A, River Falls seconded
- Whitewater WCC called the question
- 12-1-1, passed
Boardroom buddies explanation – 9:37
Move to recess until 9:30 AM
Whitewater WCC so moved, Lacrosse WCC seconded
Call to order –9:34 AM
Roll Call – 9:34
Position updates – 9:40
- President – transition stuff, filled all positions
- VP – AAFW, affiliation, new schools committee
- WHIL – OTMs streamlined, OTMs handed out!
- MCC – website and social media up to date, create new flashdrive, Facewbook page is new make sure stay up
- Parliamentarian – he’s new, transition materials, placards
- Advisor – fired/quit (debatable), “makin’ it rain WURHA bucks,” send money to Eau Claire for NACURH, prep for WURHA, transitioning to Kathryn
- Advisor-E – working with D-ship, figuring out what to do for next year!
D-Ship roundtable – 9:51
POY – 9:52
- Marquette: Igniting Hope
- Q&A
- Whitewater – how turnout compared to previous years:
- Consistent with last year; grown in past 5 years
- Stevens Point – biggest challenge with taking program for so long?
- Working with president’s office, first year working with them, scheduling a speaker; publicity
- Stout – what would you do diff?
- Working with president’s office earlier and getting space/time/date finalized sooner; more time for publicity; brainstorming, finalize “mini-theme” beneath it
- Carthage – what did students learn/gain?
- Aspect of what CHristmas spirit is; what it means to give; what CHristmas season is about; understand how grateful we should be in life/how privileged we are; giving things to other people
- Oshkosh – inclusive to those who aren’t Christian?
- Jesuit/catholic mission is to be inclusive to all; all holidays celebrated in Dec; open to everyone; igniting hope, “lighting your candle” doesn’t have to be non-secular
- Green Bay – moved to end Q&A, Lacrosse WCC seconded
- UWM: Sex Week
- Q&A
- Stevens Point – hardest part about program that students don’t wanna talk about
- A lot of interest cause controversy, publicity “I am sex panther” encourage to come, environ to be at ease, didn’t have to talk about it, “real adult” source, more respect
- Whitewater – LGBT headquarters about info, how work with different sexualities?
- Sex in dark had any questions could be asked, good vibes lady talked about all sexualities and toys and protection can use, different pamphlets handed out about different resources
- Alverno – attendance?
- 250 at large events (max), smaller events had 50ish
- Carthage – overview of budget
- in bid; $2k on shirts, decorations for $500
- Stevens Point – do again, what change?
- More specified LGBTQ event, more leadership in event, spread across larger campus to increase collaborations, awareness of resources
- Concordia moved to end Q&A, River Falls WHIL seconded
- Discussion
- Oshkosh – UWM program was very inclusive, reached more students and larger reach of students; Marquette might be taken wrong way by stud
- Stevens Point – Marquette gave back to community, was not trying to force religion
- Whitewater – vast differencesb/t programs, pro Marquette cause community outreach
- Con- UWM program: religious schools can’t adapt; do not support
- River Falls – UWM had variety
- Carthage – UWM good, variety of programs to include all different students
- Oshkosh – UWM worked better for us than Marquette cause of religion; Marquette focused on community right now, UWM focuses more on greater good
- Green Bay WCC called the question
- Vote: two times unsuccessful; Carthagemoved to reopen disc, Stevens Point seconded
- More discussion:
- Viterbo – Marquette did great job of incorporating school values
- Whitewater – UWM had bigger outreach and impacted more students
- Eau Claire – UWM reach more student and more inclusive
- Platteville- UWM reached lots in community
- Stout – UWM could be uninclusive cause of personal beliefs
- Whitewater – igniting hope is good, UWM has bigger reach
- Concordia – community philanthropy is better at Marquette
- Cathage – UWM was a great and successful program even though Carthage could never put it on
- Whitewater–UWM gives back with info pamphlets
- Oshkosh – UWM gave info that is invaluable
- Concordia – UWM could inspire people to not have sex
- Green Bay – philanthropy is big deal with UWM, working with many orgs/offices good
- Stout – no way to measure if STDs happen or if toys break
- Whitewater – moved to end Q&A, Green Bay WHIL seconded
- Vote: successful
Large School OTY – 10:56
- Q&A
- Stevens Point – why do you deserve it?
- Campus wide and res halls; changes in res halls; split from 3 councils to 6, lots of active membership and leadership; sustainable composting an recycling; campus wide lots of building since, first year as stable organization and consistent leadership opportunities and initiatives
- Whitewater–one area you should improve?
- Want to do parli pro to lessen confusion, more efficient overall in halls; required to live on campus now so retention in orgs and on campus
- Green Bay moved to end Q&A, Stout seconded
- Discussion
- Stevens Point – they deserve SOTY
- Marquette – many different opportunities for inclusivity
- Whitewater – page on LGBT inclusivity; 4.5/5 on LGBT inclusivity
- Whitewater – moved to end discussion, Concordia seconded
- Vote: successful!
Entertain motion to recess for 5 min – 11:08
- Carthage so moved, Platteville seconded
Roll Call WCC – 11:15
RHO Building Block – 11:19
- Platteville
- Q&A
- UWM – why do you deserve this award?
- Getting name out there, people recognize what we’re doing
- Marquette- other programs or events?
- Money to res halls to do own programs, earth day event, blood drive (largest in Midwest), finals kits
- UWM moved to end Q&A, Lacrosse seconded
- SP
- Q&A
- Marquette – elaborate on feedback from residents?
- Probably with feedback, weren’t getting actual responses, execs went to halls and LT meetings, asking random people about halls and policies and programs
- Concordia – new exec board, how know position? Transition?
- Transition weren’t that great or incomplete, went through constitution and changed positions and tried new things, support each other
- Green Bay moved to end Q&A, Marquette seconded
- Discussion
- Whitewater – Platteville does good job, Stevens Point everything did was for residents
- Milwaukee – both did wonderful job with bids, both had strong advertising campaigns, Stevens Point had more to offer for building block
- Green Bay – great bid and presentations, Stevens Point show how they’ve grown and overcome
- Marquette – Stevens Point had alcohol programs and other programs
- Eau Claire – Stevens Point had more programs and campus wide events, connections with NRHH
- Green Bay called the question
- Vote: successful!!!!
WURHA 2015 discussion – 11:59
- Bids due before FD, voting at FD
- Thoughts on next year’s conference?
- Plat has discussed hosting: getting a board together
- Stevens Point has discussed hosting
- River Falls has interest in talking to advisors: getting board together
- Oshkosh has discussed interest
- Tips:
- Tap into people who are already invested, previous delegates for committee chairs
- Organizations that do service/Greek Life for volunteers; service hours
- Seek out people for specific chairs instead of having them pick
- Committee advisors can double up and be conference advisors
- Can also do OPE and host
- Benefits to hosting!!! No travel!!
D-ship roundtable and POSITIONS!!! – 12:10
How boardroom went – 12:12
- Doesn’t matter size of school, we still want to hear from you!
- More questions asked not all from same schools
- Saying that people put in a lot of effort for bids
- Respect in boardroom is great
- Have boardroom buddies figured out earlier
- Dship did good job (thanks)
- Boardroom buddies would also like school indicated
- Respect for presenters
- Service pin stuff due earlier
- Efficient – yielding
- Helpful info given today
- Boardroom lingo at all conferences – survival guide to boardroom
- Different set up
- More schools bringing up legislation and updating constitution
- MORE BIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Legislation
- Look at how bids can happen in constitution
- How to present/what to present on
- Bid guide
CC Picture!! – 12:25
Motion to close boardroom to FD – 12:26
Stout WHIL so moved, Viterbo seconded